Social Sunday (March) Topics from my timeline

What I share on social media is not always directly related genealogy. That said, I want to share with you, too, even if you don’t follow me on Twitter or Facebook. So, here’s some of what’s caught my attention online in the last month.

Immigration has been a big topic lately. If you’re interested in the topic of family integration immigration, I recommend following #resistancegenealogy on Twitter. This research shows just how normal and widespread so-called chain migration is and always has been. It’s nearly impossible to examine an American’s family tree without finding examples. Take my Hockers, for instance, first Adam came in 1749, then George in 1751, then the rest of the family in 1752. And that’s only one instance from my family tree.

Tune in next month to see what I’ve found in the meantime.

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, "Social Sunday (March) Topics from my timeline," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 5 Mar 2018 ( : accessed 12 Feb 2025).

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