Wordless Wednesday: Henry & Saraphine (Witmer) Snyder

Henry & Saraphine (Witmer) Snyder

A photo of Henry D. and Saraphine K. (Witmer) Snyder, possibly taken in front of the Greulich home in Landsdale, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, circa 1912. The Snyders owned and lived on a farm on School House Road just outside East Greenville, Pennsylvania near the New Goshenhoppen Church.

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, "Wordless Wednesday: Henry & Saraphine (Witmer) Snyder," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 9 Mar 2013 (https://www.krishocker.com/wordless-wednesday-henry-saraphine-witmer-snyder/ : accessed 22 Dec 2024).

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