Surname Saturday: My Ahnentafel List
I don’t believe I actually have a full list of my direct ancestors anywhere on my site. So, for Surname Saturday, I thought I’d do an ahnentafel report of my ancestral lines as I have them in my family database.
What’s an ahnentafel report? Here’s a definition from the Encyclopedia of Genealogy:
- Ahnentafel
- “Ahnentafel is a German word that literally translates as ‘ancestor table’. It is a list of all known ancestors of an individual and includes the full name of each ancestor as well as dates and places of birth, marriage, and death whenever possible.”1
My Ahnentafel
Please consider this unproven information, unless otherwise documented on this site. There are sections where I’m still working on connections between generations. And since it’s unproven, I will be making revisions to this page, adding, deleting, etc.
I’ve added a line break between paternal and maternal lines to help distinguish between the two.
1. Me
Generation Two
2. Dad
3. Mom
Generation Three (Grandparents)
4. William H. Hocker Jr. (1918-2008)
5. Ruth Olive (Hoover) Hocker (1920-2016)
6. Russell R. Gruelich (1910-1999)
7. Mildred E. Wieder (1912-2002)
Generation Four (GG)
8. William H. Hocker Sr. (1890-1967)
9. Isabella Aitken Smith (1893-1962)
10. Clyde Leroy Hoover (1886-1972)
11. Nora Malinda Houdeshell (1891-1965)
12. Elmer Calvin Greulich (1880-1947)
13. Lillian Witmer Snyder (1879-1949)
14. Edwin J. Wieder (1880-1960)
15. Mary Catharine Waage (1877-1970)
Generation Five (2nd GG)
16. Albert Curtin Hocker (1860-1940)
17. Lillian Ainsley Leedy (1861-1942)
18. William Smith (1851-1905)
19. Eliza Craig Bonnington (1866-1946)
20. Samuel Thomas Hoover (1857-1930)
21. Victoria Walker (1859-1938)
22. George W. Houdeshell (1868-1941)
23. Lovina Caroline Force (1872-1964)
24. Karl “Charles” Phillip Greulich (1838-1904)
25. Caroline Krauss Wolf (1945-1915)
26. Henry Deischer Snyder (1859-1931)
27. Saraphine Kline Witmer (1861-1938)
28. Emanuel John Wieder (1855-1929)
29. Alavesta Esther Dillinger (1857-1923)
30. Dr. Charles Theodore Waage (1827-1921)
31. Lydia S. Eshbach (1845-1910)
Generation Six (3rd GG)
32. Levi Hocker (1824-1876)
33. Anna Frantz (1828-1918)
34. Samuel Krehl Leedy (1829-1912)
35. Sarah Parsons (1833-c1920)
36. James Smith (1812-1856)
37. Isabella Aitken (1816-1856)
38. Peter Purvis Bonnington (c1844-1891)
39. Elizabeth Buchanan (c1844-1928)
40. Christian Hoover (c1825-1887)
41. Caroline Kinnard (c1830-1877)
42. Jacob C. Walker (1833-1915)
43. Mary M. Eckley (1836-1911)
44. James Benjamin Houdeshell (1842-1926)
45. Phoebe Mayes (1846-1921)
46. Jefferson Force (1833-1910)
47. Susan Mulhollan (1841-1917)
48. George Philip Greulich (1784-1855)
49. Anna Margaretha Wurzel (1797-1854)
50. Joel Wolf (1810-1895)
51. Elizabeth Krauss (1814-1900)
52. Joseph Snyder (1826-1895)
53. Judith Deysher (1830-1906)
54. Edward Jones Witmer (1833-1912)
55. Lydia Amanda Kline (1836-1926)
56. Saulus Wieder (1813-1888)
57. Anna Mechling (1815-1907)
58. William Dillinger (1825-1896)
59. Helena Person (1829-1894)
60. Rev. Caius Frederic “Guy Frederick” Sophus Waage (1797-1884)
61. Angelina Garber (1806-1897)
62. Henry Moyer Eshbach (1807-1872)
63. Catherine Lydia Bobb (1808-1859)
Generation Seven (4th GG)
64. George Hocker (1794-1873)
65. Mary Magdalena “Molly” Landis (1800-1825)
66. Michael Frantz Jr. (1789-1865)
67. Elizabeth Walters (1800-1882)
68. John Harbaugh Leedy (1797-1888)
69. Catharine Krehl (1798-1870)
70. Anthony Parsons (1793-1834)
71. Catharine Bowerman (ca 1808-bef 1842)
72. Thomas Smith (?-bef. 1856)
73. Agnes Nimmo (?-bef 1856)
74. William Aitken (c1781/2-1854)
75. Marian Brown (c1782-bef 1856)
76. William Bonnington (c1816-1885)
77. Margaret Purves (c1821-bet 1844-1847)
78. James Buchanan (c1812/22-1888)
79. Sarah Craig (c1809-bet 1851-1861)
80. Philip Hoover (1802-1882)
81. Hannah Thomas (1802-1880)
82. Thomas Kinnard (1798-c1857)
83. Maria Fisher (c1808-c1865)
84. George M. Walker (1805-1891)
85. Catharine Walker (1808-c1846)
86. John D. Eckley (c1807-1890)
87. Catharine Walker (c1818-1846)
88. Adam Howdyshell (c1787/91-aft 1880)
89. Mary Sine (c1800/02-bef 1880)
90. John Mayes Jr. (c1814-1895)
91. Mary Ann Walker (1811-1888)
92. Unknown Force (?-bef. 1850)
93. Unknown (?-bef 1850)
94. John Mulhollan (1800-1860)
95. Emily Boileau (1805-1842)
96. Johan Adam Greulich (1751-1808)
97. Maria Katharine Wilhelm (1758-1832)
98. Johann Georg Wurzel
99. Anna Elizabeth Zimmerman
100. Jacob Wolf (1787-1868)
101. Magdalena Brey (1788-1852)
102. George Krauss (1783-1844)
103. Christina Schultz (1787-1877)
104. Henry Schneider (1792-1860)
105. Sarah Wissler (1799-1852)
106. Peter Deischer (1793-1861)
107. Anna Maria Trump (1791-1874)
108. John Witmer (1811-1885)
109. Rachel Jones (1809-1897)
110. Philip Kline (1799-1877)
111. Lydia Markley (1806-1890)
112. Johan Adam Wieder (1782-1858)
113. Anna Christina Strassburger (11 Dec 1785-26 Jan 1823)
114. John Jarret Mechling (1778-1856)
115. Anna Margaret Oberley (1776-1866)
116. William Dillinger (1793-1854)
117. Elizabeth Diess (1805-1883)
118. Abraham Person (1797-1876)
119. Esther Schneider (1801-1867)
120. Claus Heinrich Waage (?-ca 1811)
121. Catharina Dorothea Hoffmeister
122. Benjamin Garber (1769-1818)
123. Hannah Reiner (1774-aft 1860)
124. Christian Eshbach (1766-1838)
125. Veronica Francis Moyer (1777-1838)
126. Daniel Bobb (1780-1866)
127. Anna Margaret Herb (1783-1865)
Generation Eight (5th GG)
