About Riverside

Founded in Nashua, New Hampshire in 1998, Riverside Canine Center and its staff are fully committed to assisting you in the proper care and training of your canine companion.

During the week, we provide doggie day care services, private lessons, and group evening classes in obedience and agility. On weekends, you may find us hosting seminars, featuring some of the top national—and international—agility competitors and instructors or putting on an agility trial at a local event site.

We set-up our facility to fully meet the needs of our classes. Our 7000 square-foot training facility is fully heated with ample space for crating and a full complement of agility equipment. The floor of our training area is completely covered with “Great Mats” for the safety and comfort of you and your dog.

Our day care area features three spacious, outdoor, shaded kennels which provide compatible dogs the opportunity to socialize and play together in a safe environment.

Riverside Canine Center is located at 48 Bridge Street in Nashua, New Hampshire and serves dogs and their owners from the surrounding Southern New Hampshire communities of Hudson, Merrimack, Litchfield, Brookline, Hollis, and Pelham.


About Joan

Riverside Canine Center is owned and operated by Joan Lawson.

She owns and competes with a variety of dog breeds, including Border Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs, and Papillons. Although her primary competition focus these days is agility, she is also experienced in competition obedience, the confirmation ring (four of her dogs have been confirmation Champions), and sheep herding.

Joan has been teaching pet obedience, competition obedience, and agility for over 20 years, both in private sessions and group classes.