Settling Johannes Hocker’s Estate

After Johan “Hans” Adam Hacker died circa 1782 and the settling of his estate, several of his sons—Johannes, Christopher, Johan Adam Jr., Martin, and perhaps for a time, Johan George—left Lancaster County and came to Harrisburg. The earliest record of them in the city is a mention of the Adam Hocker tavern in the 1787 tax records.

The brothers engaged in business with each other—Adam and Christopher likely operating the tavern together as they were taxed together in 1791 and 1793.1 John and Martin purchased land together in Lower Paxton Township in 1796.2

By 1796, John had moved to East Pennsborough Township, Cumberland County. He and his wife Catharina Scholl purchased 50 acres of land there on 13 Jun 1796.3 They sold one of their lots in Harrisburg purchased also in 1796.4

In May 1801, John and Catharine sold the 50 acres they’d purchased from Andrew Lee.5 By 10 Feb 1802, John Hocker was dead.6 He was 44 years old.

John died intestate—without a will. Here are transcriptions for the settling of his estate.

Letters of Administration

John Hocker, deceased~
Be it Remembered that on the 10th day of February A.D. 1802 Letters of Administration Issued in Common Form to Jacob Miller of East Pennsborough and George Coover of Allen Township, all and singular the Goods and Chattles rights and credits which were which were of John Hocker deceased. Inventory and Accounts to be Exhibited into the Registers Office in the Borough of Carlisle in time appointed by Law~
Witness my hand George Kline, Register7

Petition to Sell Land

Came into Court Jacob Miller and George Coover Administrators of the Estate of John Hocker late of East Pennsbro [sic] Township deceased and passed a petition to the Court setting forth that the personal estate of the said deceased amounting to the sum of five hundred and eighty two pounds nineteen shillings and six pence hath been sold be the petitioners That by the terms of the sale the money was not yet due or payable That there had come to the knowledge of the petitioners debts due by the Intestate to the amount of three thousand two hundred and thirty four pounds and upwards There was no fund in the hands of the petitioners from which the said debts could be paid or the minor children supported other than the amount arising from the sale of the personal estate above stated That the intestate died seized of a plantation containing one hundred and eighty one and one half acres situate in East Pennsbro [sic] & Allen Townships The petitioners therefore prayed the Court to make an order that they might sell the whole of the said tract of Land or such part of it as the Court may think necessary for raising a fund to pay the Debts of Intestate and to support the three minor children of the said deceased.

Whereupon it is considered by the Court and ordered that the said Jacob Miller and George Cover Administrators aforesaid make public sale of the tract of land aforesaid on Tuesday the fifth day of October next between the hours of twelve [ink spot] and four o’Clock in the afternoon of that day on the premises and by six written notices to be made our on good paper and delivered to the Sheriff or Constable to be fixed up in the most public places of the County at least ten days before the day of the said sale and that the said Administrators make return of their proceedings to the next stated Orphans Court.

~ By the Court8

Administration Account

Came into Court Jacob Miller and George Koover administrators of all singular the goods & chattles [sic] rights & credits of John Hocker deceased & produced an account of the Administration The Court upon consideration having adjusted & passed the same find a balance of nine hundred & fifty six pounds and eight pence in the hands of the administrators subject to distribution according to law see page 186.

~By the Court9

Revised Administration Account

Came into Court Jacob Miller and George Koover Administrators of all and singular the goods and chattles [sic] rights and credits which were of John Hocker late of the township of East Pennsborough township deceased and produced as supplemental Administration account of the Estate of the said deceased The Court having adjusted and passed the same find a balance of one hundred and ninety two pounds and four shillings in the hands of the Administrators subject to distribution according to Law.

