Searching for Maria Margaretha Barbara’s Maiden Name

I recently found that Eva Catharina (Betz) Schneider was the daughter of Maria Margaretha Barbara, not Eva as I previously thought. But her surname was not readable on the family page for Sebastian Betz in the Fürfeld church book.

Sebastian Betz family page title in Fürfeld church book
Johann Sebastian Betz and wife Maria Margaretha Barbara

Sometimes a maiden name is difficult, if not impossible, to find, but it always bothers me not to have it. So, I went looking for more information on Maria Margaretha Barbara.

Since searching Ancestry did not yield results, I went paging through the Fürfeld church book. The family page provides both the marriage date (16 August 1687) and her death date (10 December 1716) which allowed me to to search for specific records.

The death record did not provide a maiden name, simply named her as the wife of Johann Sebastian Betz. The marriage record, however, did provide what I was looking for.

Sebastian Betz and Maria Margaretha Barbara, daughter of Johann Leonhardt Langer or Loinger, marriage entry
Johann Sebastian Betz Fürfeld marriage record

1687 16 Aug: Johann Sebastian Betz, [first?] legitimate son of Wolfgang Betz, citizen of Fürfeld, married with Maria Margaretha Barbara, legitimate daughter of Johann Leonhardt [Loingen? or Langer?], citizen of [?].1

It appears to me that there is a location given for Johann Leonhardt, but I can’t make it out. I don’t believe it’s Fürfeld. (If you can read it, please help me out!)

Based on this record I can add Hans Wolfgang Betz, Sebastian’s father, and Johann Leonhardt Loinger/Loingen/Langer, Maria Margaretha Barbara’s father, to the family tree.


  1. Frankenbach and Fürfeld Parish (Fürfeld, Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg, Germany), “Familienbuch, Taufen, Seelenregister, Heiraten u Tote 1600-1884,” page 43, Johann Sebastian Betz and Maria Margaretha Barbara Langer marriage record, 16 Aug 1687; online, Ancestry, “Württemberg, Germany Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials 1500-1985” ( : accessed 1 Jan 2020). The index lists “Langer” as her maiden name, but it looks like Loinge? to me. Both Loingen and Loinger appear in German records on FamilySearch.

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, "Searching for Maria Margaretha Barbara’s Maiden Name," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 6 Feb 2020 ( : accessed 29 Mar 2025).

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