My New Book!

Marriage and Death Notices from the Harrisburg Chronicle

Marriage and Death Notices from the Harrisburg Chronicle, 1820-1834

Marriage and Death Notices from the Harrisburg Chronicle, 1820—1834

I’ve been working on this book on and off since my previous book was published. The editing, formatting and indexing took the longest. Then in the excitement of research successes, I forgot about it. After recently finding it again, I polished it up and decided to give self-publishing a try. And now—after some trials and tribulations in getting it ready for print—it’s available for sale!

This book includes 175+ pages of marriage and death announcements from a Harrisburg, Pennsylvania newspaper published in the 1820s. Because newspapers of the time commonly shared information, there are announcements from multiple Pennsylvania counties as well as other states.

During this period marriages and deaths were not recorded by the state, so church records, newspaper announcements, and family records may provide the only documentation of these pivotal events in our ancestors’ lives.

“Monday, 5 August 1822, Vol. X—No. 10

Married—At Huntingdon Pa. on the 11th July last, John Williamson, Esq. attorney at law, of the borough of Indiana, Pa. to Miss Eliza Steel, daughter of Samuel Steel, Esq. of Huntingdon, Pa.”

The book is available in both paperback and downloadable formats. It includes an every name index.

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Pages: 236
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior Ink: Black & white
Dimensions (inches): 6.0 wide × 9.0 tall

Print: $21.99
Download: $12.99

Available for purchase on Lulu and Amazon.

This book is a follow-up and continuation of my previous book Marriage and Death Notices in Harrisburg Area Newspapers, 1835-1845.

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, "My New Book!," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 20 Mar 2014 ( : accessed 22 Feb 2025).

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