Will: Henry Huber (1757)

Henry Huber of Martic Township wrote his will on 7 Aug 1757; it was proven on 17 Jan 1758. In it he names his son John and daughter Elizabeth, wife of John Bayer (Boyers). His executors were his friends Martin Bear and Henry Huber. Below is a transcription of this will. 1
In the name of God Amen I Henry Huber of Martick [sic]
Township in Lancaster County & Province of Pennsylvania Yeoman
being in Health of Body & of sound & disposing mind & memory
& considering of many Accidents & Casualties of attend & will at last
end this Mortal Live Do make & declare this my last Will & Testament
First & Principally Recommending my Imortal [sic] Spirit into ye Hands
of my great Creator Trusting in ye Merits of my Blessed Saviour Jesus
Christ for Pardon & Remission of all my Sins & happy admission
into ye Regions of Immortal Bliss Item I order & direct [?] all
my just Debts & Funeral Charges & Expenses be paid & discharged
as soon as it can be Conveniently done after my decease by my my [sic]
Executors herein mentioned ——— Item I Give & Bequeath
unto my beloved son John Huber the Half of my Real & Personal
Estate of Lands Money & Goods to him for ever & ye other half unto
my Daughter Elizabeth Bayers she to have ye same [?] [?]
the aforesaid John Huber her brother & ye said Elizabeth Bayers
Equally & Impartially the Plantation & Improvement excepted
wch [sic] is valued at £450 Currency Conditionally that is to say that
ye said John Huber shall pay unto ye said Elizabeth his sister
ye half of ye value of said Plantation wch is my desire that my faithful
Executor will see ye same done & performed according to my desire share &
share alike ——— And I do nominate and appoint my Loving
Friends Martin Bear & Henry Huber executors of this my last Will &
Testament disallowing & making Null & Void all former & other Wills &
Testaments by me at any time heretofore made of Executed declaring
this & no other to be & Contain my last will & Testament ——— N’B ye
value of ye above plantation is valued at £450 Currency wch is interlined above
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand N Seal this twenty
seventh Day of August ye Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred
& fifty seven ———— Henry Huber (seal)Signed Sealed & Delivered pronounced & declared by me the Testator to be
my last Will & Testment in the presence of usJames Hamilton Jacob Bölm Jacob Beÿer
Lancaster County [?] December 29th 1757 Before me the
Subscriber came Jacob Behm & Jacob Beyer two of the Witnesses to the
above & within written Will & on their solemn affirmation did declare
and say that they were present and saw & heard Henry Huber the
Testator above name Sign Seal Publish Pronounce and declare the above
& written writing as and for his last will & Testament & that at the
doing thereof he was of sound & dispersing Mind Memory & Understanding
to the best of their knowledge Observation & BeliefEdw’d Shippen
Be It Remembered that on the 29th day of December 1757 The Last
Will and Testament of Henry Huber deceased was proved in due form of
Law and Probate and Letters Testamentary were granted unto Martin
Bear and Henry Huber the Executor in the said Testament named
they being first duly Qualified well and truly to Administer the said
Decedents Estate To being and Inventory thereof into the Registers Office
at Lancaster on or before the 29th Day of January next And to render
a true and just Account of their [?] Administration when hereto
lawfully requiredGiven under the Seal of the said Office
& me Edw’d Shippin
- Henry Huver last will and testament (1757), Lancaster County Will Book B1:282-283, Pennsylvania State Archives, records group 47, roll 2352 ↩
Cite This Page:
Kris Hocker, "Will: Henry Huber (1757)," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 31 Dec 2010 (https://www.krishocker.com/will-henry-huber-1757/ : accessed 31 Mar 2025).
Content copyright © 2010 Kris Hocker. Please do not copy without prior permission, attribution, and link back to this page.
4 Replies to “Will: Henry Huber (1757)”
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I do have much more information but too much to post here. Is there an email address I can send to?
you can email me at kris at krishocker.com.
I have the will of Martin Beÿer [originally from Martic] who died in Bertie Twp., Lincoln Co. [at the time], Upper Canada. In it he names his children as Jacob, Martin, Mary, Moses, Barbary and Anna–no wife is listed.
I assume this to be Martin Byers Sr. of Martic Twp. — neighbor of Abraham Keagy and John Huber.
I had assumed this Martin was married to Anna Boehm [dau of Jacob] but now I am unsure. I notice that Jacob Beÿer [above] also signs his name with the umlauts so there must be a connection between Martin and Jacob — any ideas?
James, thanks for the comment. Very interesting.
I don’t know much about this family, but there are several ties to the Huber family. This Henry Huber (d. 1757) lived on property that was in either old Martic (now Providence) or old Conestoga (now Pequea) townships on the line with the present West Lampeter Township. His daughter Elizabeth married Jacob Boyers, a son—I believe—of Johannes “Hans” Boyer or Samuel Boyer (I’ve seen both). Henry’s property was adjacent that of Johan Jacob Huber (son of Hans Huber of Earl Township), Henry Hoober (d. 1767-1769), Jacob Behme, and Amos Strettel’s tract.
When Elizabeth Huber and Jacob Boyers sold her brother John their share of Henry’s property in 1758, Jacob signed the deed in German as “Baeyer.” The witnesses were Jacob Beyer and David Stout. Looking at the warrantee maps, there were several tracts in this area warranted to Boyers. Hans Boyer, Martin Boyer, Jacob Boyer and Samuel Boyer all had tracts on the Pequea River in Conestoga and Martic Townships. If you look at the Providence Township Warrantee Map, you can see this line of properties across the top of the map: (L to R) Hans Boyer, Jacob (to John) Huber, Martin Boyer (see Abraham Smith), Jacob Boyer, Samuel Boyer, John Jacob Huber, Henry Huber. The top Michael Shank/Henry Hoober property is Henry (1757).
The properties of Hans Boyer, Jacob Huber, Martin Boyer and Jacob Boyer (Christian Stoner) were surveyed in 1720. Assuming I’m reading the document correctly, this would mean these men were all in Lancaster County by 1720 (most likely earlier) and were of full age. According to tax records, Martin Boyer paid taxes for Conestoga in 1718, 1702/21, 1724/25, 1725 and 1725/26 when it was part of Chester County. He would have had to have been 21 (I believe) in 1718, placing his birth by 1697. He may have been the Martin Beyer (b. ca 1690), included in Richard Davis’ “1732 reconstructed census of Mennonites,” included for Conestoga Township, immigrated circa 1717. The 84 acres indicated as being of Martin Boyer were sold by 24 Oct 1735 to Abraham Smith when he patented the land.
Do you know when your Martin went to Canada? What year did he die? How about any other information. I’d be happy to poke about and see what I can learn. Any additional information would be helpful.