Will: Jacob Hoover (1801)

Jacob Hoover of Woodberry Township, Bedford County, Pennsylvania wrote his last will & testament on 10 Nov 1800.1 It was proved 2 Mar 1801. Here’s a transcription:

In the name of God Amen I Jacob Hoover of Wood
berry Township Bedford County & State of Pennsylvania being weak
of Body but of Sound Mind and Memory and Understanding blessed be God
for the same Do make and Publish this my Last will & Testament in man
ner and form Following to wit [?] , and first of all I Commend
my Immortal Soul into the hand of Good [sic] who gave it, and my body to the
Earth to be Buried in a Christian like manner at the Discretion of my
Executors herein after Named and as to Such wordly [sic] Estate wherewith it hath
Blessed God to bless me in this Life I give and Dispose of the same in the
following Manner to wit I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Anna Hoover
her heirs or assigns the sum of one hundred and Twenty seven pounds Lawful money
of Pennsylvania which money she has Securities for in her own name I also give
unto her heirs or assigns the further sum of five pounds three shilligs [sic] and nine
pence to be paid out to her out of my property at my Decease I also give and bequeath
unto her her heirs or assigns all my household Goods and Movable Effects (Except
what money I have either in hand or otherwise belonging to me) I also give
unto her the whole Use Possession and benefit of the Plantation I now live on with
all the Appurtenances I now live on with all the appurtenances [sic] thereunto belong
ing During the full term of her Natural Life And at her Decease to be [?] or
sold and added to the rest of my Estate and Divided as is herein after Directed
I also give and bequeath unto my son Henry Hoover that Just Sum of four shillings
Good and Lawful money of Pennsylvania and as to all the Rest Residue and
Remainder of my estate of what Kind and Nature so ever I allow to be Divided
into Ten Equal parts or shares; And I Do hereby give and bequeath to my
Martin Hoover one full share I also Give and bequeath to my son John
Hoover one full share I also Give and bequeath to my Daughter Anne
Houser one full share I also give and bequeath to my son Christopher
Hoover one full share I also Give and bequeath to my Daughter Barba
ra Rice one full share I also give and bequeath to my Daughter Frena [Hoover]
one full share I also give and bequeath to my Daughter Madlina Rorah one
full share I also give & bequeath to my son Peter Hoover one full share
except [twenty] five pounds which is to be reduced out of his share I also
give and bequeath to my son Abraham Hoover one full share Except twe[n]
ty five pounds which is to be reduced out of his share I also give & be
queath unto my two grandsons Christophel and Andrew Hoover [?]
of my [?] [son] Henry Hoover one full share Except Twenty five
pounds which is to be reduced from their share And the sum of [?] five Pounds [?]
is to be reduced out of the [?] Last mentioned share I give  & bequeath unto my [son]
Jacob Hoover with what he has before Received which is to be all his part and
the share which I bequeath to my two grand sons Christophel and Andrew Hoover
I allow to be equally Divided between them Each to have an Equal part thereof
And Lastly I nominate, Constitute  Ordain and Appoint my two Trusty son
in-laws Martin Houser of Woodberry Township Bedford County & State of Pennsyl
vania & Jacob Rice of Washington County and state of Maryland to be the [sole
Executors of this my Last Will & Testament And I do hereby utterly Disallow
Revoke and Disannul all and every other former Testaments Wills Legacies and be
quests by me in any way named and bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming
this and no Other to be my Last Will and Testament In Witness where
of I have hereunto set me hand and seal the tenth day of December in the year
of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred Jacob Huber (seal)

Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the
above named Jacob Hoover to be his Last
Will and Testament in the presence of us
who have hereunto subscribed our names
as Witness in the Presence of the Testator~

We the Witnesses Do hereby Certify that
the words (her heirs or assigns) above lines [?]
fifteen and seventee was wrote and Interlined be
fore the Testator Signed his name thereunto
Jacob [Shoenfeld] [in German]
Peter his X mark Bower


  1. Jacob Hoover will (1801), Bedford County Will Book A:152

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, "Will: Jacob Hoover (1801)," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 1 Jul 2011 (https://www.krishocker.com/will-jacob-hoover-1801/ : accessed 31 Mar 2025).

Content copyright © 2011 Kris Hocker. Please do not copy without prior permission, attribution, and link back to this page.

One Reply to “Will: Jacob Hoover (1801)”

  1. Look in Ohio. From my grandfathers family tree as i remember the hoovers and huber’s are related. As far as the hoover look at Presidents Hoovers past.

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