Part II: The Greulich Farm Connecting Five Generations with Deeds & Probate Records

In my last post about the Greulich farm, I compared the metes and bounds from two documents—Henry Snyder’s 1830 mortgage and Henry D. Snyder’s 1899 deed—and determined that there was a significant overlap between the two. While searching for a photo to use for the post, I found additional deeds to examine.

Having now looked through these deeds, I’ve been able to put together a timeline for the property, as follows:

  1. Godfried Wissler wrote his last will and testament 3 April 1825 and it was proven on 21 October 1829.1 He wrote: “It is my will and I do order that my real estate shall be sold by my Executors on public sale…”
  2. On 2 April 1830, Jacob Stoyer, administrator of Godfried Wissler’s will sold Henry Snyder 62 acres 40 perches.2
  3. On 1 April 1857, Henry Snyder sold 59 acres 128 perches to his son Joseph Schneyder.3
  4. On 3 April 1861, Joseph Schneyder and his wife Judith sold this same tract to her first cousin Nathaniel Deischer of Hereford Township, Berks County.4 Henry Snyder’s mortgage on the original property was paid off on 3 April 1861, so it appears Joseph and Judith sold the land in order to pay the debt.5
  5. On 24 March 1866, Nathaniel Deischer and Lydia his wife sold the 59 acres 89 perches to John Rooks of Warren County, New Jersey.6
  6. On 20 February 1869, John Rook and his wife Cheretta sold 59 acres 89 perches to Addy Ziegler of Marlborough Township, Montgomery County.7
  7. On 8 April 1869, Henry Hartman and Caroline his wife sold 16 acres 128 perches to Addy Ziegler.8 This was formerly part of the land of Thomas Lynch.
  8. On 8 April 1875, Addy Ziegler and Elizabeth his wife sold 59 acres 89 perches and 16 acres 128 perches to Elias H. Hoch of Upper Hanover Township.9
  9. On 29 March 1877, Elias H. Hoch and his wife Lavinia sold 59 acres 84 perches (part of the two adjoining tract purchased from Ziegler) to Joseph Schneider of Upper Hanover Township.10
  10. Joseph Snyder wrote his last will and testament on 10 July 1894, which states “All the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, real, personal and mixed, whatever and wherever, I order and direct to be converted into money as soon as the same can conveniently be done after my decease.”11 He died 4 November 1895 and his will was proven on 7 December 1895.
  11. Joseph Snyder’s executors, Henry D. Snyder and Amandus Snyder, sold 55 acres and 84 perches (except 40 square perches) to their brother Mahlon Snyder on 1 April 1899.12
  12. On 1 July 1899, Mahlon Snyder sold 55 acres 84 perches (except 40 square perches) to Henry D. Snyder.13
  13. On 22 August 1928, Henry and Saraphine Snyder sold 55 acres 84 perches to their son-in-law and daughter, Elmer and Lillian Greulich.14

Thus, I can prove—thank you, Snyder and Greulich ancestors for holding onto all those deeds!—the land descended from Godfried Wissler to his son-in-law Henry Schneider to his son Joseph Schneider, then through other hands until most of it was bought back by Joseph Schneider in 1877, then eventually to his son Henry Deischer Snyder.

Can we go back further? Let’s find out.


  1.  Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, Will Book 6:575, Godfrey Whisler, 21 Oct 1829; digital images,, Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994 ( : accessed 8 Feb 2014); citing Montgomery County Register of Wills, Norristown.
  2. Mortgage, Henry Snyder to George Hillegas, 3 Apr 1830; privately held by Kristen Hocker, Boston, Massachusetts, 2001, from the family papers of Russell Gruelich.
  3.  Deed, Joseph Schneyder and wife to Nathaniel Deysher, 3 Apr 1861; privately held by Kristen Hocker, Boston, Massachusetts, 2015, from the family papers of Russell Greulich.
  4. Deed, Joseph Schneyder and wife to Nathaniel Deysher, 3 Apr 1861.
  5.  Henry Snyder and George Hillegas mortgage, 3 Apr 1830; privately held by Kristen Hocker, Boston, Massachusetts, 2001, from the family papers of Russell Greulich; George Hillegas Sr. assigned this mortgage to Samuel Kepler on 1 June 1843. It was Kepler who acknowledged final payment of the mortgage.
  6. Deed, Nathaniel Deisher & wife to John Rooks, 24 Mar 1866; privately held by Kristen Hocker, Boston, Massachusetts, 2015, from the family papers of Russell Greulich.
  7. Deed, John Rook to Addy Ziegler, 20 Feb 1869; privately held by Kristen Hocker, Boston, Massachusetts, 2015, from the family papers of Russell Greulich.
  8. Deed, Henry Hartman & wife to Addy Ziegler, 8 Apr1869; privately held by Kristen Hocker, Boston, Massachusetts, 2015, from the family papers of Russell Greulich.
  9.  Deed, Addy Ziegler & wife to Elias H. Hoch, 8 Apr 1875; privately held by Kristen Hocker, Boston, Massachusetts, 2015, from the family papers of Russell Greulich.
  10. Deed, Elias H. Hoch & Lavinia his wife to Joseph Schneider, 29 Mar 1877; privately held by Kristen Hocker, Boston, Massachusetts, 2015, from the family papers of Russell Greulich.
  11.  Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, Will Book 24:60, Joseph Snyder, 10 Jul 1894; digital images,, Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994 ( : accessed 8 Feb 2014); citing Montgomery County Register of Wills, Norristown.
  12.  Deed, Henry D. Snyder and Amandus Snyder Excrs. of last will & testament of Joseph Snyder, deceased to Mahlon Snyder, 1 Jul 1899; privately held by Kristen Hocker, Boston, Massachusetts, 2015, from the family papers of Russell Greulich.
  13.  Deed, Mahlon Snyder et ux to Henry D. Snyder, 1 Jul 1899; privately held by Kristen Hocker, Boston, Massachusetts, 2015, from the family papers of Russell Greulich.
  14. Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, Lillian Greulich estate, Affidavit of Administrators, 1949; privately hold by Kristen Hocker, Boston, Massachusetts, 2015, from family papers of Russell Greulich.

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, "Part II: The Greulich Farm Connecting Five Generations with Deeds & Probate Records," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 11 Nov 2016 ( : accessed 3 Mar 2025).

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