Jacob Behme’s Conestoga Tract

On 22 November 1717, Martin Kendig (Kendick, Kendrick, Cundigg) and John Herr (Heer) were warranted 5,000 acres in Lancaster County by the Proprietaries of Pennsylvania.1 On 10 October 1731, John Taylor surveyed 381 acres, 50 acres of which had been surveyed on 20 June 1719.2 This property was adjacent to tracts of Christian Prennaman, Henry Hoober, Christian Heer, Hans Hess, Robert Creage. Jacob  Behme patented this tract on 12 August 1737. (See Patent Book A8:268)3

Jacob Behme Conestoga tract

Jacob Behme’s Conestoga Township tract

Jacob & Barbara Beam sold 180 acres, adjoining Abraham Beam, Robert Creague, and Hans Hess, to their son Martin Beam on 6 March 1750.4 On 9 January 1755, the couple sold Henry Rech [Resh] also of Conestoga 100 acres northwest of Pequea Creek, adjoining land of Abraham Beam.5 On the same date, they sold 100 acres to their son Abraham Beam.6

On 10 January 1767, Abraham & Barbara Beam of Bart Township sold 100 acres northwest of Pequea Creek to Martin Beam.7 Several months later, on 25 March 1767, Martin & Eve Beam of Conestoga Township sold to Henry Rush of Conestoga Township 10 acres 40 perches, adjoining Henry Rush’s other land.8

Martin & Eve Beam of Conestoga Township sold to John Beam of Conestoga Township 96 acres 100 perches, adjoining land of Henry Rush and Martin Beam, on 20 June 1783.9 The next day, Martin & Eve Beam sold 174 acres 20 perches acres, adjoining Samuel Hess and Martin Beam’s other land, to Jacob Beam.10


  1. Martin Kendig survey (1720), Pennsylvania Copied Survey Book D88:140; Records of the Land Office, Records Group 17, Copied Surveys, Series #17.114; PDF online, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, “Pennsylvania State Archives” (http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/state_archives/2887 : accessed 13 Oct 2013).
  2. Jacob Behme survey (1731), Pennsylvania Copied Survey Book D88:134; Records of the Land Office, Records Group 17, Copied Surveys, Series #17.114; PDF online, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, “Pennsylvania State Archives” (http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/state_archives/2887 : accessed 13 Oct 2013).
  3. Pequea Township Warrantee Map (Lancaster County), Warrantee Township Maps; Records of the Land Office, Records Group 17, Series #17.522; PDF online, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, “Pennsylvania State Archives” (http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/state_archives/2887 : accessed 13 Oct 2013).
  4. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book PP:61, Jacob Beam & uxr. to Martin Beam, 6 Mar 1750; online, Recorder of Deeds, http://www.lancasterdeeds.com.
  5. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book M:181, Jacob Beam to Henry Rech, 9 Jan 1755; online, Recorder of Deeds, http://www.lancasterdeeds.com.
  6. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book II:385, Jacob Beam & uxr to Abraham Beam, 9 Jan 1755, online, Recorder of Deeds, http://www.lancasterdeeds.com.
  7. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book M:113, Abraham Beam to Martin Beam, 10 Jan 1767; online, Recorder of Deeds, https://www.lancasterdeeds.com.
  8. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book M:182, Martin Beam to Henry Rush, 25 Mar 1767; online, Recorder of Deeds, https://www.lancasterdeeds.com.
  9. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book II:387, Martin Beam & uxr. to John Beam, 20 Jun 1783; online, Recorder of Deeds, https://www.lancasterdeeds.com.
  10. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book NN:387, Martin Beam & uxr. to Jacob Beam (1783); online, image 406, Recorder of Deeds, https://www.lancasterdeeds.com.

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, "Jacob Behme’s Conestoga Tract," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 16 Jan 2018 (https://www.krishocker.com/jacob-behmes-conestoga-tract/ : accessed 4 Mar 2025).

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