~By the Court10

Guardianship Petitions

Came to the Court Mary Hocker minor above the age of fourteen years Orphan daughter of John Hocker deceased and prayed to the Court to appoint Christopher Eigelberger Guardian over her person and estate. The Court upon consideration appoint the said Christopher Eigleberger Guardian over the person and estate of the said Mary Hocker minor Orphan Daughter of the said John Hocker deceased during her minority or until another Guardian or Guardians be appointed in his Room

~By the Court

Came to the Court Catharine Hocker mother & next friend of Elizabeth Hocker and Sally Hocker minors under the age of fourteen years Orphan Children of John Hocker deceased and prayed the Court appoint a proper person Guardian over the persons and estates of the said Elizabeth Hocker and Sally Hocker minor Orphan Children of the said John Hocker deceased. Whereupon the Court appointed John Rupley Guardian over the persons & estates of the said minors during their minority or until another Guardian or Guardians be appointed in his Room

~By the Court11

Johannes and Eva Catharina (Scholl) Hocker had three daughters:

  1. Mary Hocker was born sometime between 1786 and 1790 in Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania and died sometime after 1804. No more is known about her.
  2. Elizabeth Hocker was born circa 1787 in Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania and died 31 Mar 1861 in Mechanicsburg, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. On 25 Dec 1812, she married Samuel Eberly in Zion Lutheran Church in Harrisburg. He was born in 1788 and died 15 Aug 1846 in Mechanicsburg. The couple was buried in Trindle Springs Lutheran Church cemetery.
  3. Sarah “Sally” Hocker was born 6 Dec 1793 in either Harrisburg or Cumberland County and baptized in Salem Lutheran Church in Harrisburg. On 12 Dec 1816, she married Peter Eberly in Zion Lutheran Church in Mt. Holly Springs, Cumberland County. Peter was born 15 Jun 1795 and died 10 Mar 1866 in Mechanicsburg. The couple was buried in Trindle Springs Lutheran Church cemetery.


  1. Adam & Stophel Hawker entry, “Harrisburg Borough Tax Lists, 1785-1841,” microfilm roll 4143, Pennsylvania State Archives, Harrisburg.
  2. Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book G1:405, Lawrence Bennetch and wife to John and Martin Hocker, 1794; photocopy, Recorder of Deeds, Harrisburg.
  3. Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book L1: 894, Andrew Lee and wife to John Hawker, 1796; photocopy, Pennsylvania State Archives, Harrisburg.
  4. Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book I1:299, John Hocker and wife to Andrew Armstrong, 1796; photocopy, Recorder of Deeds, Harrisburg; and Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book L1:254, John Hocker and wife to John Spangler, 1796; photocopy, Recorder of Deeds, Harrisburg.
  5. Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book O1:471, John Hocker and wife to Christopher Eichelberger, 1801; photocopy, Pennsylvania State Archives, Harrisburg.
  6. Letters of administration on John Hocker’s estate were issued on 10 Feb 1802, so John was likely deceased by the beginning of February.
  7. Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Administration Book B:146, Letters of Administration Granted, 10 Feb 1802; digital image, FamilySearch, “Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994″( : accessed 12 Oct 2014); citing Register of Wills, Carlisle.
  8. Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Orphans Court Book 3:359, Petition to sell land, 31 May 1802; digital image, FamilySearch, “Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994″( : accessed 12 Oct 2014); citing Orphans Court, Carlisle.
  9. Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Orphans Court Book 4:31, Administration Account, 27 Mar 1805; digital image, FamilySearch, “Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994″( : accessed 12 Oct 2014); citing Orphans Court, Carlisle.
  10. Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Orphans Court Book 4:186, Revised Administration Account, 9 Feb 1808; digital image, FamilySearch, “Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994″( : accessed 12 Oct 2014); citing Orphans Court, Carlisle.
  11. Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Orphans Court Book 3:354, Guardian requests for John Hocker’s children, 31 May 1802; digital image, FamilySearch, “Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994″( : accessed 12 Oct 2014); citing Orphans Court, Carlisle.

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, "Settling Johannes Hocker’s Estate," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 12 Oct 2014 ( : accessed 22 Feb 2025).

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