Witmer Family, ca 1911

It’s amazing what you find when you go looking. I was rescanning some photos that are already on the site at a higher resolution to send to a cousin and came across this photo.

Witmer Family circa 1911

Witmer Family circa 1911

It features the following family members: (seated) Henry and Saraphine (Witmer) Snyder, Lillian (Snyder) and Russ Greulich, Lydia (Kline) and Edward Witmer; (standing) Gertrude Witmer, Horace and Mary (Breish) Witmer. I don’t know who the two girls are or the woman and teenager behind and to their left (our right). But it does clear up a question I had about the following photos:

Russ Greulich

Russ Greulich 1911

Witmer Great Grandchildren 1911

Witmer Grandchildren circa 1911

I’ve always wondered who these children were and how they fit into the family. Now I know that the infant in the middle is my grandfather Russ Greulich. I still don’t know who the two girls are, though. Do you?

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, "Witmer Family, ca 1911," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 14 Mar 2011 (https://www.krishocker.com/witmer-family-ca-1911/ : accessed 28 Mar 2025).

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