Margaretha (Schneider) Reppert (1764-1831)

So, I had a new AncestryDNA match appear for my Mom recently. I was doing a search for matches with Schneiders in their tree born in Pennsylvania otherwise I probably wouldn’t have found them. 

It’s a fairly small segment—only 15 cMs on one segment. I wasn’t overly excited until I saw our Shared Match. There was only one, but it happened to be the cousin I identified as sharing both Schneider and Nuss segments with my Mom. He’s been pivotal to identifying my Schneider DNA relatives.

This new match traces their ancestry back to Jacob Reppert and Margaret Schneider of Berks County, Pennsylvania. According to their family tree, Margaret was born 2 June 1764, no parents listed, and married Jacob Reppert in Oley Township, Berks County on 10 January 1786.1

There were only two other trees listing Margaret—one included parents William and Susanna, the other no parents. William and Susanna did indeed have a daughter Margaret, but church records attached to that tree show she was born 23 December 1760,2 not the 2 June 1764 found on Margaret’s profile. The alternate tree that showed no parents also had a different birth date: 2 July 1764.

Margaretha Schneider in 3 Ancestry Family Trees

That birth date gave me an ah-hah moment. Elias Schneider and Anna Maria Nuss had a daughter Anna Margaretha born 2 July 1764 and baptized at Old Goshenhoppen Church (no date given).3 Since there were no sources provided for either the June or July birth dates, it could be either. The DNA match, however, makes me suspect the July date may be correct.

When I identified my 5G grandfather Jacob Schneider as a descendant of Conrad and Catharina (Betz) Schneider, I stated that their son Elias might be Jacob’s father. I also found the he was proving to be rather elusive. So, he’s probably the one child of Conrad and Catharina for whom I’ve been hoping the most to locate genetic descendants.

Here are five reasons that I believe Margaret is the daughter of Elias and Anna Maria (Nuss) Schneider. None of them are sufficient alone, but together they start to build a circumstantial case for the relationship.

1. Name

Elias Schnieder and Anna Maria Nuss had a daughter Anna Margaretha born 2 July 1764 and baptized at Old Goshenhoppen Lutheran Church.4 She was sponsored by George Gaugler and Anna Margaretha Nuss (Maria’s sister).

2. Date

All three Ancestry Family Trees that include Anna Margaretha (Schneider) Reppert agree that she was born in 1764.5 Two of them claim she was born on 2 June 1764 and one on 2 July 1764. Since none of them provide a source to support the claim—except other trees—I can only accept the year. But they are all really close to or exactly the 2 July birth date of Elias’ daughter.

3. Location

The last known potential location I have for Elias Schneider is Oley Township, Berks County. An Anna Maria Schneider was granted Letters of Administration for the late Elias Schneider of Oley Township, Berks County on 31 March 1779.6 Henry Kersten of Oley Township and Adam Hamsher of Rucombmanor Township were bondsmen for the administration bond.7 The estate inventory was submitted 10 April 1779, appraised by Daniel Guldin and Elias Waggoner.8

Both the “Widow Snyder” and Conrad Snyder appear in tax records for Oley Township in the following years—the widow through 1782 and Conrad through 1787.

The first known location I’ve found for Margaretha (Schneider) Reppert is also Oley Township. She married Jacob Repport at Salem Reformed [now UCC] Church in Oley Township on 10 January 1786.9 Margaretha and Jacob, like Conrad and Margaretha, also had children baptized at Salem Reformed Church in Oley.  Jacob is found in township tax records from 1786 through 1799.10

4. Family Ties

Margaret (Schneider) Reppert’s daughter Elisabetha was sponsored on 11 August 1793 at Oley (Salem) Reformed Church by Catharina Schneider.11 If Margaretha was Elias’s daughter, then her daughter was sponsored by her younger sister.

Additionally, Daniel Schneider of Ruscombmanor was listed as a bondsman on the administration bond for Jacob Reppert on 14 June 1837.12 Usually family members serve these roles because they have some influence over the people involved and can help to ensure that they fulfill their responsibilities. With the exception of George Schlotman, I’ve identified all the others listed on the bond as being members of Jacob’s family, sons and sons-in-law. Daniel Schneider was likely a family member from Margaretha’s side of the family.

