Deed: Jacob Waller to Andrew Hoover
The following is the deed record of these transactions:
“To all people to whom these presents shall come I John Waller of Youghiogini County, and State of Virginia Yeoman, for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty pounds current Money of Pennsylvania, to me in hand well and truly paid by Andrew Hoover of the same place, Mill Wright, the receipt where of I do hereby acknowledge, Have granted Bargained and sold and by these presents do grant Bargain and sell unto the said Andrew Hoover, and to his heirs and assigns, All that the following described Tract Piece or parcel of Land situate on the Waters of Redstone Creek and is Bounded as followeth viz: Beginning at a Post a Corner of Alexander McClean thence by the lands of Alexander McClean North Seventy four Degrees West one hundred and thirty one perches and Five tenths of a perch to a post a Corner of Henry Beeson, thence by the said Henry Beeson North Twenty four degrees West, eighty eight perches to a post a Corner of Andrew Hoover Senior, thence by a straight line to the place of beginning containing and laid our for twenty eight acres of land, be the same more or less, it being a part of a larger Tract of Land granted unto me by order of Survey No. three thousand four hundred and seventy two, dated the fourteenth day of June One thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine. Together with all and singular the Rights Members and Appurtenances thereunto belonging or in a[???]wise of Right appertaining To Have and to hold the said Premises hereby granted with the Appurtenances unto the said Andrew Hoover his heirs and assigns to them and their only use and behoof [sic] forever Subject Nevertheless to the Proprietaries and all other dues and Demands unto which the same are liable In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the seventh day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty.
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us
Alexander Hoover [Andrew Hoover?]
Alexander McCleanJohn Waller (seal)
For Value Received I do hereby assign over all my Right and Title of to the above written Bill of Sale & land and promises therein contained and mentioned unto Jacob Pindle to his heirs and assigns forever Witness my hand and seal the seventh day of August one thousand seven hundred and eighty
Alexander McCleanAndrew Hoover (seal)
For value received I do hereby assign and makeover unto Jonathan Rowland & Susannah his wife in trust for the heirs of Conrad Hairbaugh deceased, all my right and title interest claim and demand of in and to the within Bill of Sale and the land therein mentioned forever, as Witness my hand & Seal the 3rd day of May 1796.
Test Enos West
John DownerJacob Pindell (seal)” 1
The deed directly after this includes this information about Conrad Herbaugh: “the same unto Jonathan Rowland and Susannah his wife (who was the widow of Conrad Harbaugh who fell on the expedition agains the Sandusky Indians)” and goes on to name his heirs : ” And Whereas the said Conrad Harbaugh hath three surviving sons viz: Jacob William and Daniel”. 2
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Kris Hocker, "Deed: Jacob Waller to Andrew Hoover," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 23 Sep 2010 ( : accessed 23 Feb 2025).
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