128. Johan Adam Hacker (1764-c1821)
129. Sophia Maria [Hershey?] (1769-c1739)
130. Henry Landis Jr. (1764-1824)
131. Catharine Baum (?-bef 1823)
132. Michael Frantz (c1742-c1797)
133. Feronica “Fannie” Nissley (1759-1813
134. Jacob Walters (bef 1775-1840)
135. Anna [Stauffer?] (1775-1845)
136. Samuel Leedy (c1773-c1833)
137. Catharine (___) (c1774-bef 1820)
138. Johan Michael Krehl (1763-1818)
139. Wilhelmina Stehley (c1780-1853)
140. James Parsons
141. Elizabeth [Steele?]
152. Robert Bonnington (c1780-1821)
153. Agnes Inglis (c1794-bet 1851-1857)
156. John Buchanan (?-bef 1851)
157. Mary Irvine/Erwin (c1795-bet 1851-1861)
160. Christian Hoover (1776-1850)
161. Maria Barbara Harmon (1773-1870)
162. John Thomas (c1766-c1839)
163. Margaretta Mackin (?_bef 1839)
164. Thomas Kinnard (c1770-aft 1830)
165. Ann “Nancy” Lee (c1775-?)
166. William Fisher
167. Elizabeth Rambach
168. Jacob Walker (c1770-1833)
169. Margaret McElwain (c1770-aft 1833)
170. Andrew Walker (1769-1857) [also #182, #348]
171. Catharine Margaret Fetzer (1775-1850) [also #183, #349]
172. Unknown Eckley
173. Unknown
174. John Walker (ca 1769-1864)
175. Mary Lucas (1799-ca 1802)
176. Laurence Howdershell (c1759-aft 1850)
177. Susanna Rader (c1761-?)
178. Adam Sine
179. Catharina Howdershell (c1783-?)
180. John Mayes (c1786-1851)
181. Elizabeth (___) (c1784-aft 1850)
182. Andrew Walker [also #170]
183. Catherine Margaret Fetzer [see #171]
188. Rudolph Mulhollan (c1776/80-1855)
189. Mary Werham (c1770-1844)
190. Daniel Boileau (1772-1840)
191. Mary [Robertson?] (1775-1863)
192. Hans Adam Greulich (1721-1797)
193. Anna Elisabeth Gerich (1728-1758)
200. Conrad Wolf (c1760-?)
201. Catharina Yeakel (1761-?)
202. Conrad Brey (1740-1827)
203. Maria Magdalena Klein (1749-1834)
204. Balthasar Krauss (1743-1805)
205. Susanna Yeakel (1744-1820)
206. Andrew Schultz (1753-1802)
207. Charlotte Yeakel (1750-1825)
208. Jacob Schneider (c1756/65-c1829)
209. Catharina Nuss (c1776/84-aft 1829)
210. Godfried Wißler (c1757-c1829)
211. Eva Catharina Weiss (1759-aft fall 1815)
212. Daniel Deischer (c1758-bet 1810-1820)
213. Catharine Rein (c1756/65-aft 1810)
214. Johann Adam Trump (1758-1828)
215. Barbara (___) (1759-1816)
216. Jacob Witmer (1786-1861)
217. Susanna Baum (1789-1867)
218. Henry Jones (1776-1854)
219. Martha Bartleson (?-bef 1830)
220. Johan Jacob Kline (1754-1847)
221. Eva Elisabetha Heilig (1762-1846)
222. Daniel Markley (ca 1775-1823)
223. Hannah Hertzel (1777-1852)
224. Johan Adam Wieder Jr. (1750-1825)
225. Christina Dut (1757-1836)
226. Johan Andreas Strassburger (1754-1825)
227. Eva Yeager (1754-1835)