Conrad Schneider, quite likely Margaretha’s brother, had a son named Daniel born in 1789. He would have been of age to be a match to the Daniel Schneider found in the 1840 United States Census enumeration for Ruscombmanor Township.13

Furthermore, there is an association between Nuss family members and Berks County. Anna Maria’s sister Elisabetha (Nuss) Gottschall Wagner resided in Reading and Alsace Township in Berks County during her lifetime. Her brother Conrad Nuss died in Hereford Township. And her sister Anna Margaretha (Nuss) Leinbach lived in Reading.

5. DNA

My mother is a DNA match to two descendants of Margaretha (Scheider) Reppert. They are from the same family, so I’d like to see more matches before drawing conclusions. But a review of their family tree from their shared ancestor back did not reveal a closer potential match than Margaretha. Furthermore, the amount of DNA they share with my Mom is within the probability for the presumed relationship, according to the Shared CM Project, given Elias Schneider and Anna Maria Nuss as our common ancestors. 

And finally, the AncestryDNA matches these Reppert descendants share with Mom are all members of the Schneider cluster I’ve identified, including the cousin who, like my mom, descends from Jacob Schneider and Catharina Nuss. 


I’m really excited to find this match. While I don’t feel that current evidence proves the relationship, I do feel that it’s more probable than any of the alternatives I can come up with.

Now I’ll just eagerly await the next Snyder/Schneider DNA match and the clues it will provide.


  1. “Public Member Family Trees,” database, ( : accessed 9 Aug 2019), multiple trees (unnamed to maintain user privacy), profiles for Margaretha (Schneider) Reppert (1764-1831, Berks County, Pennsylvania), undocumented data as of 9 Aug 2019.
  2. The owner of this tree has since changed the Margaretha’s birth date to match the church record.
  3. Karl Schild, “Church Records of the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation at Old Goshenhoppen,” typescript, unpaged, Anna Margaretha Schneider baptism entry, 1764; online, FamilySearch, “Woxall, Old Goshenhoppen Church; parish register 1732-1828” ( : accessed 10 Aug 2018), film 1312363, Item 7. 
  4. Karl Schild, “Church Records of the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation at Old Goshenhoppen,” typescript, unpaged, Anna Margaretha Schneider baptism entry, 1764. 
  5. “Public Member Family Trees,” database, ( : accessed 9 Aug 2019), multiple trees (unnamed to maintain user privacy), profiles for Margaretha (Schneider) Reppert (1764-1831, Berks County, Pennsylvania), undocumented data as of 9 Aug 2019.
  6. Berks County, Pennsylvania, Letters of Administration, Volume 3:261, Elias Schneider, 31 Mar 1779; online,, “Pennsylvania, Wills and Probates, 1683-1993” ( : accessed 14 Sep 2018); citing Berks County Orphans’ Court, Reading, Pennsylvania. 
  7. I’ve been unable to find any relationship between either of these two men and either the Schneider or Nuss families.
  8. Elias Waggoner may have been the brother of Anna Maria’s brother-in-law, Henry Wagner.
  9. Ancestry, “Pennsylvania, Church Records – Adams, Berks, and Lancaster Counties, 1729-1881” ( : accessed 6 Aug 2019), marriage record for Jacob Reppert and Margaretha Schneider, 10 Jan 1786.
  10. Berks county, Pennsylvania, Oley Township, tax lists, extant records, 1786-1799; online, FamilySearch, “Tax Lists, 1752-1856” ( : accessed 8 Aug 2019), film #20830.
  11. Ancestry, “Pennsylvania, Church Records – Adams, Berks, and Lancaster Counties, 1729-1881” ( : accessed 6 Aug 2019), baptism record for Elisabetha Reppert, 11 Aug 1793.
  12. Berks County, Pennsylvania, Administration Bonds, Volume 13, page 85, Administration bond for Jacob Reppert’s estate, 14 Jun 1837; online,, “Pennsylvania, Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993” ( : accessed 8 Aug 2019).
  13. 1840 United States Census, Berks County, Pennsylvania, Ruscombmanor Township, page 275, line 22, Daniel Schnyder entry; online, FamilySearch, “United States, 1840” ( : accessed 7 Aug 2019); citing NARA micropublication M704, roll 437; There is another Daniel Schneider of a similar age in Exeter Township, but I’ve connected him to another family which includes others found in the Exeter census enumeration living near him.

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, "Margaretha (Schneider) Reppert (1764-1831)," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 22 Aug 2019 ( : accessed 28 Feb 2025).

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