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We Did It Again

We did it again, another fun indoor USDAA trial in Rhode Island. We would like to thank our amazing dedicated workers: Larry Kelly, Shannon Kelly, Seth Dunn, Kris Dunn, Kathy Clement, Cindy Ratner, Ellen Zieske, Betsy Nye and Lauren Mitchell for getting courses built, scores scored, volunteers volunteered and every thing else you do to make the trials smooth for our competitors.

We had a very popular and somewhat tall Terry Smorch for Masters/PIII/Vets and Dave Mueller did a great job with the Intro, Starters/PI and Advanced/PII dogs. We added a new visual barrier between rings which worked well, raised some money for canine cancer research and had our traditional parking lot BBQ.

Loved seeing all the baby dogs and their amazing trainers. Watch this page for info on our August and September trials in North Smithfield Rhode Island coming soon.

Congratulations to our new title holders of all levels and their people.

  • Kelso and Delaney Ratner RCH-Gold, GCH-Gold, SACH-Gold
  • Striker and Seth Dunn PRCH-Silver, PDCH-Silver
  • Zep and Cindy Ratner GCH
  • Nixie and Peggy O’Connell SG
  • Kaia and Joyce Gauthier PGCH, LAA-Bronze
  • Moss and Donalee Slater AD
  • Max and Tatjana Salcedo APD
  • Tillie and Julie Mahaney MPD, PKM
  • Cora and Val Reiner SPK
  • Eve and John Marcus LAA-Gold
  • Sundae and Jodi Kellar PKM
  • Zesty and Sharon Wirant SCH-Gold
  • Deena and Cheryl Killam APK
  • Sequel and Dawn Kubichko SM
  • Guy and Fred Brazeil GCH, SACH-Bronze
  • Figaro and Andrea Petitto SS
  • Jonesy and Delaney Ratner PRCH, PJCH
  • Kiri and Janice Moran APK
  • SeaSea and Dianne Traphagen AS, AJ
  • Secret and Jennifer Marks GM, RM
  • Pink and Carolyn Hess RM
  • Elsie and Larry Kelly SJ
  • Bean and Shannon Kelly PDCH
  • Jake and John Marcus SG, SS
  • Fuji and Mich Powers ADCH-Bronze
  • Sankaty and Cayla Kankash APJ
  • Paulie Girl and Dawn Kubichko AG
  • Play and Valori Duff SACH-Silver, RCH-Gold

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