Tombstone Tuesday: Maria (Krieg) Hacker (1819-1898)

Mary (Krieg) Hacker gravestone

Mary “Polly” (Krieg) Hacker (1819-1898)

Maria “Polly” Krieg, daughter of John Elias and Anna Maria (Gibbens) Krieg, was born 5 Aug 1819 and died 22 Mar 1898 in Pennsylvania. She was buried in the Emanuel Lutheran Church cemetery in Brickerville, Elizabeth Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. She married Jacob Hacker about 1841. He was born 28 Sep 1803 and died 26 Jul 1873 in Pennsylvania.

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, "Tombstone Tuesday: Maria (Krieg) Hacker (1819-1898)," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 2 Jan 2016 ( : accessed 23 Feb 2025).

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2 Replies to “Tombstone Tuesday: Maria (Krieg) Hacker (1819-1898)”

  1. Do you happen to know why some of the Krieg family changed their name to Greek?

    1. It was likely a spelling “change” applied to a linguistic sound change based on pronunciation. “K” and “G” are the formed the same way by our mouths—one’s aspirated, one’s not. Linguistically they’re very similar. With changes between German and English, it’s likely it wasn’t so much a conscious name change as a phonetic spelling that stuck and over time shifted the pronunciation, too.

      At least, that’s my take on the change. Hocker too changed from Hacker to Hocker. It was also spelled Hawker, Hocher, etc. in documents, indicating that the pronunciation didn’t change; the spelling did.

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