Henry Hoover of Lancaster County, PA and Rockingham County, VA, Part 3

In part one I listed out several Henry Hoovers who were possible candidates to be the man who married Barbara Hoover, daughter of Jacob Huber of Martic Township, on 11 October 1791 in Trinity Lutheran Church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. In part two I examined what I know about two of these men:

  1. Henry Huber (John2, Henry1 [K])
  2. Henry Huber (Jacob2, Henry1 [K2])

Here is what I’ve been able to learn about the rest.

  1. Henry Huber (John2, Jacob1)
  2. Henry Huber (Ulrich1)
  3. Henry Huber (Jacob2, Ulrich1)
  4. Henry Huber (Ulrich2, Ulrich1)

Henry Huber (John2, Jacob1)

John died prior to 30 April 1785 when his children and widow sold land from his estate to his son Abraham.1 The children—including Henry—were of age, so they were born prior to 30 April 1764. As of 1785, Henry’s wife was named Mary. That, plus his probable date of birth (prior to 1764), make it unlikely that he was the Henry who married Barbara Hoover in 1791.

I believe this Henry may have been the Henry Huber who married Mary Neiswanger/Newswanger, daughter of Christian Newswanger, prior to 30 April 1785 and moved to York County, Pennsylvania prior to 4 June 1798.2  I do not believe this Henry is a probable match to our subject.

Henry Huber (Ulrich1)

Ulrich Huber’s heirs sold his Conestoga Township property to his son John on 23 June 1759.3 Again, the heirs were over 21; they were all likely born prior to 23 June 1738.

To the best of my knowledge, this Henry married Anna Herr, sometime after 23 June 1759. Ann outlived him by nearly 30 years, negating the possibility of a second marriage to Barbara. Their son, Henry S., was born in the right time frame—1773—but was of Lampeter Township in 1818 when his mother sold land to him.4 This family is well covered in the book Genealogical Record of Reverend Hans Herr and his Direct Lineal Descendants.

This Henry and his son are not candidates to be our subject.

Henry Huber (Jacob2, Ulrich1)

Jacob and Barbara (Shank) Huber resided in Lampeter/Strasburg Township on land purchased from her uncle Henry Shank.5 Here they raised their family until 1785 when they sold their 132 1/2 acres to Jacob Eshleman, probably to move to land they’d purchased in York County.6 It is likely that their son Henry moved with them as Christian Huber, Jacob Huber, Henry Hoover and John Hoover all appear in the 1790 census enumeration for Manchester Township, York County.7

Jacob and most of his children moved to Canada by about 1791. Henry apparently moved to Canada, but then returned to Pennsylvania.8 I do not believe that he’s a good match for our subject.

Henry Huber (Ulrich2, Ulrich1)

Ulrich and Anna Maria (Funk) Hoover also had a son named Henry. He is listed amongst Ulrich’s heirs who sold land in Martic Township from his estate to his son Jacob.9 At the time, Henry was single. Henry was listed as a minor child (no age given) on 7 September 1784.10 He was over 21 by 23 September 1786 when the land was sold, so he was born between 7 September 1763 and 23 September 1765. He died prior to 29 April 1831 and had one child, a daughter named Sophia who married Samuel McAfee of Lincoln County, Upper Canada.11

While I don’t have any information on Henry’s wife, given the probable birth and death dates, I don’t believe he is a match for our Henry.

 Anybody Else?

Were there any other Henry Hoovers who could have married Barbara Hoover? I have information on two other men, but I don’t believe either is a good match.

Possibility #1

Henry Huber married Anna Margaretta Boyer, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (___) Boyer of Conestoga Township. They married before 20 April 1776.12 The couple was still living in Martic Township as of 8 April 1777, but I have no information that I can confirm relates to them after that date.13 It’s possible that he had a son named Henry, but at this time I have no information on this family.

This Henry may have been the son of Jacob Hoover (Ulrich1) and moved with his family to York County circa 1785.

Possibility #2

Feronica Good, sister of Henry Good of Conestoga Township, married Ulrich Huber of Lampeter Township. They had a son named Henry.14 Ulrich Huber of Lampeter died prior to 178315 and the monies from his estate were distributed to his heirs—David (eldest son), Daniel, Barbara, Henry, Michael and Moses— by 6 September 1786.16

This indicates—as no guardians are mentioned—that all of Ulrich’s children were of age by 6 September 1786, so they were born prior to 6 September 1765. I have absolutely no additional information on this Henry, so I can’t rule him out as a possibility, but I don’t believe that he’s a strong candidate.

Who’s Left?

I believe that covers all the possibilities for Henry’s parentage—at least from the Martic Township area. In my opinion, the best candidate for Barbara Hoover’s husband—if he came from the Martic Township area—is Henry Huber (John2, Henry1 [K]).

