Tuesday Tombstone: Catharina Hacker

Catharina (FUCHS) HACKER

Catharina (FUCHS) HACKER

Catharina (FUCHS) HACKER was the wife of Frederick3 HACKER (Johan Adam2, Christoph1). She was born 23 Sep 1756 died 6 Apr 1806 in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania.[1] She was buried beside her husband in the Emanuel Lutheran Church cemetery in Brickerville, Pennsylvania. The couple married 26 Oct 1779 at Reiher’s Reformed Church in Lancaster.[2]


  1. Xakellis, Martha J., Grave Undertakings – Elizabeth Township (Apoll0, Pennsylvania: Closson Press), Volume 1; Catharina (FUCHS) HACKER tombstone, Emanuel Lutheran Church Cemetery, Brickerville, Pennsylvania; photographed by Kris Hocker, November 2001.
  2. Wright, F. Edward, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Church Records of the 18th Century, Volume 1, (Westminster, Maryland: Willow Bend Books, 1994), page 150.

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, "Tuesday Tombstone: Catharina Hacker," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 2 Jan 2016 (https://www.krishocker.com/tuesday-tombstone-catharina-hacker/ : accessed 26 Dec 2024).

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