228. Thomas Mechling (1751-1785)
229. Katharine Welsh/Walsh (1754-1830)
230. John Oberley (1746-1805)
231. Elizabetha Uhler (1751-1831)
232. Johan Henry Dillinger (1767-1939)
233. Anna Maria Ochs (c1776-aft 1850)
234. Jacob Diess (1779-1862)
235. Maria Eva Ortt (1784-1864)
236. Unknown Person
237. Unknown
238. Jacob Schneider (1778-1860)
239. Anna Maria Shaffer (1780-1863)
244. Benedict Garber (1732-1817)
245. Dorothea Loreht (1733-1807)
246. Unknown Reiner
247. Unknown
248. Christian Eshbach (1737-1809)
249. Catharine Stauffer (1743-1789)
250. Christian Moyer/Meyer (1755-1826)
251. Anna Frances Bauer (1757-1809)
252. Daniel Bobb (1747-1833)
253. Maria Catharine Gilbert (1755-1840)
254. Abraham Herb (?-c1813)
255. Anna Sibilla Fuchs (1757-1848)
Generation Nine (6th GG)
256. Johan Adam Hacker (1727-1782)
257. Maria Elisabetha Weidman (1733-aft 1790)
260. Henry Landis (1736-1785)
261. Anna Poorman (1745-1818)
262. Johann Philip Baum (ca 1718-ca 1793)
263. Anna Barbara Klem (?-ca 1821)
264. Johannes “Hans” Frantz (bef 1721-1787)
265. Catharine (___)
266. John Nissley (c1722-1789)
267. Maria Seegrist/Sechrist (c1720-c1784)
268. Jacob Walter (ca 1718-ca 1798)
272. Jacob Leedy (1738-1806)
273. Elizabeth Hauff
276. Michael Krehl (c1737-1788)
277. Margaret (___)
278. Jacob Stehley (?-1793)
279. Elizabeth (Kettering?) (?-aft 1800) [maybe 2nd wife?]
282. ?? Anthony Steel
283. ?? Mary (___) Steel
284. Johannes Bowerman (1761-1835)
285. Anna Elizabeth (___) Bowerman
286. Peter Schott (1762-1833)
287. Catharina Magdalena Fritz (1769-1855)
320. George Hoover (c1730/40-1813)
321. Eva Elizabetha (___) (?-aft 1790)
322. Christian Harmon
323. Christina Magdalena Lenhart
324. Garret Thomas (1732-ca 1797)
325. Maria Magdalena (___) (?-aft Jun 1803)
328. Jacob Kinnard (ca 1740-?)
330. Capt. James Lee (1747-1790)
331. Susanna Winemore (?-1790)
332. Adam Fisher
333. Margaret Meckler Hankey/Hanke
342. Andrew Fetzer (?-1804) [also #366]
343. Magdalena Dotterer (1748-1804) [also #367]
348. Andrew Walker [also #170]
349. Catherine Margaret Fetzer [also #171]
350. Charles Lucas (1768-1854)
351. Nancy McCalmont
352. Johann Michael Howdershell (1729-1813) [also #716]
353. Maria Dorothea Seitel [also #717]
354. Adam Rader (1725-1783)
355. Mary Margaret Zimmerman (1727-1795)
356. Unknown Sine
357. Unknown
358. Michael Houdeshell (1760-1832)
359. Barbara Rader (1766-?)
360. Thomas Mayes (1753-1827)
366. Andrew Fetzer [also #342]
367. Magdalena Dotterer [also #343]
384. Georg Greulich
386. Hans Philipp Gerich (1692-1737)
387. Maria Catharina Jacob (1699-1754)
400. Johan Conrad Wolf
401. [Maria Elisabetha?]
