Wordless Wednesday: Robert Askey Children?

Askey children?

Possibly children of Robert Alexander Askey and Wilhelmina Force?

This photo was among the photos from the Hoover family photos from Pine Glen, Burnside Township, Centre County, Pennsylvania. When I asked my grandmother, she said she thought it was of the Askey kids. Presumably she was talking about her great aunt and uncle, Robert Alexander and Wilhelmina (Force) Askey, who lived just down the road from her grandparents, Samuel Thomas and Victoria (Walker) Hoover.

Robert Alexander Askey (1853-1950) and Wilhelmina Force (1857-1921) had 12 children, 10 of whom were living in 1910. I have the names of only 10:

  1. Dora Askey
  2. Jefferson B. Askey
  3. Jean Askey
  4. Bessie M. Askey
  5. James Rudolph Askey
  6. Iva M. Askey
  7. Florence Ruth Askey
  8. Elizabeth Sarah Askey
  9. Rhoda E. Askey
  10. Robert Sherman Askey

If you know—or can guess—at the identities of those in the photo, please leave a comment or drop me a line. Thanks!



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, "Wordless Wednesday: Robert Askey Children?," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 17 Nov 2012 (https://www.krishocker.com/wordless-wednesday-robert-askey-children/ : accessed 22 Jan 2025).

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