FamilySearch: New Records Added announced the addition of new records for: Brazil, England, India, Italy, Nicaragua, Spain, Wales and the United States.

More fascinating collections were published this week online at—39 million new records, to be exact. The England and Wales 1901 Census will certainly be a favorite for British and Welsh researchers. And how about one million images added for Italy? Or India Land Ownership Pedigrees? FamilySearch’s Texas collections have always been popular, and this week Texas collections have grown by 1.5 million new records (including birth, tax, and county records). In addition, more collections were released for Brazil, Nicaragua, Spain, and the U.S. (Delaware, New Hampshire, and Virginia).

A wide variety of original source records from around the world are continually being added to FamilySearch’s online collections. Search them now at

See the table below for additional details about the latest collection updates.

Collection Records Images Comment
Brazil, Catholic Church Records 0 233,420 Images added for Sao Paulo (Piracicaba);Minas Gerais (Guaxupe, Pouso Alegre, and Joao del Rei); and Rio de Janeiro (Nova Iguacu).
England and Wales Census, 1901 34,138,362 1,456,023 Rich index with links to images on
India, Moga Land Ownership Pedigrees 0 7,640 Set of land ownership pedigrees (Shajjra Nasb) that show familial relationships as land was passed from father to son (in Sanskrit).
Italy, Civil Registration, 1806-1940 0 944,579 Additional images added for Ischia, Napoli City, Nuoro, Mantova, and Padova.
Nicaragua, Managua, Civil Registration, 1879-2007 0 265,237 New digital images added.
Spain, Catholic Church Records, 1500-1930 17,348 87 Additional records from the diocese of Ávila.
U.S., Delaware Marriage Records, 1913-1954 53,352 112,854 Name index and images of Delaware statewide marriage records. The certificates are arranged by year and then by certificate number.
U.S., New Hampshire Marriage Records, 1637-1947 318,102 1,028,209 Index and images of New Hampshire marriage records. These records consist of cards giving the names of the bride and groom with the town and date of the marriage and often much more information. Note: There are two images for each marriage.
U.S., Texas Birth Certificates, 1903-1934 440,509 416,479 Currently years 1903 to 1909 and 1926 to 1934 are available. More years will be added later.
U.S., Texas County Tax Rolls, 1846-1910 0 678,887 New digital images added.
U.S., Texas, Mills County Clerk Records, 1841-1985 0 90,818 New digital images added.
U.S., Virginia Naturalization Petitions, 1906-1929 0 11,999 Naturalization petitions from four U.S. District Courts in Virginia; these records correspond to four record series at the National Archives.

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, "FamilySearch: New Records Added," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 3 Mar 2011 ( : accessed 11 Mar 2025).

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