Will: Jacob Hoober (1788)

Jacob Hoober (aka Huber) wrote is will on 13 Mar 1788; it was proven on 9 Jun 1788. His executors were his brother John Huber and his brother-in-law Jacob Hoober. He names his wife Barbara and six children: eldest son Henry, daughter Barbara, sons Jacob, Christian and John, and youngest son Martin.1

“In the Name of God Amen
I Jacob Hoober Senior of Martick township Lancaster County
and State of Pennsylvania Being Weak in Body but of
Sound and Perfect mind & memory Blessed by God this
Day Do make & publish this my last will & testament in manner
following That is to say I wil that all my just Debts and funeral
Charges be paid & Satisfied as soon as conveniently can be after my
Decease or Death Item it is my will that my beloved wife Barbara
shall & may Enjoy the Benefit of my Plantation until my young-
est son Martin is sixteen years old and likewise it is my will that
my said wife is to have three horses or mares and five head of horned
cattle her choice in my stock and sheep, hoggs Plough & Horse
wagon gears for horses & other farming utensils & household fur-
niture and my wearing apparel what my said wife & my hereafter
nominated Executors shall think necessary which said goods &
chattles my said wife is to enjoy until my youngest son Martin
is sixteen years old as aforesaid and the Remainder of my personal
estate is to be sold by my Hereafter nominated Exrs by way of
publick sale after my death as soon as conveniently and out of the
Money arising thereby & out of my outstanding money it is my will
that my said wife shall have the sum of Thirty seven pounds
ten shillings in Gold or Silver as soon as the Money may be collected
out of which said Money my said wife is to give unto my daughter
Barbara One Good Bed & Bed sted, Spinning wheel & kitchen
furniture as she my said wife shall see cause and I will that
my Eldest son Henry shall have the sum of fifty pounds
in lawful Money in Gold or Silver to be paid unto him by my
Exrs in nine months after my death and in one year after the
payment of Henrys Money my son Jacob is to have the sum of
twenty-five pounds of like lawfull Money as aforesaid to be paid
unto him by my hereafter nominated Exrs And it is my will
that my Daughter Barbara shall have one new Chest & one
Milch cow out of the above mentioned cattle which I allow
to be kept on my Plantation untill my youngest son is six-
teen years old and it is further my will that my two sons
Christian & John shall be firmly bound unto my said wife
to obey her in all lawfull commands if she remains my Widow
until the [sic] are Eighteen years ould [sic] & it is further my Will that
as soon as my youngest Son Martin is Sixteen years ould [sic] the
all my Estate both Real & Personal Shall be sold by my here-
after nominted Exrs by publick sale unto the highest bidder
except what I shall hereafter mention to be given unto my
said wife viz one bed & furniture one Milck cow one horse
or Mare her choice out of the three which is left on the Plan-
tation her sadle [sic] & bridle and Household & Kitchen [?]
furniture what my said wife & my said Exrs shall thinck [sic]
necessary for her station and likewise the sim of seventy
five pounds of lawfull Money in Gold or Silver to be [?]
by my hereafter nominated Exrs as soon as the money can be raise
out of the last sale of my Estate and the before and above mentioned
personal Esate in full and in lease she y said wife should not
remain my Widow then in such a case I order and will that
[she] shall pay the sum of Fifty Pounds of like lawfull Money as above
said into my Exrs or children again out of the Seventy five pounds
Bequeathed heretofore unto her my said wife and it further is
my will that my said wife shall have the Intrest [sic] of the one third
part of the Money which will be raised out of my Real Estate while
she remains my Widow & no longer and She my said Wife is to have a
piece of land lying between my Meadow and Samuel Winters
land containing about twenty acres by the same more of less
on which land my Exrs is to build a house for her Before my son
Martin is sixteen years old which said House & the benefit of
twenty acres of Land she my said wife is to have During her
Natural life & after to fall to my six children or their Heirs, and
it is my will further that the Money arising out of the Estate
Both Real & Personal Including the Money which shall be
paid unto my Eldest Children, Shall and is to be Divided
among and between my six children Equaly [sic] share and
share alike only that Excepted which I have above and before
Bequeathed unto my wife Barbara condition as aboe and
before mentioned it is further my will that my Real Estate
shall be sold in Different Payments and out of the Money of
the first payments my eldest Children is to have their part
and portion first and so on as the [sic] came to be twenty-one
years ould, and I Do hereby Appoint & Nominate my trusty
& Beloved Brother John Hoober & my Brother in law Jacob
Hoober to be the Executors of this my Last Will & Testament
Impowering [sic] them or their Survivors to Grant & Execute Good
Deeds or Titles unto the purchaser or purchasers of my Real Estate
and hereby revoking all former Wills Bequeaths and Executors by
me made or apointed [sic] Ratifying & Conforming this and no other
to be my las Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand & Seal this Thirteenth Day of March
in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
Eighty eight

Jacob Huber (in german script)

Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the Testator as
his last Will and Testament in the presence of us.
John Huber, Christian [Echtenach?], John Hart

Lancaster County[?] On the ninth Day of June Anno Domini 1788 Before
me the subscribers personally appears John Huber, Christian [Echte
nach] and John Hart the three Subscribing witnesses to the above
foregoing instrument of writing and on the Solemn Affirmation
Respectively did declare and Say that they were present and saw
and heared [sic] Jacob Hoober the Testator therein named, Sign, Seal
publish pronounce and declare the said writing as and for [his]
last will and testament and that at the doing thereof he was [of]
sound and well disposing mind memory and understanding
to the best of their Knowledge, Observation and Belief. James Jacks Esq.

Be it Remembered that on the ninth day of June Anno Domini
1788 the last will and testament of Jacob Hoober late of Martick town
ship deceased, was proved in due form of law and letters Testamen
tary thereon were granted to John Hoober and Jacob Hoober
the Executors therein named they having first been duly
Qualified well and truly to Administer the Estate of the said de-
ceased and Especially to Exhibit a true and perfect Inventory
thereof into the Register’s Office at Lancaster within one Month
from this date and to Record a just and true Account
of their Administration on said Estate or where therewith
lawfully required Given under the Seal of said Office

Recorded & Examined by James Jacks Regstr”


  1. Jacob Hoober will (1788), Lancaster County Will Book F:23, Pennsylvania State Archives, records group 47, roll 2354

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, "Will: Jacob Hoober (1788)," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 30 Apr 2011 (https://www.krishocker.com/will-jacob-hoober-1788/ : accessed 22 Feb 2025).

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