Photo: Witmer Family Group

The Witmers

The Witmers

Another Witmer family group photo, probably taken at the family farm before 1912. Gertrude, the youngest Witmer child, was born in 1897. This photo may have been taken in 1904 to celebrate Edward & Lydia Witmer’s 50th wedding anniversary.

Left to right (adults): Henry and Lillian Snyder, Horace and Mary (Breish) Witmer, Lydia and Edward (Kline) Witmer, Milton Nace (wife Elmira died in 1896), Saraphine (Witmer) Snyder, Willoby and Emma (Witmer) Snyder, Milton and Cora (Gussman) Witmer.

Left to right (children): Gertrude, Morris and Wilmer Witmer (children of Horace and Mary), and Herbert W. and Laurence Witmer Nace (children of Milton and Elmira)

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, "Photo: Witmer Family Group," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 18 Jan 2014 ( : accessed 28 Mar 2025).

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