Category: Research

Family research

John Smith’s Conestoga Tract

On 28 October 1728, the survey of Hans Line’s adjacent property indicates that this land or that warranted to Hugh Patten (or both) was of Christian Prenaman.1 Five years later, John Goughnour had his adjacent land surveyed and his survey also indicated that this tract was of Christian Prenaman.2

along the pequea - John Smith tract

John Smith’s Conestoga Township tract

John Smith was issued a warrant for 200 acres on Pequea Creek on 5 October 1734.3 Bartram Galbraith surveyed 167.5 acres for John Smith on 24 April 1759. Adjoining landholders included Jacob Coghnor, John Lyne, Abraham Beam, Henry Rush, John Hoover, Jacob Hover.4

Smith must have either abandoned the tract or sold his interest in it, because Jacob Hoover, owner of an adjoining tract of land, patented these 167.5 acres on 7 September 1759.(see Patent Book A20:346)5 Jacob’s son Christian inherited the land from his father on 12 September 1759.6

On 26 November 1761, Christian sold this tract to  John Jacob Goughnour.7 Jacob Goughnour’s heirs—John & Elizabeth Kochenauer, Christian Kochenauer, Henry & Ann Kochenauer, Abraham Kochenauer, Adam Kochenauer, Tobias Kochenauer, Christian & Catharine (Kochenauer) Hess, Joseph & Esther Kochenauer—sold Jacob Gochenour, their brother, 167.5 acres from their father’s estate on 4 November 1780. It adjoined land of the Goughour heirs, John Line, land late of Abraham Beam, Henry Rush, John Hoover, and Jacob Hoover.

Friday Find: Benjamin W. Hocker’s 1920 Census Entry

Last week I posted a photo of Levi F. Hocker from his days in the Pennsylvania cavalry during the Civil War and mentioned that his brother Benjamin W. Hocker had supported his injury claim in his request for a pension in 1892. Going through the records I have on Benjamin W. Hocker, I realized that I’m missing a couple of census records—amongst other records—for him, including the 1900 and 1920 census enumerations. Fortunately, I was able to locate one of those records.

In 1880, Benjamin and his wife Margaret were living in Middlesex Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.1 This household included:

  • Benjamin W. Hocker, age 33, Farmer
  • Margaret Hocker, age 32, wife, Keeping house
  • Minnie S. Hocker, age 11, daughter
  • Adam S. Hocker, age 9, son
  • Lora L. Hocker, age 7, daughter
  • Helen A. Hocker, age 3, daughter
  • Frank Hocker, age 6 months (born Feb), son
  • Adam Hocker, age 77, father

I haven’t found Benjamin in 1900, but his wife Margaret and three of their children—Mary [Minnie] S., Helen A., and Morris G.—were living with her brother Frank Beltzhoover in Carlisle.2 In 1905, Benjamin received a patent for 160 acres in Berlin, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma and he can be found living there in 1910, working as a stock trader.3 He allegedly died in Berlin in 1925, but I did not find him there in the 1920 census.

Another check of the Bureau of Land Management records showed that Benjamin received a patent for 480 acres of land in Brown County, Nebraska on 13 April 1914.4 The land was located in the “south half of the southeast quarter of Section twenty-two, the east half of Section twenty-seven, and the west half of the southwest quarter of Section twenty-six in Township twenty-five north of Range twenty-two west of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Nebraska.” I looked at a map for the county and, based on the BLM’s plat map, determined that this land was likely in Chester or Calamus townships. Scrolling through the 1920 census for these precincts yielded a successful result:

Benjamin Hocker 1920 census entry

Click to enlarge

B.W. Hocker is listed as a 73 year-old rancher on line 84. He was born in Pennsylvania, owned his own home, and was widowed.5 His youngest son was living in nearby Blaine County, Nebraska in 19106 and 1920.7

Still looking for his 1900 census record. I’ve located his wife and all his children and he’s not with any of them. I haven’t found him through any of the census indices, so who knows how his name is indexed—if it is. I guess I need to locate all his siblings in 1900. He didn’t receive his land in Oklahoma until 1905, so it’s possible he’s still in Pennsylvania in 1900.

Not So Wordless Wednesday: Levi F. Hocker, PA Cavalry

Private Levi F. Hocker (1842-1899)

Private Levi F. Hocker of Co. F, 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, in uniform with pistol and sword, on horseback (source: Library of Congress)

Levi F. Hocker, son of Johan Adam and Mary (Hoover) Hocker III, was born 2 October 1843 and died 28 March 1899 in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. He served in Company F, 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry during the Civil War. He married Frances R. Steigelman on 18 Jan 1866 in New Kingston, Cumberland County.

