Jacob and Sarah (___) Hacker

I’m seeking information on the family of Jacob and Sarah (___) Hacker of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. They are another of my loose ends. I’d like to figure out where they fit in the Hacker/Hocker family. Any help would be appreciated.

Jacob K./R.Hacker was born 26 Aug 1838 and died 16 Feb 1906. He was buried in Bowman’s Cemetery, Ephrata, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. Circa 1870, Jacob married Sarah M./A. (___), probably in Lancaster county. Sarah was born 6 Feb 1849 and died 26 Jul 1921. She, too, was buried in Bowman’s cemetery.

Jacob and Sarah Hacker, I believe, had the following children:

  1. Franklin K. Hacker (ca 1870—1952) married Maggie M. Rishel.
  2. Amanda K. Hacker (ca 1872—?) married John S. Turner
  3. Jacob Hacker (ca Feb 1789—aft 1910)
  4. Emma Hacker (Dec 1883—?) married Frank A. Crall?
  5. Annie K. Hacker (May 1886—?) married William I. Mull?
  6. Elizabeth Hacker (Nov 1888—?)
  7. Lottie Hacker (27 Aug 1892—11 Nov 1895)

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, "Jacob and Sarah (___) Hacker," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 11 Jan 2016 (https://www.krishocker.com/jacob-and-sarah-hacker/ : accessed 23 Feb 2025).

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One Reply to “Jacob and Sarah (___) Hacker”

  1. Karl Anhaeuser 2 Sep 2009 at 4:39 am

    ich spreche kein englisch.

    Ich forsche nach Simon Henrich HOECKER. Er ist 1741 von Sayn-Hachenburg/Germany mit seiner Familie ausgewandert. 1755 lebte er auf der COCALICO MILL / Lancaster County.

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