Will: John Huber (1792)

John Huber of Cocalico Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania wrote his will 6 Oct 1792; it was proven 15 Dec 1792. He named his friends Henry Hershberger and John Bechtol his executors and named his wife Susanna and his children John, Jacob, Anna and Susanna as his heirs.1 This is a transcription of his last will and testament.


John Huber, deceased

In the Name of God Amen
I Huber of Cocalico Township in the County of Lancaster and State of Penn
sylvania Yoman being sick and weak in Body by of perfect sound
Mind Memory and Understanding thanks be to God therefor having

taken into consideration the mortality of mankind have thought pro
per to publish this my last Will and Testament in Manner and form
following that is to say Principally and first of all I Recommend my
immortal Soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it to be in
mercy received through the merits of my Redeemer Jesus Christ and my
Body I give unto the earth to be buried in a Christian and decent
manner at the discretion of my herein after named Executors and as tou
ching those Worldly estates wherewith it has pleased God to Bless me with
in this life, after my Just debts & funeral expences [sic] shall be paid I give
devise and bequeath in manner & form following that is to say Impromis
I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Susanna Huber all
and singular my Messuage or Tenement Plantation Pieces of Tracts of
Land Together with all and singular the Goods Household Stuff Im
plements and furniture of what kind or nature soever to be held
possessed and enjoyed by my said wife and children until my eldest
son John Huber arrives to the age of one and twenty years if she remains
a widow and names her After my name and then my said Messuage
or Tenement Plantation Pieces or Tracts of Land shall be valued & appraised
by four Arbitrators indifferently chosen between my executors herein after
named and shal [sic] sell all my personal estate by public sale and my
said beloved wife Susanna shall have the third share of both Real
and Personal estate (if she remains a widow as aforesaid) and my
said son John shall have the said Messuage or Tenement Planta
tion Pieces or Tracts of Land for said valued  price and my executors
shall have ful [sic] power and authority to grant him a Deed for
the same and to fix for him the terms of payment I order that the
said Valued sum and of the Personal estate shall be distributed to and
among all my heirs share and share alike after my said beloved
wife Susanna have Received her share as aforesaid Yet nevertheless
that he my said son John Huber with his other Brother and Sisters shall
have and inherit out and from said state on equal full share
and dividend with the other of my Children viz: Jacob Huber,
Anna Huber and Susannah Huber Item It is my will in case my said
beloved wife Susanna Huber should get an inclination for a other place
at any time or times after my decease I allow her to bury me

wherever she shall seem meet (to have and to hold the same until my
said son John shall arrive to the age of one and twenty years then and
in that case I allow and it is my will that my executors shall have
full Power and authority to sell me whole estate both real and Perso
nal by Public sale for the best prices they can get and give such Deed
or Deeds Conveyances as by the Buyer or Buyers shall be lawfully
required and to give part thereof unto my said beloved wife for the
Purchase of her [intended?] place and the Remainder there to put
upon Interest until my said son John Huber shall arrive to his age
aforesaid and then the same shall be sold again by my executors
aforesaid and Divided as aforesaid Further it is my Will that if my
said beloved wife Susanna Huber should marry again then and in
that case my executors shall sell my whole estate in manner and form
as aforesaid and my said wife shall have no more but her third
According to law Further I do enjoyn [sic] my executors to give my said
Children good scholing [sic] and to put my said two sons John & Jacob
too [sic] trade and lastly I nominate ordain and appoint my beloving [sic] friend
Henry Heshberger and John Beikdol executors of this my last Will and
Testament hereby revoking making null and void all former Wills
by me made Ratifying and allowing this an no other to be my last
Will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set me hand
& Seal the sixth day of October in year of our Lord one thousand seven
hundred and ninety two
John Huber (seal)

Signed Sealed publish
ed declared and pronounced by said John Huber his last Will and Testa
ment in the presence of us the Subscribers who in the presence and at the
request of said Testator and in presence of each other signed our names Mi
chael Young George Heft Lancaster County [Ssr?] On the fifteenth day
of December Anno Domini 1792 Before me the Subscriber personally appear
ed Michael Young and George Heft the two subscribing witnesses to the with
in Instrument in writing and upon their Solemn affirmation according to
Law did declare and say that they were present and saw and heard John
Huber the Testator therein named Sign Seal publish pronounce and declare
and declare the said writing as and for his last Will and Testament and that
at the time of doing thereof he was of sound and well disposing Mind
Memory and Understanding to the best of their Knowledge Observation and belief
Be it Remembered that on the fifteenth day of December Ann Domini 1792
the last Will and Testament of John Huber late of Cocalico Township Yeoman
deceased was proved in due form of Law and Letters Testamentary thereon
were granted to Henry Hersberger and John Bechtol the executors therein na
med they having first been duly qualified well and truly to administer
the estate of the said deceased and especially to exhibit a true and perfect
Inventory thereof into the Registers Office at Lancaster within one month from
this Date and render a just and true Account of their Administration on
said estate within one year or when thereto lawfully required Given under
the Seal of said Office                           G. Ross Register

Examined & recorded  G.Ross Register


  1. John Huber will (1792), Lancaster County Will Book F:407-409, Pennsylvania State Archives, records group 47, roll 2354

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, "Will: John Huber (1792)," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 17 Sep 2010 (https://www.krishocker.com/will-john-huber-1792/ : accessed 23 Feb 2025).

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