Greulichs & Spouses (c 1941/2)

Greulichs & Spouses (c 1941/2)

A photo of the second generation of Greulichs and their spouses, probably taken in East Greenville, Pennsylvania ca 1941/2.

Men (L-R): John Wieder, Lewis Keller, Elmer Greulich, Albert Sterner, Charles Greulich

Women (L-R): Katherine Jane (Greulich) Wieder, Kate Amanda (Weil) Greulich, Anna E. (Greulich) Keller, Lillian Witmer (Snyder) Greulich, Flora (Greulich) Sterner, Carrie A. (Greulich) Letterhouse, Anna M. (Scholl) Greulich

I’m not sure of the identification. I’ve taken the information from another photograph where Bill Wieder, son of John and Katherine (Greulich) Wieder, kindly identified the occupants. Bill was present at the gathering, so I’m trusting his memory. I, unfortunately, am too young to have ever met any of these family members.

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, "Greulichs & Spouses (c 1941/2)," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 12 Aug 2010 ( : accessed 31 Mar 2025).

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