Fayette County Hoover Tax Records
I’m recently back from a trip to Pennsylvania—well, okay, not recently, but close enough—and I thought I’d share some of what I learned.
I spent some time at the Pennsylvania State Archives in Harrisburg. Mostly, I looked up and copied Hoover Family deeds from Fayette, Armstrong, Westmoreland, Washington and Greene counties, but I also looked for Wills, Estate Records, and tax records.
I’ve had some luck getting useful information from tax records in my Hocker family research. I already had some tax information from the Pennsylvania Archives, Series III before the trip, as follows:
Union Township
- Andrew Hoover (1785—1788)
- Henry Hoover (1785—1789)
- George Hoover (1787—1789)
- Jacob Hoover (1787—1788)
- John Hoover (1787—1789)
German Township
- Jacob Hoover (1785—1797)
- George Hoover (1785, 1790)
- Joseph Hoover (1799)
- John Shoemaker (1789)
Springhill Township
- John Hoover (1785—1786)
Wharton Township
- Andrew Hover (1789)
Dunbar Township
- Emanuel Hoover, blacksmith (1799)
Bullskin Township
- George Hoover (1785—1786)
- Philip Hoover (1789)
- William Kerns (1789)
Salt Lick Township (originally Bullskin)
- George Hoover (1787—1800)
- Christian Hoover (1789, 1799—1800)
New Tax Information
Since I’m trying to learn more about my ancestor George Hoover’s (Bullskin & Saltlick Townships) brothers, I focused my search on Union and German Townships where there was a preponderance of Hoovers.
German Township
- Jacob Hoover (1785—1801)
- George Hoover (1785, 1791)
- Andrew Hover (late 1790s, 1818-1819)
- Joseph Hoover (1800—1816)
- Mary Hoover (1802—1809)
- Henry Hoover (1813—1820)
- Samuel Hoover (1813—1817, 1819)
- Jacob Hoover (1812)
In German Township tax records, I found Jacob Hoover from 1785 through 1801 as expected. Jacob Hoover and his wife Mary owned a tract of land there called “Hoover’s Valley” on Brown’s Run.1 The tax records show Jacob owned 130-150 acres of land; the warrant shows approximately 184 acres. Jacob Hoover died in 1800, sometime before 8 Sep 1800 when his Will was probated.2 I’ve sometimes found a person listed in tax records for the year after their death; I assume it’s listed that way until the probate has cleared.
Mary Hoover is listed in the tax records from 1802 through 1809. The tax records show the same property as Jacob: 150 acres, 3 horses, 2 cattle, and 3 sheep. Mary Hoover died sometime between 2 and 20 Dec 1808, when her Will was written and then probated.3 Mary Hoover’s Will mentions the German Township land, deeding 75 acres of it to her daughter Hannah Hoover, wife of Joseph (one of her executors), and approximately 30 acres to her daughter Rachel Gray, where James Gray resided (Rachel’s husband?).
A George Hoover appeared in the German Township tax records, too. In 1785 he is listed as a freeman. This means he was of age, but did not own property. In 1791, he is also listed, but this time as owning 1 horse and 1 cattle. He does not appear in subsequent records. This most likely was Jacob’s son George who was born ca 1860, most likely in old Frederic County, Maryland near Hagerstown where his grandfather owned property. Geroge and his wife, Elizabeth Garrison, moved to Ohio County, Kentucky sometime between 1792 and 1794.
In 1800 Joseph Hoover appears in the records and is listed through 1816. He appears beside Mary Hoover (Jacob’s widow) from 1801 through 1809 when he is listed as “Executor of Mary Hoover deceased.” In 1813, he is listed as owning 75 acres of land, instead of the 150 acres as Mary’s executor. His occupation is listed as Farmer in 1813 and 1814, but as “Taylor” in 1815 and 1816.
An Andrew “Hover” appears in the records, too, sometime in the late 1790s, but doesn’t appear again in following years.4 However, an Andrew Hoover appears in the tax records for 1818 and 1820, with his occupation listed as clerk[?], then laborer. This later Andrew is possibly the son of Henry2 Hoover (Andrew1), who died in German Township 20 Apr 1821 and was buried in the Harrison graveyard.
Henry Hoover first appears in the German Township tax records in 1813. His occupation is listed as farmer, but he own only 1 horse and 1 cattle. He is listed in these tax records from 1813 through 1820, when I stopped my research. His occupation is noted as alternately a farmer, carpenter or “sawer”, while his property remains only a cattle and/or a horse. This Henry is likely Henry3 (Henry2, Andrew1). Henry2 was, I believe, in Whitely Township, Greene County at the time of the 1810 census and in Johnstown Township, Licking County, Ohio at the time of the 1820 census.
And finally, a Samuel Hoover appears in the township tax records in 1813 and is still there in 1820, except for 1818. His occupation is listed as farmer, carpenter, and laborer in the various records. In 1816 I believe he owned 30 acres of land and there was a notation “from Redstone,” but I don’t know what the note means.
I don’t have a record of a Samuel Hoover as a member of the family of Andrew1 Hoover as either a grandson or great-grandson. However, it is entirely possible that he could be. I don’t know anything about the eldest son John2 Hoover, but it is likely that he had children. I do not know all the grandchilden of Henry2. I know Andrew2 had children, but do not know all their names. And there are several son of George2 Hoover that I know relatively little to nothing about.
That’s all I have time for. I’ll write up the information for the Union Township tax records in my next post.
- Fayette County Warrant Book C-082: 382, dated 26 Jan 1785
- Fayette County Will Book, Vol 1: 50
- Fayette County Will Book, Vol 1: 124
- I couldn’t make out the year in the records
Cite This Page:
Kris Hocker, "Fayette County Hoover Tax Records," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 12 Aug 2010 (https://www.krishocker.com/fayette-county-hoover-tax-records/ : accessed 23 Feb 2025).
Content copyright © 2010 Kris Hocker. Please do not copy without prior permission, attribution, and link back to this page.
2 Replies to “Fayette County Hoover Tax Records”
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Just found your blog in a Google search, nice work. We are researching Abraham Gallentine, a Revolutionary War Pensioner from Fayette County. On the pension application by his widow Susannah Dixon Gallentine in 1859 is a witness Susannah Hoover married to their son William Gallentine ca 1836 around the time of Abraham’s death. Anyway I’d be interested in learning more about the tax record if you have the time to contact me. Thanks!
Tax records are interesting. They don’t provide information about household members or relationships between township residents. However, by tracking an individual year by year, you can document residency to a finer degree than census records allow. You can get an idea about an individual’s circumstances—did they own land, horses, cattle, etc.? how much tax did they pay?—through the information captured each year. A change in those circumstances may indicate a purchase of land, an inheritance, etc. In two cases I was able to determine the year that relatives left a certain place because of notations in the tax record.