Wordless Wednesday: John Hocker, Whitemarsh, 1785 Tax List

John Hocker in Whitemarsh Township Tax List

John Hocker’s entry in the 1785 tax list of Whitemarsh Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He was a farmer with 4 horses and 2 cows. No land is explicitly included with his listing, however, you’ll notice Widow Mason’s entry is just after his with “And for” as part of the listing? John Hocker married Elizabeth Mason, daughter of Christopher and Ann (Baker) Mason of Whitemarsh Township. John was likely farming part of the Mason family property and was taxed on those 232 acres.

John Hocker, son of Johan George and Anna Margaretha (Weidman) Hacker, was born 11 Jan 1760 in Cocalico Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He died 26 Sep 1798 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.

This image was taken from a microfilm projection.

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, "Wordless Wednesday: John Hocker, Whitemarsh, 1785 Tax List," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 9 Sep 2012 (https://www.krishocker.com/wordless-wednesday-john-hocker-whitemarsh-1785-tax-list/ : accessed 22 Feb 2025).

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