402. Jeremias Yeakel (1713-1763) [also #414]
403. Unknown Wolf [also #415]
404. Johann Georg Brey (1712-ca 1793)
405. Maria Catharina (___) (?-ca 1791)
406. Johan Michael Klein (1716-1798) [also #440]
407. Anna Maria Catharina Kuntz (1730-1786) [also #441]
408. Balthasar Krauss (1706-1774)
409. Susanna Hoffman (1708-1791)
410. Johannes Heinrich Yeakel (1708-1781)
411. Susanna Heydrick (1710-1793)
412. Rev. Christopher Schultz (1718-1789)
413. Rosina Yeakel (1721-1800)
414. Jeremias Yeakel [see #402]
415. Unknown Wolf [see #403]
416. Elias Schneider (1733-1779)
417. Anna Maria Nuss (1740-aft 1782)
418. Conrad Nuss (1743-1808)
419. Anna Margaretha Roeder (1745-?)
420. Jacob Wisler (ca 1725-ca 1806)
421. Esther (___)
422. Hans Erhardt Weiss (c1722-1777)
423. Susanna Huth (c1727-aft 1782)
424. Jacob Deischer (c1730-1804)
425. Anna Siegfried (ca 1735-c1803)
426. ?? Rein
427. ?? (___) Rein
428. Johann Adam Trump (1722-ca 1802)
429. Anna Maria Weitzel (ca 1733-ca 1794)
432. Jacob Witmer
434. Michael Baum
435. Catharine (___)
436. Edward Jones (1737-1823)
437. Rachel Lewis (1748-1826)
440. Johan Michael Klein [also #406]
441. Anna Maria Catharina Kuntz [see #407]
442. George Heilig (1732-1796)
443. Elisabetha Barbara [Mueller?]
446. Jacob Hertzel (ca 1734-1807)
447. Catharine Hartzell (aft 1732-?)
448. Johan Adam Wieder (1721-1798)
449. Anna Margaretha (___) (c1723-?) or Maria Wayet?
450. Johann George Dut (1723-1790)
451. Barbara (___)
452. Johan Andreas Strassburger (1716-?)
453. Catherina Rosina Kolb (?-1771)
454. John Jäger (1721-1796)
455. Eva Elizabeth Schneider (1728-1804)
456. Theobald Mechling (bef 1728-1765)
457. Anna Elisabeth Lauer
458. Johannes Wilhelm Welsh (1719-1805)
459. Maria Elizabetha Neighbor [Nachbar]
460. Johan Rudolph Oberley (1712-c1780)
461. Margaretha (___) Oberley
462. Valentine Uhler (1714-1768)
463. Maria Magdalena (___) Uhler
464. John Georg Dillinger (bef 1740-aft 1787)
465. Eva Christina (___) Dillinger
466. Mathias Ochs Jr. (c1743-aft 1790)
467. Anna Rosina Schwenk (1751-1778)
468. Peter Deiss (1753-1786)
469. Elizabeth Stahlnecker (1757-1835)
470. Johannes Ortt (1749-1798)
471. Maria Rosina Fischer (1750-1839)
476. David Schneider (bef 1757-1785)
477. Esther (___) Schneider
478. ? William Shaeffer (?-1807)
479. ? Magdalena (___) Shaeffer
488. Henry Garber (c1700-1740/1)
489. Anna Catharine (___) Garber
498. Daniel Stauffer (1697-aft 1763) [see #1010]
499. Maria Catherine Merckel [see #1011]
500. Rev. Peter Moyer (1723-1793)
501. ? Magdalena Clemmer
502. Michael Bauer (1718-1784)
503. Veronica Landis (1733-1823)
504. Johan Conrad Bobb (c1715-1760)
505. Elizabeth Stauffer (c1715-1774)
506. Johan Bernhard Gilbert (c1730-1798)
507. Maria Elizabeth Meyer
508. Abraham Herb (1719-1779)
509. Gertraut (___) Herb
510. Johan Adam Fuchs (1716-1797)
511. Anna Margaretha [Roemelt?]
Generation Ten (7th GG)
512. Christoph Hacker (1697-c1775)
513. Anna Margaretha Jock (1696-c1773)
514. Martin Weidman (1712-c1768)
515. Anna Margaretha Still (1703-aft 1766)
520. Felix Landis Jr. (1708-1770)
521. Catharine Loban (1708-c1747)
522. Stephen Poorman (1714-ca 1782)
523. Anna (___) Poorman
532. Hans Nissley (bef 1676-bef 1747)
533. ? Feronica Good
534. Michael Sechrist (1695-1750)
535. Anna (___) Sechrist
544. Johannes Marte Lidi (c1715-1761)
545. Maria Elizabeth (___) Lidi
556. Ulrich Stehley (1700-1766)
557. Anna (___) Stehley (ca 1705-1771)
572. Ludwig Schott (1712-1788)
573. Anna Barbara Laur[in?] (1734-1795)
574. George Henry Fritz
575. Elizabeth (___) Fritz
640. Michael Huber (bef 1714-1789)
644. ??Johann Georg Harmon
645. ?? Catharina Schuler
646. ?? Johann Peter Lenhart (1708-1774)
647. ?? Maria Margaretha (___)
660. John Lees (1721-1776)
662. Philip Winemore (1714-1783)
663. Anna Barbara Jantzen (1718-1810)
664. Adam Fisher686. Matthias Dotterer (1717-?) [also #1398]
687. Anna Catharine Roth (1710-?) [also #1399]
698. Andrew Fetzer [also #342]
699. Magdalena Dotterer [also #343]
700. Benedict Lucas (1733-1826)
701. Mary McKibben
704. Hans Michael Haudenschild [also #1432]
705. Anna Margaretha Ruch [also #1433]
706. John Seitel [also #1434]
707. Barbara Dreher [also #1435]
708. Johann Adam Rader (1706-1773) [also #2872]
709. Anna Barbara Bender (1708-1773) [also #2873]
716. Johan Michael Howdershell [see #352]
717. Maria Dorothea Seitel [see #353]
718. Adam Rader
719. Clara Riddle
734. Mathias Dotterer [also #686]
735. Anna Catharina Roth [also #687]
772. Hans Jacob Gerich (1652-1724)
773. Magdalena Zimmerman (1646-1724)
774. Hans Jorg Jacob (1660-1739)
