Genealogy on TV

This spring is the TV season for the genealogy buff. There are two new programs for family historians to enjoy on television.

The first—Faces of America—debuted last Wednesday on PBS from 8 to 9 p.m. ET and will run through March 3rd. It features Henry Louis Gates, Jr., a Harvard scholar and will use the latest tools of genealogy and genetics to explore the family histories of 12 famous Americans:

We watched it last weekend and it made me ponder on the life experiences of my ancestors in a way I never really had before. Fascinating stuff!

The second—Who Do You Think You Are—is produced by Lisa Kudrow and will be airing on NBC for seven episodes on Fridays starting in March. This show is an adaptation of a popular English television series. It, too, features celebrities on voyage of discovery through an examination of their family histories, including:

Here’s a trailer for Who Do You Think You Are, featuring Brooke Shields and Sarah Jessica Parker (please excuse the commercial content…).

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, "Genealogy on TV," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 15 Feb 2010 ( : accessed 29 Mar 2025).

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One Reply to “Genealogy on TV”

  1. I am looking for the names and contact information for expert genealogists/researchers in Hungary and Romania, who specialize in these areas for information about ancestors prior to 1915.
    I would appreciate any help you can offer.
    Thank you.

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