I’m Late for a Very Important Date!

1980 Mad Hatter Costume Class

As kids, my sister and I—along with our pony Christopher Robin—competed in a number of horse shows at the farm our aunt managed. This is a photo from the summer of 1980 from the Costume Class. I was the Mad Hatter (left), Christopher was the March Hare, and my sister was Alice. We hung a tape recorder around Christopher’s neck with a recording of “I’m late! I’m late for a very important date” and played it while we were in the ring.

Christopher could be as stubborn as a jackass, but he was a really good sport about the costumes. At various times we were 49’ers with our mule (California or Bust), Alice & crew, three blind mice, a rabbit (Christopher) & two carrots (kids), Dumbo (Christopher) & friends, and so much more. And that’s just with us. Christopher had a long career as a class horse for kids who took lessons at the barn and he competed with most of them.

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, "I’m Late for a Very Important Date!," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 2 Oct 2018 (https://www.krishocker.com/im-late-for-a-very-important-date/ : accessed 31 Mar 2025).

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One Reply to “I’m Late for a Very Important Date!”

  1. Patty Ryker 3 Oct 2018 at 7:11 am


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