John Smith’s Conestoga Tract
On 28 October 1728, the survey of Hans Line’s adjacent property indicates that this land or that warranted to Hugh Patten (or both) was of Christian Prenaman.1 Five years later, John Goughnour had his adjacent land surveyed and his survey also indicated that this tract was of Christian Prenaman.2
John Smith was issued a warrant for 200 acres on Pequea Creek on 5 October 1734.3 Bartram Galbraith surveyed 167.5 acres for John Smith on 24 April 1759. Adjoining landholders included Jacob Coghnor, John Lyne, Abraham Beam, Henry Rush, John Hoover, Jacob Hover.4
Smith must have either abandoned the tract or sold his interest in it, because Jacob Hoover, owner of an adjoining tract of land, patented these 167.5 acres on 7 September 1759.(see Patent Book A20:346)5 Jacob’s son Christian inherited the land from his father on 12 September 1759.6
On 26 November 1761, Christian sold this tract to John Jacob Goughnour.7 Jacob Goughnour’s heirs—John & Elizabeth Kochenauer, Christian Kochenauer, Henry & Ann Kochenauer, Abraham Kochenauer, Adam Kochenauer, Tobias Kochenauer, Christian & Catharine (Kochenauer) Hess, Joseph & Esther Kochenauer—sold Jacob Gochenour, their brother, 167.5 acres from their father’s estate on 4 November 1780. It adjoined land of the Goughour heirs, John Line, land late of Abraham Beam, Henry Rush, John Hoover, and Jacob Hoover.
- Hans Line survey (1728), Pennsylvania Copied Survey Book D78:4. ↩
- John Goughnour survey (1733), Pennsylvania Copied Survey Book C58:90. ↩
- Warrant to “John Smith” (S32), 5 Oct 1734, “Warrant Registers, 1733-1957,” Lancaster County, page 190; Records of the Land Office, records group 17, series #17.88; PDF online, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, “Pennsylvania State Archives” ( : accessed 13 Oct 2013). ↩
- John Smith survey (1759), Pennsylvania Copied Survey Book C185:218; Records of the Land Office, Records Group 17, Copied Surveys, Series #17.114; PDF online, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, “Pennsylvania State Archives” ( : accessed 13 Oct 2013). ↩
- Pequea Township Warrantee Map (Lancaster County), Warrantee Township Maps; Records of the Land Office, Records Group 17, Series #17.522; PDF online, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, “Pennsylvania State Archives” ( : accessed 13 Oct 2013). ↩
- Harry M. Hoover, The Huber-Hoover Family History (Scottsdale, Pennsylvania: Mennonite Publishing House, 1928), page 22. ↩
- Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book M3:475, “Jno Jacob Kochenaur heirs to Jacob Kochenauer,” 4 Nov 1780; online, Recorder of Deeds, ↩
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Kris Hocker, "John Smith’s Conestoga Tract," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 16 Jan 2018 ( : accessed 29 Mar 2025).
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