Update: When Did George Hocker Jr. Die?

In my last post regarding George3 Hocker Jr.’s (Johann George2, Christopher1) date of death, I had to evaluate conflicting information to determine George’s approximate date of death. Based on that information I could only conclude that George died sometime prior to 16 October 1821, the alleged death date of his father.1

Now, based on his administration account, I know that George3 Hocker Jr. died prior to 3 October 1800. On that date, his widow Mary Hocker filed an admin. bond with Henry Scheetz, paper maker of Montgomery County,2 Jacob Snyder, grocer of Philadelphia, and Jacob Lentz, storekeeper of Germantown.3 She and Henry were named administrators of George’s estate; Jacob Snyder and Jacob Lentz were the sureties. An inventory of his estate was taken on 24 October 1800. It included accoutrements appropriate for an innkeeper, including: “5 pine tables & 2 benches,” “2 doz. Windsor chairs,” “3 tin coffee Potts & 1 Kettle,” “6 pewter Quart & 6 pewter pint mugs,” “2 China Bowles & 3 servers,” “1 Barr top,” “1 [hogshead] Cherry Rum,” and approximately 10 feather beds and bedsteads.4 On 14 June 1806, Mary Hocker and Henry Scheetz sold a lot in the Northern Liberties for $500.5

Putting this information together with the prior information, I can say that George3 Hocker Jr. died sometime between 1 June 17976 and 3 October 1800, at most a couple months before 3 October and most likely in September.


  1. Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, Orphans Court Book 4:189, Petition for Partition Inquest, 12 Nov 1821; online, FamilySearch, “Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1983” (https://www.familysearch.org : accessed 27 Aug 2012); citing Orphans Court, Norristown; at the time of his death three of George’s children were already deceased: George, John and Jacob.
  2. Henry Scheetz married Elizabeth Hacker, George’s younger sister.
  3. Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, Administration Bond, George Hocker, 3 Oct 1800; online, Ancestry, “Pennsylvania, Wills and Probates, 1683-1993” (https://www.ancestry.com : accessed 2 Sep 2015); citing Orphans Court, Philadelphia.
  4. Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, Inventory, George Hocker, 24 Oct 1800; online, Ancestry, “Pennsylvania, Wills and Probates, 1683-1993” (https://www.ancestry.com : accessed 2 Sep 2015); citing Orphans Court, Philadelphia.
  5. Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, Additional Settlement of George Hocker’s Estate, 13 Dec 1816; online, Ancestry, “Pennsylvania, Wills and Probates, 1683-1993” (https://www.ancestry.com : accessed 2 Sep 2015); citing Orphans Court, Philadelphia; George Hocker purchased this land on 1 June 1797.
  6. Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book Y:274, George Hocker heirs to Benjamin Kelly, 1 Jun 1832; microfilm, Register of Deeds, unrecorded film, Pennsylvania State Archives, Harrisburg.

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, "Update: When Did George Hocker Jr. Die?," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 5 Dec 2016 (https://www.krishocker.com/update-when-did-george-hocker-jr-die/ : accessed 21 Feb 2025).

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