Shockey’s Counterfeit Currency

In a previous post I wrote about connections some of my Hoovers had with the Shockey family of Washington County, Maryland. In reviewing the PDF file of Maryland Historical Magazine, volume 13, number 3, I found reference to the Shockeys again. This time in relation to counterfeit money during the Revolutionary War. I’d read about this elsewhere online, but it was interesting to read about it in the minutes of the Committee of Observation for Elizabeth Town.

In reviewing reference to fines paid to the Committee by local Mennonites, I saw the following:

1777, March 1st   To Cash paid the Regulars for standg Guard over Isaac Christn Shockey, Jno Tedrow and Jno Acton… 4 [pounds]..17 [shillings]..0 [pence] 1

Then somewhat earlier in the document, I found the confession of John Tedrow.2

Sunday evening Febry 2d 1777… John Tedrow A Prisoner in this Town, for passing counterfeit Virginia Money, was brought before Committee, upon Examination confessed that he went to Isaac Shockeys on tuesday the 21st of Jany last tarried there some Days that sd Shockey agreed to give hime the sd Tedrow 150 dollars of sd Counterfeit Money, in order to pass out of which Tedrow was to return one half, but afterward sd Shockey only gave him 78 Dollars saying there was no more sign’d, and that the person who sign’d the Money, would sign no more, at that time, because he purpos’d to have it press’d, thinking it not yet compleat, that said Tedrow when pass’d what he had receiv’d, was to repair to sd Shockey for more, who promised to supply him therewith, and that he the sd Tedrow might return what he pleas’d in Lieu of the 78 Dollars receiv’d that there was at Shockey’s a certain Person dress’d in white Broad-Cloath Coat Jacket and Breeches, with a velvet Cape on Coat, whom he the sd Tedrow suspected to be the Signer of sd Money, that sd Tedrow asked sd Shockey that Gentleman’s name, Shockey replied he knew it not, and that he refus’d to tell his Name to any person, that a certain Christian Hearn was at Shockeys in the Company with the aforesaid Gentleman, said he was a Captain, and came on purpose to Recruit.
Sign’d John his X mark Tedrow
Upon receiving the aforegoing Confession of John Tedrow it is ordered that a strong Guard be sent to apprehend Isaac Stophel, Felty and Abraham Shockey, and all others whom they may have reason to suspect to be concern’d with the said Counterfeit Virginia money and them or either of them bring before this Committee to answer sd Charge and likewise to bring all Counterfeit money, Materials thereto belonging, and all fire Arms that may be found in their or either of their possessions.3

Monday Feby 3d 1777… The Guard sent to apprehend the Shockeys return’d, and delivered to Committee the Bodies of Isaac, and Christian Shockey, who on Examination denied the Charge of being privy to, or concern’d with the making and passing Counterfeit Virginia Money. Ordered that the said Shockeys be confin’d in Irons in the Common Goal for this County until legally discharged therefrom Redd from the Guard a Rifle Gun got at Valentine Shockey’s marck’d on the Butt W.S.4

Tuesday Feby 4th… John Acton (agreeable to order) was brought before Committee, charg’d with writing & sending a Letter to Isaac Shockey at said Shockey’s Request, to the Intent that said Shockey and his Banditti might rescue John Tedrow a Prisoner, (for passing Counterfeit Virginia Money) from the Guard who then had said Tedrow in Custody, upon Examination acknowledged the Charge Therefore ordered that sd Acton be kept in Irons close confin’d in the Common Goal, untill legally discharg’d therefrom.5

Saturday Feby 8th 1777… Ordered that Capn Andrew Linck pay David Harry £2…12…6 for his services and nine men under his Command in apprehending Isaac and Christian Shockey—and that the Shockeys pay the same to Committee.6

Monday Feby 10th 1777… Information being made to Committee that a certain Christian Kearn and James Quigg (alias) Quick residing near Baltimore are principally concern’d, with the Shockeys, in making and passing Counterfeit Virginia Money—Resolved that a Letter be sent to the Committee of Baltimore giving them Intelligence thereof, that they may take Order therein.7

