Deed: 1745 Hans Hoober to Jacob Hoober in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
On 21 September 1745, Hans Hoober sold 200 acres to his son Jacob in “Martick” Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He had warranted this property 15 May 17351 and patented it 8 August 1735.2 One hundred and fifty acres had been surveyed 21 June 1721, the other fifty acres on 25 October (8th month) 1726.
[page 3]
Hans Hoober & wife To Jacob Hoober }This Indenture made the twenty first day of September in the
year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty-five
Between Hans Hoober of the Township of Martick in the county of
Lancaster yeoman and Margaret his wife on the one part and Jacob Hoober
of the same Township and County son of the said Hans Hoober of the other part Witnesseth
that the Hans Hoober and Margaret his wife for and in consideration of the sum of
three hundred pounds lawful money is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained sol aliened
enfeoffed and confirmed as by these presents Do grant bargain sell alien enfeoff ad
confirm unto the said Jacob Hoover his heirs and assigns All that certain plantation
and tract of land situate lying and being in the Township of Martock bounded as
follows viz. Beginning at a white oak in a line of Hans Mussleman’s land thence
by vacant land East one hundred and forty perches to a post thence near a marked black
oak thence by vacant land south two hundred and forty three perches to a post thence
by vacant land West one hundred and forty perches to a post thence by vacant
land and by land of Hans Mussleman North two hundred and forty three perches
to the place of Beginning, Containing two hundred acres and the allowance of six[page 4]
acres on each hundred for roads and highways which said tract or parcel of land was
granted to the said Hans Hoober his heirs and assigns by patent from the Proprietors
and Governors in Chief of of the said Province under the hands of the said John Penn
and Thomas Penn and the great seal of the said province bearing date the eighth day of August
in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty five as by the said Patent Recor
ded in the office for recording of deeds for the city and county of Philadelphia in patent
Book A vol 7, page 222 &c. Relation being thereto had may appear Together with all
and singular the improvements rights members and appurtenances whatsoever to
the same belonging or in anywise appertaining and the reversions and remainders rents
issues and profits thereof and all the estate right title Interest claim and demand of them
the said Hans Hoober & Margaret his wife of in and to the premises hereby granted and here
unto of all deeds evidences and writings concerning the same to be had and made at the
proper costs and charges of the said Jacob Hoober his heirs and assigns To have and
to hold the said tract of two hundred acres of land hereditaments and premises hereby
granted with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said Jacob Hoober his heirs
to the only proper use and behood of the said Jacob Hoober his heirs and assigns forever.
Under the yearly quite rent hereforth growing due and payable to the Chief Lord or Lords of the
fee thereof. And the said Hans Hoober for himself his heirs executors administrators and
for the said Margaret his wife doth covenant promise and grant to and with the said
Jacob Hoober his heirs and assigns by these presents that he the said Hans Huber
and Margaret his wife and their heirs & all and every other person and persons whatsoever
having or lawfully claiming or to clam an estate right title or interest of in or to the
said premises hereby granted or any part thereof by from or under them or any of them shall
and will at any time or times hereafter at the reasonable request costs and charges in the
law of the said Jacob Hoober his heirs and assigns make execute and acknowledge or cause
so to be all and every such further and better assuring and confirming of the afore
said tract of two hundred acres hereditaments and premises hereby granted with
the appurtenances unto the Jacob Hoober his heirs and assigns as by him or them or by his heirs or
their councel learned in the law shall be reasonably devised advised or requested.
In witness whereof the parties to these presents have interchangeably set their hands and
seals the day and year first above written
Sealed and delivered in the presence of us Hans Hoober (seal)
Michael Downer Martin GrofReceived the twenty first day of September in the year of our Lord 1745 of the above named
Jacob Hoober the sum of three hundred pounds lawful money of pennsylvania being the
full consideration money above mentioned I say received by me
Witness present Hans HooberBefore me the subscriber one of his Majesties Justices of the peace for the county of Lancaster
came Michael Downer one of the persons within named and on his solemn affirmation declared
he saw Hans Hoober and Margaret his wife the grantors within named sign seal
and deliver on their act and deed the within Jacob Hoober within named and
that the same Michael Downer is the proper hand writing of this affiant
and that he saw Martin Graf sign his name as a witness to the same time In
witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 6th January (1746)
Thos Cookson
Recorded January 24th 1890 Edwin L Reinhold Recorder3
While the deed specifies the land was in Martic Township, an examination of the Warrantee Township maps shows that the land was actually in Earl Township.
- Pennsylvania, Copied Survey Book D-82:5, Hans Hoober, 23 Jun 1721; PDF, Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission, Pennsylvania State Archives ( : accessed 25 Mar 2010); citing Records of the Land Office, Records Group 17, Copied Surveys, 1681-1912, Series 17.114, Pennsylvania State Archives, Harrisburg. ↩
- Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book O13:3-4, Hans Hoober & wife to Jacob Hoober, 24 Jan 1890; digital image, Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds, Online E-film Reader ( : accessed 30 Jul 2010). ↩
- Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book O13:3-4, Hans Hoober & wife to Jacob Hoober, 24 Jan 1890; digital image, Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds, Online E-film Reader ( : accessed 30 Jul 2010). ↩
Cite This Page:
Kris Hocker, "Deed: 1745 Hans Hoober to Jacob Hoober in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 11 Mar 2014 ( : accessed 31 Mar 2025).
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