Friday Find: Henry Hoover’s heirs to John Stauffer
I found a deed today that I believe relates to Henry Hoover of Strasburg Township who died before 18 Dec 1833, leaving heirs in Franklin County, Pennsylvania. According to one deed, Henry had eight brothers and sisters.1 I was able to determine four of them:
- Christian Hoover of Franklin County and children: John, Martin, Christian, Abraham, Samuel, Jeremiah, Catharine, and Martha
- Feronica “Franey” (Hoover) Brand and sons Samuel and Christian
- Elizabeth (Hoover) Zimmerman and son Jacob
- Esther (Hoover) Beam
But I was still looking for the other four. I think I may have found three of them…
Know all men by these presents that whereas Henry Hoover late of the township of Leacock in the County of Lancaster in the state of Pennsylvania in the United States of America Carpenter and joiner deceased by his last will and testament in writing bearing the date the ____ day of ___ in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty did among other legacies therein contained give and bequeath unto us John Hoover, Martin Hoover and Daniel Hoover all of the township of Markham in the County of York in the Home District and province of Upper Canada yeomen the sum of four hundred and sixty one dollars and sixteen cents to be divided among us in three fair and equal proportions and of his said will made and constituted John Stouffer of the same township of Leacock miller executor, as in and by the said will may appear Now know ye that we the said John Hoover Martin Hoover and Daniel Hoover do and each of us does confess and acknowledge that we have had and received according to our respective shares of and from the said John Stauffer the legacy or sum of four hundred and sixty one dollars and sixteen cents as aforesaid given and bequeathed unto us by the said Henry Hoover and therefore do and each of us does by these presents aquit release and discharge the said John Stouffer of and from all legacies dues and demands whatsoever which we or any of us our or any of executors or administrators may have claim challenge or demand of or against the said John Stauffer his executors or administrators by virtue of the said last will and testament of or out of the estate of the said Henry Hoover deceased as aforesaid In witness whereof the said Legatees have hereunto respectively set their hands and seals at Markham aforesaid this first day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six.
John his X mark Hoover
Martin Hoover
Daniel HooverIn presence
Benjamin Oberholser
Johannes [in German]Recorded April 1st Anno Domini 1837John Warfel, Recorder2
I need to follow-up to verify this information, but John Stauffer was the executor listed in all the deeds. Additionally, I found Daniel Hoover, Christian Hoover, and Martin Hoover in Peters Township, Franklin County, Pennsylvania in the 1800 census.3 Only Christian is there in 1810 and 1820.
If you have information on this family, please leave a comment below or drop me a line.
- Lancaster County Deed Book A6:208-209, Henry Hoover heirs to Henry Hoover admrs, 1833; digital image, Recorder of Deeds, Online E-Film Reader ( accessed 6 Sep 2010). ↩
- Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book I6:92, “John Hoover et al to John Stauffer,” 1 Sep 1836; digital image, Recorder of Deeds, Online E-Film Reader ( : accessed 18 Oct 2013). ↩
- 1800 United States Federal Census, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, Peters Township, page 284, households of Christian, Daniel and Martin Hoover; image, Internet Archive, “Population schedules of the second census of the United States, 1800, Pennsylvania” ( : accessed 19 Apr 2010); citing NARA micropublication M32, roll 38. ↩
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Kris Hocker, "Friday Find: Henry Hoover’s heirs to John Stauffer," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 17 Jul 2014 ( : accessed 4 Mar 2025).
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