Monday Feby 24th 1777… On Motion resolved that Letters be sent immediately to the Committees at Reading and McAllister Town informing them that this Committee has receiv’d Intelligence that a Certain Christian Kearn, James Quigg (alias) Quick and Benjn Lewis are Principally concern’d in making and passing the present Counterfeit Virginia money now circulating, that they hold a Lodge near sd Town, that the Paper of sd money was made at the Paper Mill on Schuykill near Reading Town. That a Letter be likewise sent to the Committee at Chambers Town giving them intelligence that this Committee has been inform’d that a certain Benjn Nugent near sd Town is concern’d wth the aforsd persons in passing sd money, that sd Committees may take order therein and apprehend such Malefactors.8

Saturday March 1st 1777… Ordered that Baltzer Gull pay John Adair 10/6 for three standing Guard over Isaac, Christr Shockey, Jno Tedrow and Jno Acton, the sum of £4..17 that a Rifle belonging to Christr Shockey be apprais’d and sold to defray the Expence…
Ordered that Baltzer Gull pay John Fackler £2. for his and seven Men’s Services in assisting to apprehend John Acton &c living at Green Spring Furnace.9

March 1st 1777…By Do [Cash] paid to John Fockler for him & 7 Men going as Guard to Green Spring furnace for John Acton &c 2£..—..— 10

The Shockey story goes on. I found this in an online message board:

The following information is from historical newspapers available on line.

Apr. 8 1777- Dunlap’s Maryland Gazette- ” 10 Pounds Reward – Broke out of Frederick County gaol the following persons Isaac Shockey, Christian Shockey (son of Valentine), Christopher Shockey, John Tutterow and John Acton, who were committed upon suspicion of counterfeiting and passing counterfeit Virginia money.”

November 23, 1779 -Pennsylvania Packet – ” At the Court of Oyer and Terminer held at Carlisle for the Hon. Thomas McKean and William Atlee, Justices. Christopher Shockey was tried and convicted and received the sentence of death for passing counterfeit 30 dollar bills of Continental money dated 22nd July 1776”

And from legislative document ‘We hear that the execution of the sentence of death lately pronounced at Carlisle, against Christopher Shockey for the counterfeiting of paper money is ordered to be done at Carlisle on Wed. 8th of Dec.’11


  1. “Proceedings of the Committee of Observation for Elizabeth Town District (Washington County),” 1918,  Maryland Historical Magazine, Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, volume 13, number 3, page 247
  2. Tedrow is of interest to me because my ancestor George Hoover’s daughter, Anna Elizabeth Hoover, married Peter Tedrow, circa 1791/4, presumably in Fayette or Westmoreland County.
  3. “Proceedings of the Committee of Observation for Elizabeth Town District (Washington County),” 1918, Maryland Historical Magazine, Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, volume 13, number 3, page 230-231
  4. “Proceedings of the Committee of Observation for Elizabeth Town District (Washington County),” 1918, Maryland Historical Magazine, Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, volume 13, number 3, page 231
  5. “Proceedings of the Committee of Observation for Elizabeth Town District (Washington County),” 1918, Maryland Historical Magazine, Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, volume 13, number 3, page 231
  6. “Proceedings of the Committee of Observation for Elizabeth Town District (Washington County),” 1918, Maryland Historical Magazine, Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, volume 13, number 3, page 234
  7. “Proceedings of the Committee of Observation for Elizabeth Town District (Washington County),” 1918, Maryland Historical Magazine, Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, volume 13, number 3, page 234-235
  8. “Proceedings of the Committee of Observation for Elizabeth Town District (Washington County),” 1918, Maryland Historical Magazine, Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, volume 13, number 3, page 238
  9. “Proceedings of the Committee of Observation for Elizabeth Town District (Washington County),” 1918, Maryland Historical Magazine, Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, volume 13, number 3, page 238-239
  10. “Proceedings of the Committee of Observation for Elizabeth Town District (Washington County),” 1918, Maryland Historical Magazine, Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, volume 13, number 3, page 248
  11. Kowalski, Shirley, “notorious Valentine,” Shockey Surname Message Board,, viewed 27 Feb 2011

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, "Shockey’s Counterfeit Currency," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 28 Jul 2014 ( : accessed 31 Mar 2025).

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One Reply to “Shockey’s Counterfeit Currency”

  1. I find this extremely interesting & helpful as I have been looking for information re: my 5th grandfather, Valentine Shockey. I appreciate the work you have done on the Shockey family.
    My name is Melvin Donald Shockey, but I use the name Don Shockey.

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