Deed: Samuel McAfee to John Funk Dec’d Executors (1833)

Trying to find the descendants of a target person can sometimes feel like a game of “six points of separation” when you have to widen your scope to research family and friends. However, the indirect path can yield results—as in a series of deeds I found for John Funk of Strasburg Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania which gave me the names of the grandchildren of his sister Anna Maria (Funk) Hoover. This deed is one example of what I found.1

LancDeedY5-305_McAfeeFunkExorsSamuel McAfee to John Funk Executors


“TO }


KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I Samuel McAfee of Bertr township in Lincoln county in the province of Upper Canada intermarried with Sophia only child of Henry Hoover one of the seven children of Mary Hoover a sister of John Funk late of Strasburg in Lancaster county in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania deceased do hereby acknowledge that I have and received of and from Ann Funk Jacob Hoover and Jacob Newswanger executors of the last will and testament of the said John Funk deceased five hundred and seventy seven dollars and sixty eight cents lawful money in full satisfaction and payment of all monies legacies and bequests to which I am entitled in right of my said wife Sophia due and coming toher [sic] in right of her deceased father Henry Hoover aforesaid as one of the seven children of the said Mary Hoover deceased under and by the last will and testament of the said John Funk deceased of in and to / [the following written interline to be inserted:] all and singular his estate real and personal whatsoever and wheresoever according to [resume text] the said executors account filed in the Registers office at Lancaster. Therefore I the said Samuel McAfee in right of my said wife Sophia do by these presents release acquit and forever discharge the said Ann Funk Jacob Hoover & Jacob Newswanger executors aforesaid their heirs executors and administrators of and from all monies legacies bequests aforesaid and of and from all dividends shares and parts of and in all the estate of the said John Funk deceased and of and from all actions suits payments account reckonings claims and demands for or by reason thereof.

In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the twenty ninth day of April Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and thirty three.

Samuel McAfee (SEAL)

Sophia McAfee (SEAL)

Sealed and delivered in the presence of us:

‘and the said Sophia’ interlined before signing: Charles L. Hall  Alex Mackie

Lincoln county

Province of Upper Canada to wit:

Personally appeared before me James Muirhead Esquire chairman and preciding Judge of the court of quarter sessions for said county the above named Samuel McAfee and Sophia his wife and acknowledged the above release to be their act deed and desired the same to be recorded as such according to law.

In Testimony whereof I havehereunto [sic] set my hand and seal the twenty ninth day of April Anno Domini 1833.

J. Muirhead Chairman (SEAL)

Upper Canada District of Niagara

Lincoln County to wit:

I Charles Richardson of the town of Niagara in the district of Niagara Esquire Clerk of the peace in and for the said district do hereby certify that the within names James Muirhead is chairman and presiding Judge of the court of Quarter Sessions in and for the said district and is authorized to Bar Down and within that there is no court of common pleas in the province of Upper Canada that the signatures of the witnesses to the release are known to me as well as the chairmans and that they are just and true. Given under my hand and seal of office this twenty ninth day of April Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and thirty three.

Charles Richardson (SEAL)

Clerk of the Peace

Recorded June 25th 1833

Jacob Peelor Rec.”

Ulrich and Anna Maria (Funk) Hoover had the following children:

  • Catharine married Christian Hershey
  • Jacob married Susanna Miller
  • Henry
  • Anna married Leonard Anwater/Awerter
  • Abraham
  • Christian
  • Mary married Nathaniel Dodge (also of Upper Canada)

The Jacob Hoover who served as one of John Funk’s executors was most likely the son of Jacob and Susanna (Miller) Hoover of Strasburg as all of Anna Maria (Funk) Hoover’s children were deceased before 1833.


  1. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book Y5:305, Samuel McAfee to John Funk dec’d exors, 29 Apr 1833; digital images, Recorder of Deeds, Online E-film Reader ( : accessed 15 Dec 2013), image number 314.

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, "Deed: Samuel McAfee to John Funk Dec’d Executors (1833)," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 12 Sep 2015 ( : accessed 22 Feb 2025).

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