775. Maria Eva Seyfridt (1669-1737)
804. David Yeakel (c1659-?) [also #820, #828]
805. Susanna Heydrick [also #821, #829]
812. Johann Jacob Klein (c1690-?) [also #880]
813. Anna Catharine (___) (c1692-?) [also #881]
814. Johan Jacob Kuntz (1692-1754) [also #882]
815. Anna Margaret Pfalsgraff [also #883]
816. Melchoir Krauss (?-1733)
817. Anna Heidrig (c1675-1755)
818. George Hoffman
819. Barbara Seipt
820. David Yeakel [also #804, 828]
821. Susanna Heydrick [see #805, 829]
822. Melchoir Heydrick
823. Barbara (___)
824. Melchoir Schultz (?-1734)
825. Susanna Kriebel (?-1732)
826. Balthasar Yeakel (?-1738)
827. Regina John (?-1747)
828. David Yeakel [also #804, 820]
829. Susanna Heydrick [also #805, 821]
832. Johann Conrad Schneider (1699-1759)
833. Eva Catharina Betz (1701-1779)
834. Jacob Nuss (1716-1757) [see #836]
835. Anna Maria Reiher (1712-?) [see #836]
836. Jacob Nuss (1716-1757) [see #834]
837. Anna Maria Reiher (1712-?) [see #835]
838. Johann Michael Roeder (1714-1789)
839. Maria Susanna Zimmerman (1712-1749)
840. Jacob Wißler (1695-1752)
841. Magdalena (___) (ca 1698-1784)
844. Johann Georg Weiß (ca 1701-1743)
845. Maria Anna Catharina Klein
846. Johannes Huth (c1680-1759)
847. Maria Anna Sähm
848. Johannes Deischer (c1684-c1761)
849. Anna Barbara (___) (c1684-ca 1761)
850. Johannes Siegfried (1690-1747)
851. Anna Elisabetha Seves (1697-1767)
856. Johannes Adam Trump (1695-1732)
857. Ursula Ossell (1692-1760)
858. Johann Jacob Wetzel (1695-1774)
872. John Jones (1716-1758)
873. Mary West (1715-1815)
874. Henry Lewis (?-1797)
875. Margaret James (?-1798)
880. Johann Jacob Klein [also #812]
881. Anna Catharine (___) [also #813]
882. Johan Jacob Kuntz [also #814]
883. Anna Margaret Pfalsgraff [also #815]
884. Johann Heinrich Heilig (c1700-1775)
885. Susanna Rittenhouse (1698-1769)
886. Georg Müller
892. Ulrich Hertzel (1705-1771)
893. Anna Margaret (___) Hertzel
894. Jorg Henrich Hertzel (1715-1784)
895. Margaretha (___) Hertzel
900. David Dut (c1700-?)
901. Catharine Muller (c1697-?)
904. Johan Ulrich Strassburger
905. Maria Elisabeth Flicken
910. Johann Adam Schneider (ca 1696-ca 1746)
911. Anna Elisabetha Klein
914. Johann Peter Lauer (ca 1680-1754)
915. Anna Margaretha (___) (ca 1680-aft 1754)
918. Leonard Neighbor [Nachbar]
928. Henrich William Dillinger (c1680-bef 1728) [also #1870]
932. Matthias Ochs (bef 1700-?)
933. Anna Maria (___)
934. Johann Martin Schwenk
935. Anna Maria Dillinger
938. George Stahlnecker (c1718-1786)
939. Anna Maria Elisabetha Ohlwein (c1726-?)
940. [Johannes Ortt? (?-1785)]
941. [Sabina (___)?]
942. Christian Fischer (?-1779)
943. Maria Magdalena Gebbhardt
952. Jacob Schneider (?–bef 18 May 1785)
953. Maria (___) Schneider
976. [Jacob Gerber?]
996. Johannes “Hans” Stauffer (1655-1740) [also #2020]
997. Kinget Kungold Hiestand (1658-?) [also #2021]
998. Johann Christian Merckel (ca 1678-1766)998. Balthsara Merckle (1660-?) [see #2022]
999. Anna Catharina [Bender?] (?-bef 1749)999. Elisabetha (___) Merckle ?? [see #2023]
999. Veronica (___) ??
1004. Hans Bauer (1670-bef. 1749)
1005. Anna Willener (1677-?)
1006. Johannes Landis (1690-1747)
1007. Ann Musselman (1695-1748)
1010. Daniel Stauffer [also #498]
1011. Catherine [Merckel?] [also #499]
1012. Johann Jurg Gilbert (1698-ca 1753)
1013. Anna Elisabetha Gruber
1014. Frederick Meyer
1015. Julianna Catharine (___)
1016. Jacob Fuchs
1017. Maria Catharina (___)
Generation Eleven (8th GG)
1024. Johan Stephen Hacker (c1646-1702)
1025. Anna Maria (___)
1026. Hans Theobald Jock (1659-1708)
1027. Margaretha Hausser/Häusler (1669-1715)
1028. Matthias Martin Weidman (1677-1743)
1029. Anna Catharina Scholl (1678-1723)
1030. Heinrich Still
1031. Anna Barbara Munck (1664-1706)
1040. Felix Landis (c1677-1739)
1041. Rosina Weltner (?-aft 1739)
1044. Johann Georg Böhrman (ca 1665-ca 1746)
1064. Hans Nüssli
1065. Anna Bär (1639-?)
1068. Bartholomew Sechrist
1069. Barbara (___)
1372. Johann Michael Dotterer (1682-1756) [also #1468, #2796]
1373. Margaretha (___) [also #1469, #2786]
1398. Matthias Dotterer [also #686]
1399. Anna Catharina Roth [also #687]
1416. Johann Adam Roeder (1669-1721) [also, #1676, 5744]
1417. Anna Katharine Tauber (1670-1751) [also #1677, #5745]
1418. Mathias Bender (ca 1678-1744) [also #5746]
1419. Anna Catharina [Voltz?] (ca 1690-1764) [also #5747]
1432. Hans Michael Haudenschild [also #704]
1433. Anna Margaretha Ruch [also #705]
1434. John Seitel [also #706]
1435. Barbara Dreiher [also #707]
1436. Mathias Rader (1726-1789)
1437. Jessie Bender (ca 1728-1815)
1438. [Cornelius Riddle?]
