Obituary: George Walker
WALKER – At the age of 85 years, George Walker at his residence at Marsh Creek, on Friday of last week. He was the father of twenty-six children. The funeral took place on Sunday.1
In 1891, the 3rd of April was a Friday.2 So according to his obituary, George Walker died the week prior on the 27th of March and was buried on the 5th of April.
George Walker was married twice, first to Catherine Walker and second to Mary Ellen Woods. Catherine had 12 children; Mary Ellen had 14.3
- George Walker obituary, The Democratic Watchman, Friday, 3 April 1891. ↩
- You can create a calendar for any year online. It’s very helpful for determining day of the week for various life events, especially when no date is given just the relative days as in the obituary for the day of George’s funeral. ↩
- Adella Spangler, “Spangler Notebook,” Volume 66, Centre County Library and Historical Museum, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. ↩
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Kris Hocker, "Obituary: George Walker," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 23 Oct 2012 ( : accessed 23 Feb 2025).
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