Catharina Schneider: 1783-1877 Almost Wordless Wednesday
Catharina Schneider, daughter of Jacob and Catharina Schneider, was born 24 January 1793 and died 24 August 1877. She was buried in the cemetery at New Goshenhoppen Church UCC (formerly Reformed) Church in East Greenville, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. She was 84 years 7 months old.
This stone was found lying in the grass in the same area of several other Schneider family members. Directly to the right was the stone of Sophia Snyder (1832-1907), daughter of Henry and Sarah (Wißler) Schneider. Behind these stones were the markers for Lucy Anna (Schneider) Mack and her husband Peter. She was Sophia’s sister.
Why is this important? Cemetery plots are often shared by family members. Thus her sharing a plot with Henry’s daughters, and her gravestone naming her parents as Jacob and Catharina, is one more piece of evidence suggesting that Henry was the son of Jacob and Catharina (___) Schneider of Upper Hanover.
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Kris Hocker, "Catharina Schneider: 1783-1877 Almost Wordless Wednesday," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 13 Dec 2017 ( : accessed 22 Jan 2025).
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