1439. [Ingabo Allen?]
1468. Johannes Michael Dotterer [also #1372, #2796]
1469. Margaretha (___) [also #1373, #2787
1544. Hans Gerich
1546. Hans Zimmerman
1550. Hans Philipp Seyfridt
1551. Maria Zimmerman
1628. Johann Georg Kuntz (1658-1710) [also #1764]
1629. Anna Catharine Müller (1658-?) [also #1765]
1630. Johann Jacob Pfalsgraff [also #1766]
1631. Margaretha (___) [also #1767]
1634. Melchior Heidrig
1649. Anna (___) Schultz
1650. Casper Kriebel
1664. Johann Conrad Schneider (1679-?)
1665. Catharina (___) Schneider
1666. Johann Sebastian Betz (1663-1733)
1667. Maria Margaretha Barbara Langer [Loinger] (1666-1716)
1670. Johann Michael Reiher (1686-1772) [see #1674]
1671. Anna Maria Seeland (?-1742) [see #1675]
1674. Johann Michael Reiher (1686-1772) [see #1670]
1675. Anna Maria Seeland (?-1742) [see #1671]
1676. Johann Adam Roeder [also #1416, #5744]
1677. Anna Katharine Tauber [also #1417, #5745]
1678. Andreas Zimmerman (1680-1733)
1679. Anna Elisabetha Müller (1672-1740)
1692. Johannes Huth
1693. Hans Jacob Sähm
1716. Conrad Weitzel
1717. Margaretha (___) Weitzel
1744. [?] Jones (?-bef 1727)
1745. Margaret Clayton (?-ca 1727)
1746. Nathaniel West (ca 1683-1749)
1747. Elizabeth (___) West
1748. Morris Lewis
1749. Dorothy (___) Lewis
1750. William James (ca 1692-bef 1778)
1751. Mary Evans (?-1765)
1764. Johann Georg Kuntz [also #1628]
1765. Anna Catharine Müller [also #1629]
1766. Johann Jacob Pfalsgraff [also #1630]
1767. Margaretha (___) Pfalsgraff [also #1631]
1770. Nicholas Rittenhouse (1666-1734)
1771. Wilhelmina Pietre Dewees (1673-1737)
1784. Clemens Hirtzel (1659-1707)
1785. Anna Sinter (1664-1738)
1788. Paulus Hirtzel (1677-1745)
1789. Anna Catharina Wagner
1868. Peter Schwenk (1690-1753)
1869. Anna Barbara (___) Schwenk
1870. Heinrich William Dillinger (ca 1680-bef 1770) [also #928]
1886. Justina (___) Gebbhart
1904. Heinrich Schneider (aka Taylor)
1905. Elizabeth (___) Schneider
1992. Hans Stauffer [see #4040]
1993. Madlena Neuenschwander [see #4041]
1994. Hans Hiestand [see #4042]
1995. Regula Aeshmann [see #4043]
1996. Jürg Merckle [see #4044]
1997. Eva Moser [see #4045]
1998. Johannes [Bender?]2012. Jacob Landis (1667-1730)
2013. Anna Witmer
2014. Michael Musselman (1674-1726)
2020. Johannes “Hans” Stauffer [also #996]
2021. Kinget Kungold Hiestand [also #997]
2022. Balthasar Merckle (1660-?) [see #998]
2023. Elisabetha (___) Merckle [see #999]
2024. Johann Jacob Gilbert (?-1744)
Generation Twelve (9th GG)
