Jacob Huber was born circa 1698, and likely immigrated in 1717. He appears on tax records for Conestoga Township, Chester County from 1718 through 1725, settling on Pequea Creek on a tract of land in Conestoga and Martic Townships (now Pequea and Providence) which adjoined Ulrich Huber’s land. He warranted 105 acres. It was surveyed 28 Jan 1733. He is listed with four children in Lancaster County on a reconstructed 1732 census of Mennonite families.

Jacob & John Huber Martic & Conestoga Township Tracts
Jacob likely died sometime prior to 23 Nov 1739. Hans Boyer, a neighbor, patented his land on 26 Nov 1739. Boyer’s survey refers to Jacob Huber’s tract as belonging to the Widow Hoober. This tract of 105 acres was patented to John Huber on 2 Oct 1744. The survey refers to this tract as being of “Barbara (the widow of Jacob) Hoover… in right of Martin Kendrick and John Heer. John Hoover patented an adjoining tract of land, containing 110 acres, on 25 May 1756. This tract was surveyed in 1738.,
If you go by Davis’ 1732 reconstructed Mennonite census, then Jacob and Barbara (___) Huber had at least four children prior to 1732. Davis provides two possible birth years for Jacob—1675 and 1698. I do not know which is his most recent determination, however I am inclined to go by the 1698 date. A 34-year-old man is far more likely to have four children living at home than a 57-year-old—assuming, of course, the validity of the Mennonite census listing.
To date I have found only one possible child for Jacob and Barbara (___) Huber:
- John Huber was born at or before 1723, probably in Lancaster County. He died sometime prior to 30 Apr 1785, possibly in 1784., He married Barbara (___) likely before 1751. Barbara died sometime after 30 Apr 1785. The couple had the following children:
- Henry Huber was born ca 1740-1750 in Conestoga (now Pequea) Township, Lancaster County. He married Mary (___), possibly Newswanger, prior to 30 Apr 1785., If his wife’s maiden name was Newswanger, then the couple was living in York County by 4 Jun 1798. Henry Hoover and Mary Newswanger had children: John, Christina, Abraham, Susan, Barbara, and Elizabeth.
- Abraham Huber was born circa 24 Sep 1752 and died 4 May 1825 in Conestoga (now Pequea) Township, Lancaster County. He was buried in Old Byerland Cemetery in Pequea Township. He may have married Anna (___), possibly Anna Huber, daughter of Jacob and Barbara (___) Huber Jr. of Martic Township. He was a farmer and a Mennonite and lived all his life on property he purchased from his father’s estate. Abraham had children: Barbara, Mary married Abraham Huber, John, Abraham Jr., Anna married Martin Snavely (brother of John below), Christianna, and Elizabeth. Except for Mary and Anna, his daughters never married.
- Christian Huber was likely born prior to 1755 in Conestoga (now Pequea) Township, Lancaster County and died sometime between 1820 and 1830 in Martic (now Providence) Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He may have married Anna (___), born 5 Apr 1762 and died 21 Feb 1845. Christian may have had two sons: Christian Huber Jr. and John Huber. Their administrator, Abraham Huber, son of John Huber, purchased land from the Orphans Court in 1892 that is similar in metes and bounds to the land Christian Huber [Sr.] received from his father John’s estate in 1792.
- John Huber was born before 1759 in Conestoga (now Pequea) Township, Lancaster County. He was single in 1790. No more is known about him.
- Jacob Huber was born before 1764 in Conestoga (now Pequea) Township, Lancaster County. He married Margaret (___), possibly Margaret Shank, daughter of Christian & Barbara (Good) Shank. If so, Jacob and Margaret had children: Christian, Esther married John Snavely (brother of Martin above), Jacob, and Abraham.
- Peter Huber was born circa 1760 in Conestoga (now Pequea) Township, Lancaster County. He likely died sometime after 25 Jul 1818. He married Mary Huber, daughter of John & Mary (___) Huber of Martic Township and granddaughter of Henry and Catharine (Good) Huber. Peter and Mary had children: Peter Jr., Esther married Jacob Eshleman, Barbara, Anna, and John.
- Anne Huber was born prior to 1764 in Conestoga (now Pequea) Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. She married a Brenneman who likely died prior to 30 Apr 1785.
- Frena Huber was born prior to 1764 in Conestoga (now Pequea) Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. She was named among the children of John & Barbara Huber in the deed where the widow and children sold land from John’s estate to his sons Peter and Christian Hoober.
- Barbara Huber was born prior to 1764 in Conestoga (now Pequea) Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. She was named among the children of John & Barbara Huber in the deed where the widow and children sold land from John’s estate to his sons Peter and Christian Hoober.
Jacob Huber may have been—depending on the birth year—either the elder brother or father of Ulrich Huber of Conestoga. He may have been related to either or both Henry Huber’s of Martic/Conestoga townships. If Joanne M. Hoover is correct in her assumptions, then Jacob, Ulrich, Henry (presumably the elder, d. ca 1757), Christian Huber of Heidelberg Township, York County, Pennsylvania, and Ann (Huber) Keny were all siblings as named in Christian’s will. It is certainly a possibility. However, there were other men of these names living in York County to whom Christian’s will might have been referring.
Jane Evans Best indicates that Jacob may have been the son of Hans Heinrich Huber and Barbel Suter, baptized 30 Jun 1698 in Hausen, Switzerland. If she is correct, this would make him the brother of one of the Henry Huber’s of Martic/Conestoga township and possibly a cousin of Hans Huber of Earl Township and his son Jacob Huber who settled nearby in Martic (now Providence) township—just up the Pequea, in fact.