Wordless Wednesday: Scheetz Family Farm Photos and Prints from the Library of Congress

Scheetz Farm in Fort Washington

The Scheetz family farm in Fort Washington

On 12 May 1786, Elizabeth Hocker, daughter of Johann Georg and Anna Margaretha Hacker, married General Henry Scheetz, son of Henry and Catharine Scheetz. Henry Scheetz served in the Revolutionary War (hence the title of General). He was in charge of a county brigade during the Fries Rebellion in 1798, but when the brigade arrived on site, the rebellion had already subsided. He later served in many prominent positions in local business and government.

His father inherited this property from his father—another Henry Scheetz. The family built a paper mill on Sandy Run in 1769 and later added a grist-mill. According to the Library of Congress, the “Scheetz family were prominent farmers, paper millers, public officials, and military veterans. The property achieved local prominence as the site of Scheetz paper mill, built in 1769 and destroyed in 1929.”

This image and others—including some of the house, barn, poultry shed, and garage—can be found on the Library of Congress’ website at “Scheetz Farm, 7161 Camp Hill Road, Fort Washington, Montgomery County, PA” and associated pages. Take a look and see what you can find for your family.

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, "Wordless Wednesday: Scheetz Family Farm Photos and Prints from the Library of Congress," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 14 Dec 2016 (https://www.krishocker.com/wordless-wednesday-scheetz-family-farm/ : accessed 22 Dec 2024).

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