2052. Hans Andreas Jock (1627-1693)
2054. Andrew Häuszler (c1630-?)
2056. Hans Peter Weidman (c1648-1692)
2057. Elisabetha Cammerer (1653-1704)
2058. Johann Matthaeus Scholl (1636-1682)
2059. Eva Meinzer (c1640-1692)
2062. Christoph Munck
2063. Anna Christina Weidman (c1642-aft 1686)
2080. Hans Jakob Landis [?] [also #4024]
2130. Oswald Bär (bef 1614-aft 1679)
2131. Elisabeth Lamprecht (ca 1617-ca 1662)
2744. Hans Dotterer (1649-1686) [also #2936]
2745. Anna Simoes [also #2937]
2786. Johannes Michael Dotterer [also #1372, #1468]
2787. Margaretha (___) [also #1373, #1469]
2832. Johann Adam Rader (1645-1722) [also 3352]
2833. Anna Maria Bender (1644-1723) [also #3353]
2872. Johann Adam Rader (1706-1773) [also #708, 3351]
2873. Anna Barbara Bender (1708-1773) [also #709, 3352]
2936. Hans Dotterer (1649-1686) [also #2744]
2937. Anna Simoes [also #2745]
3332. Hans Wolfgang Betz (1636-1694)
3333. Anna Ursula Heittelin (1640-?)
3334. Johann Leonhardt Langer [Loinger]
3340. Johann Michel Reyer [see #3348]
3341. Anna Catharine (___) Reyer [see #3349]
3342. Deitrich Seeland [see #3350]
3343. Amalia Maria (___) Seeland [see #3351]
3348. Johann Michael Reyer [see #3340]
3349. Anna Catharine (___) Reyer [see #3341]
3350. Dietrich Seeland [see #3342]
3351. Amalia Maria (___) Seeland [see #3343]
3352. Johann Adam Rader [also #2832]
3353. Anna Maria Bender [also #2833]
3356. Georg Zimmerman
3358. Hans Wolff Müller
3359. Catharine (___)
3490. Richard Clayton [Cleaton] (1645-1705)
3491. Elizabetha Bennett (1647-?)
3492. Nathaniel West Jr. (1648-1697)
3493. Elizabeth Dungan (1666-1699)
3500. John James
3501. Elizabeth (__) James
3540. Willem Rittenhouse (1644-1708)
3541. Gertruid Kersten Pieters (1646-1708)
3568. Heinrich Hirzel (1619-1663) [see also #7152]
3569. Maria Steiner (1625-?) [see also #7153]
3570. Hans Sinter
3571. Margaretha Nayer
3576. Johann Heinrich Hirtzel (1652-1716)
3577. Margaretha Rudi (1649-1694)
3578. Georg Wagner
3984. Christian Stauffer [see #8080]
3985. Adelheid Opliger [see #8081]
3986. Michel Neuenschwander [see #8082]
3987. Verena Haslibach [see #8083]
4024. Hans Jakob Landis [also #2080]
4040. Hans Stauffer [see #1992]
4041. Madlena Neuenschwander [see #1993]
4042. Hans Hiestand [see #1994]
4043. Regula Aeshmann [see #1995]
4044. Jürg Merckle [see #1996]
4045. Eva Moser [see #1997]
Generation Thirteen (10th GG)
4112. Hans Weidman (c1618—1664-1674) [also #4127]
4113. Anna Margaretha (___) (1617-aft 1675) [also #4128]
4114. Antoni Cammerer (c1626-1689)
4115. Anna Sidonia (___) (?-1703)
4116. Jost Scholl (c1610-1662)
4117. Barbara Dieterich (c1614-1684)
4118. Johann Andreas Meinzer (c1595-1674)
4119. Margaretha (___) (c1603-1663)
4126. Hans Weidman [also #4112]
4127. Anna Margaretha (___) [also #4113]
4260. Hans Bär (ca 1570-1617)
4261. Anna Biedermann (ca 1575-1618)
4262. Felix Lamprecht
4263. Barbara Meili
5592. Hans Dotterer [also #2744]
5593. Anna Simoes [also #2745]
5744. Johann Adam Roeder [also #1676]
5745. Anna Katharine Tauber [also #1677]
5746. Mathias Bender [also #1418]
5747. Anna Catharina [Voltz?] [also #1419]
6664. George Betz (1595-1674)
6665. Eva Ottilia Schweicker (1590-1666)
6666. George Heittelin
6982. Edward Bennett (1616-1667)
6983. Anna Tillsley (1624-1674)
6984. Nathaniel West (?-1658)
6986. Rev. Thomas Dungan (1634/35-1687)
6987. Elizabeth Weaver (1647-1697)
7144. Jacob Hirzel (1580-1634)[see also #14304]
7145. Madalen Keller (1581-?) [see also #14305]
7152. Heinrich Hirzel (1619-1663) [see also #3568]
7153. Maria Steiner (1625-?) [see also #3569]
8080. Christian Stauffer
8081. Adelheid Opliger
8082. Michel Neuenschwander
8083. Verena Haslibach
Generation Fourteen (11th GG)
8520. Hans Bär (ca 1545-bef 1614)
8521. Kathrina Huber (ca 1549-1622)
11488. Johann Adam Roeder [also #2832]
11489. Anna Maria Bender [also #2833]
13328. Hans Betz
13330. Casper Schweicker
13966. John Tilsley (1590-1640)
13967. Elinor (___) Tilsley (1592-1663)
13968. Matthew West (ca 1598-ca 1676)
13972. William Dungan (ca 1600-1636)
13973. Francis Latham (1608/9-1677)
13974. Clement Weaver (1625-1683)
13975. Mary Freeborn (1626-?)
14304. Jacob Hirzel (1580-1634)[see also #7144]
14305. Madalen Keller (1581-?) [see also #7145]
Generation Fifteen (12th GG)
27932. Ralph Tillsley (?-1602)
27944. ? Thomas Dungan (?-1604)
27945. ? Mary (___)
27946. Lewis Latham (?-1655)
27947. Elizabeth (___) Latham
27948. Clement Weaver (1591-1683)
27949. Rebecca Holbrook (1597-1635)
27950. William Freeborn (1594-1670)
27951. Mary Wilson (ca 1601-1670)
Generation Sixteen (13th GG)
55864. Richard Tillsley (1524-1601)
55896. ? Thomas Weaver (1560-65-?)
55897. ? Margaret Adams
55988. Sr. William Holbrook (ca 1568-1625)
55989. Edith Saunders/Coles (ca 1562-1612)
Phew! That’s a lot of names. And as I entered them, I realized that there are a whole lot of people that I know very little about. With as much fun as I’m having on my projects, maybe it’s time to start focusing on the people from whom I’m [allegedly] descended.
