Inventory: Christian Hoover (Heidelberg)

Christian Hoover of Heidelberg Township, York County, Pennsylvania died in 1771. An inventory was taken on his goods and chattels on 19 Mar 1771. Here is a transcript:

“An Inventory of the Goods and Chattles of Christian Hoover
late of Heidlebergh Township Deceased Taken this 19th Day of March
1771 and appraised by John Shank and Michael Danner

Sundry Wearing Apparel 5 8
one Riding Horse Saddle & Bridle 17 5
one Young Mare 22
two old Horses with Geers 10 10
Sundry Horse Geers 15
4 Head of Cattle 10
8 Head of Young Cattle 17 5
6 Head of Cattle 16 10
one Waggon 8
two Ploughs & their Geers 2 7 6
fifteen Sheep 6
Eight Hogs 2 6 6
Thirty Bushels Oates 3
Ten Bushels Wheat 2 5
Six Bushels Rye 18
one Kitchen Drefser [dresser] 2 10
one Cloaths Prefs [press] 2
two Chests 1 7 6
fifty six Yards Linnen 7
Nineteen Yards Tow Cloth 1 11 8
twenty four Yards Lincey 4 4
Six Yards Drugget 1 1
In Cash 47 11 3
one Bond from Michael Wibright 9
one Bond from George Cook 8
one Bond from Peter Dicks 9 9
one Bond from Christian Himler 8
one Bond from Jacob Cochenour [brother-in-law] 32 4 4
one Bond from Mathias Neace 12
one Bond from George Beery 8
one Bond from Christian Overholser 6
one Bond from Nicholas Sluthower 6
one Bond from Francis Noll 50
one Bond from Christian Freed 15
one Note from Abraham Beery [brother-in-law] 9
one Note from George Melheim 1
one Note from Joseph Cochenour [brother-in-law] 3
one Note from Jacob Crouse 3
one Note from John Welde [brother-in-law John Welty] 7 10
one Note from Jacob Moaler 2 10
one Note from Daniel Risher 3 3
one Note from Henry Devalt 2
one Large Bible & one other Book 1 15
one other Large Bible 2 10
Sundry old Books 1 18 6
two Beds & Bed steads 3
Sundry Iron Ware 3 12
one Copper Kettle 3 10
Seven Iron Pans 1 12
one Brafs Kettle & two Brafs buckets 2 9
thirty pounds Hackled Hemp 1 10
Ten pounds spun thread 1
Sundry Pewter 2 13
1 [pound?] steelyards one part sealer & weights 1 8
sundry Earthen Ware [?] 13
sundry Ceader tubs [?] 1
five empty Casks 1 5
one Tea Kettle 7 6
one Small Trunk 3
sundry empty Casks 3 8
sundry Earthen Pots [?] 12
one Wind Mill 2 15
sundry Dung forks Hay forks [?] 8
for Hay 3 15
Six Hives of Bees 1 10
3 Chairs 9
two Tables & one Dough Trough 1 7 6
Nine Bags 1 7
one half Bushel 2
one Maul Rings & Wedge 5
two Axes 7 6
two Grubbing Hoes 6

Mary [her M mark] Hoover Exr. John Shank (in German) Michael Danner } appras”

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, "Inventory: Christian Hoover (Heidelberg)," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 28 May 2011 ( : accessed 22 Feb 2025).

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