What do you think?

I’m actively researching these families and posting information on my website. Feel free to contact me with questions, for updates, or with additional information.


  1. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book 10:43-47, John Huber dec’d heirs to Abraham Huber, 30 Apr 1785; digital image, Recorder of Deeds, Online E-film Reader (http://www.lancasterdeeds.com/onlineefilmreader/ : accessed 20 Apr 2010).
  2. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed B3:654, Anna Newswanger & others to Christian Newswanger, 14 Feb 1795; digital images, Recorder of Deeds, Online E-film Reader (http://www.lancasterdeeds.com/onlineefilmreader/ : accessed 11 Mar 2010).
  3. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book H: 92-93, Jacob Hover et al to John Hover, 23 Jun 1759; digital images, Recorder of Deeds, Online E-film Reader (http://www.lancasterdeeds.com/onlineefilmreader/ : accessed 4 Feb 2010).
  4. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book U6:48-49, Anna Huber dec’d Heirs to Henry Huber et al,  24 Dec 1841; digital images, Recorder of Deeds, Online E-Film Reader (http://www.lancasterdeeds.com/onlineefilmreader/ : accessed 18 May 2010).
  5. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book L:23—24, Henry Shank to Jacob Hoover et ux,  9 Jan 1758; digital images, Recorder of Deeds, Online E-film Reader (http://www.lancasterdeeds.com/onlineefilmreader/ : accessed 8 Apr 2010).
  6. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book FF:281, Jacob Huber & uxr to Jacob Eshelman, 22 Oct 1785); digital images, Recorder of Deeds, Online E-film Reader (http://www.lancasterdeeds.com/onlineefilmreader/ : accessed 8 Apr 2010).
  7. Christian Huber, Jacob Huber, Henry Hoover and John Hoover households, 1790 United States Federal Census, York County, Pennsylvania, Manchester Township, page 350 and 352, lines 44, 46, 49 and 11; digital images, Internet Archive, “Population schedules of the first census of the United States, 1790, Pennsylvania” (https://archive.org/stream/populationsc17900009unit#page/n188/mode/1up : accessed 15 Jan 2014); citing National Archives and Record Administration micropublication M637, roll 9.
  8. Helen Bingleman, RootsWeb WorldConnect, “Huber/Hoover Family of Lancaster & York Counties, Pa. and Upper Canada” (http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=selkirk&id=I00005 : accessed 15 Jan 2014).
  9. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book II:358-363, Henry Huber et al to Jacob Huber, 23 Sep 1786; digital image, Recorder of Deeds, Online E-film Reader (http://www.lancasterdeeds.com/onlineefilmreader/ : accessed 11 Apr 2010).
  10. Edward N. Wevodau, Abstracts of Lancaster County, PA Orphans Court Records 1782-1791 (Apollo, PA: Closson Press, 2001), page 64.
  11. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Will Book Q1:61, John FunkDeceased, 29 Apr 1831; digital images, FamilySearch.org, Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994 (http://www.familysearch.org/search : accessed 14 Dec 2013); citing Lancaster County Register of Wills, Lancaster; and Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book Y5:305, Samuel McAfee to John Funk dec’d exors, 29 Apr 1833; digital images, Recorder of Deeds, Online E-film Reader (http://www.lancasterdeeds.com/onlineefilmreader/ : accessed 15 Dec 2013), image number 314.
  12. Edward N. Wevodau, Abstracts of Lancaster County, PA Orphans Court Records 1768-1782 (Apollo, PA: Closson Press, 2001), page 139.
  13. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book 14:391, Jacob Lehman et al to Rudolph Miller,  8 Apr 1777; digital images, Recorder of Deeds, Online E-film Reader (http://www.lancasterdeeds.com/onlineefilmreader/ : accessed 22 Oct 2010).
  14. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Will Book H:309, Henry Good Deceased, 10 Jun 1803; digital images, FamilySearch.org, “Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994” (http://www.familysearch.org/search : accessed 24 Oct 2012); citing Lancaster County Register of Wills, Lancaster.
  15. Lancaster County Historical Society, LancasterHistory.org, “Search the Archives” (http://www.lancasterhistory.org/ : accessed 9 Jan 2014), Ulrich Huber of Lampeter Township entry.
  16. Edward N. Wevodau, Abstracts of Lancaster County, PA Orphans Court Records 1782-1791 (Apollo, PA: Closson Press, 2001), page 127.

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, "Henry Hoover of Lancaster County, PA and Rockingham County, VA, Part 3," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 24 Jan 2018 (https://www.krishocker.com/henry-hoover-of-lancaster-county-pa-and-rockingham-county-va-part-3/ : accessed 30 Jan 2025).

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