- Oxa, “Ahnentafel Explained,” Encyclopedia of Genealogy ( : accessed 29 Apr 2014). ↩
Cite This Page:
Kris Hocker, "Surname Saturday: My Ahnentafel List," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 11 Oct 2020 ( : accessed 7 Mar 2025).
Content copyright © 2020 Kris Hocker. Please do not copy without prior permission, attribution, and link back to this page.
10 Replies to “Surname Saturday: My Ahnentafel List”
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I have a Johann Gruelich as 1 of my ancestors. You didn’t have his wife’s last name. My Johann’s wifes name was Maria Pfiefer. I don’t have any exact dates but he was born about 1760 and died after 1793. I don’t have any dates for her. Their daughter’s name was Marie Elizabeth Gruelich & she was born Sept 11, 1793
Im doing a family tree and it shows
Johann Adam Hocker
Your 5th great grandfather
Birth Feb 20, 1764 in Brickerville, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States
Death Nov 13, 1821 in Pennsylvania
kin maybe?
Richard Holland, we share Johann “Hans” Adam Hocker/Hacker. He is the son of Christoph, father to Martin who was married to Christiana Beinhower, first wife of Martins. Hans is my 5th great grandfather. Hans, Martin, John, John Benjamin, William Edward, Clarence Benjamin then my mother Eva Jean b 1923 d 1998. I am on FB Patty Hocker Ryker if interested. Also Ancestry, privately.
Richard, yes. That’s my 6x great grandfather. You can find the page I wrote on him here and information on the family book here.
Hi Kris. I’ve been searching for my Hydrick/Heydrick line for many years. Through DNA, it has led me to the Heydrick’s of Pennsylvania. I haven’t been able to resolve the paper trail completely. I’m also showing I’m related to the Hocker’s. I know in Whitemarsh, Montgomery County, PA, there’s a Hocker Cemetery where a George Heydrick is buried. I feel this must be a clue that connects these families. Any insight would be very much appreciated on how these families connect. You have a wonderful website. I can’t wait to explore more. Thank you, PK Hydrick.
PK, I’m glad you like the site!
My Heidrig line is not one that I’m overly familiar with. I haven’t researched it at all and only know of the connection from The Genealogical Record of the Schwenkfelder Families, so my known link to the surname is through my maternal line, not my Hockers.
I don’t know of a connection to the Hocker family, but I can by no means claim to have researched the entire family—-especially the descendants of Johan Georg Hacker, owner Erdenheim in Whitemarsh Township. There are several wives of his grandchildren, etc. whose maiden names I do not know. Researching his children–especially those who resided in Philadelphia County–is on my list of ToDos… If I do find a link, I’m sure I’ll be writing about it and posting it to the site.
If you want to send me information on your line, I can certainly keep an extra close eye out for those names.
You wouldn’t be related to Thomas Heydrick Hocker, b. Aug 1899, of Lansdale, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, would you?
Hello Kris, I am a direct descendent of Johann Adam Hacker and Elizabetha Weideman. John Benjamin Hocker, son of John and Elizabeth Henry Hocker is my 2nd Great Grandfather that married Mary Ann Hess in 1854, Cumberland, PA and the set out to venture West. I am very impressed with your work and aside from the Hocker connection is my curiosity of the “Bobb” surname. It is speculated that Mary Ann Hess’ father was Jacob Hess who married a Maria or Mary Bobb or Babb. Have you, in any of your research of the name come across any Hess relation? Thank you for putting all this on the web for us to be able to look at and find information that may lead us further down the “genealogical path.” I look forward to hearing from you.
I’m glad you’re enjoying the site and the information I’ve posted.
My Bobb connection occurs in the 1830s in Berks County and I’ve only traced my direct line, working backwards. I haven’t seen any Hess connection, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one. I’ll keep an eye out.
Do you know where in Pennsylvania Mary Ann was born?
Kris, Jacob and the Mary/Maria he was married to were both from Berks. I have church records to verify that. Mary Ann Hess Birth 6 MAY 1830 in Berks, Pennsylvania, United States Death 21 SEP 1888 in Rio Grande, Colorado, United States. The 1850 census for Cumberland is the first that shows all the kid’s names with the exception of Lydia. Mary Ann’s oldest granddaughter had that information of the family but nothing on the parents.
We got the parents names from that census. The Hess’ went to Cumberland around 1840+. The boys, were as their dad, blacksmiths. Another record that I had gotten from pedigree records many years ago was Jacob married to a Polly Belfield, Bilfield but I haven’t been able to find anything about her at all. We are thinking she died after David was born (the oldest child) then the rest of the children were born to this Mary/Maria. My daughter and I have spent years looking for something to prove who she is. We found in the church records for Berks that there was a Maria Babb or Bobb that took communion on the same day that Jacob did, then as far as we can tell she then became Maria Hess and was always with Jacob in records until they moved to Cumberland then it stops. Mary Ann left PA after getting married to J.B Hocker, went to Ohio and never back to PA. Nothing in the family bible that another woman has and won’t relinquish tells the names of her siblings but that is all. Interesting, I thought. It also states that Mary Ann and John B. married in Shippensburg, Cumberland, Pennsylvania. Terri wrote for records but we have never heard back and I haven’t pursued that any further.
I just jump at the name Bobb when I see it, hoping that there is a Hess involved. We cannot even find a death time for either of them. Jacob is not on any census after 1850 and Mary is with various children until 1870, then nothing.
No worries, just had to ask. Always looking….;)