There were two Levi Hockers from Pennsylvania who enlisted in 1862: Levi F. Hocker who enlisted on 23 Sep 1862, and Levi Hocker who enlisted on 15 Sep 1862. Levi F. Hocker reportedly served in the 17th Cavalry, Company F, which was recruited from Cumberland County, Pennsylvania in 1862. The company fought at Trevillian Station in Virginia between the 11th and 13th of June 1864. Levi F. Hocker reported in his application for invalid pension on 11 January 1878 that he had been wounded on or about the 11th of June 1864 at Trevillian Station. His reply of 10 February 1892 to the government’s denial of the pension was supported by Benjamin W. Hocker of Cumberland County. Benjamin states that he knew Levi intimately and had seen the injury on Levi’s return home in 1864.

Wingeard, I believe, inappropriately attributed him as the son of Peter and Hannah (Reinhold) Hocker of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Given the location of recruitment (Cumberland County) and Benjamin Hocker’s statement supporting Levi’s application, I feel it is more likely that Levi F. was the son of Adam and Mary (Hoover) Hocker, who lived in Cumberland County, than it is that he was the son of Peter and Hannah (Reinhold) Hacker of Lancaster County.

Adam and Mary (Hoover) Hocker were in Cumberland County by 1840 when Adam Hocker appeared as a head of household in North Middleton Township.1 They were still farming in North Middleton in 1850 where their household included:2

  • Adam, aged 47
  • Mary, aged 41
  • Jeremiah, aged [14?]
  • Mary, aged 20
  • Elizabeth, aged 16
  • Fanny, aged 13
  • Isemia, aged 9
  • Levi, aged 6
  • Benjamin, aged 4

The family can be also found in Cumberland County during the 1860 enumeration of Middlesex Township.3

Meanwhile, Peter and Hannah Hocker can be found consistently in Lancaster County in Ephrata, Elizabeth and Clay townships, respectively in 1840,4 1850,5 and 1860.6 In 1850, their household included:

  • Peter, aged 37
  • Hannah, aged 35
  • Susanna, aged 13
  • Jacob, aged 12
  • Mary Ann, aged 10
  • Levi, aged 7
  • Rebecca, aged 4
  • Elizabeth, aged 2

Both Levi and Benjamin Hocker were living in Cumberland County in 1880—Levi in Monroe Township7 and Benjamin in Middlesex Township.8 Levi died there in 1899 and was buried in Mount Holly Springs Cemetery.9

Persistence Pays Off? Maybe. Maybe Not.

I wrote previously about finding information that Adam P. Hocker, son of George and Margaret (Prevost) Hocker of Buckingham County, Virginia, had served in the Company E of the 20th Virginia Infantry (Lee’s Guards) during the Civil War and died at the Battle of Rich Mountain. However, information I’ve recently located calls that into doubt.

The 1860 census indicates that Adam P. Hocker was a miller.1 This is fitting as I found an account, dated 8 May 1863, for the purchase of 180½ bushels of wheat by the Confederate Army in which “Mr. A.P. Hocker” was dissatisfied with the price of $487.35.2 A further note from 24 July 1863, signed by A.P. Hocker indicates that he received $812.25 for his wheat. On 19 January 1864, Adam appointed William Hocker as his attorney to receive any money due him from the Commissionary department of the Confederate States. So, during the war Adam was working as a miller and supplying wheat to the Confederate army.

Additionally, in looking up the members of Company E, 20th Virginia Infantry, the only name that looks close to “Hocker” was that of “E.T. Hocher.” E.T. signed up for 12 months service in Buckingham County on 20 May 1861 and appears on the muster roll for 30 June to 10 September 1861.3 The Battle of Rich Mountain occurred 11 July through 13 July 1861 in Randolph County, [West] Virginia.4 So, he likely would have been a participant at the battle.

I believe that “E.T. Hocher” may have been Edmund T. Hocker, son of George and Margaret (Prevost) Hocker and youngest brother of Adam P. Hocker. Ed reenlisted in the war on 9 February 1862 with Company H, 22nd Battalion of Virginia volunteers to serve the whole war.5  Subsequent records show him as Edmund T., Edward T. and E.T. Hocker. The muster rolls show him as serving through 1865 though he was injured 1 July 1863. Ed also survived the war, appearing in the 1880 census with the Nathan Payne family in the Slate River district in Buckingham County, Virginia.6 He died 23 December 1891.7

Adam’s brother, Amos H. Hocker, also served in Civil War. He enlisted on 7 February 1862 for one year as a private in Company K, 2nd Regiment Virginia Artillery.8 This regiment disbanded in May 1862. Amos then enlisted on 28 July 1862 for 6 months in Company C, 25th Battalion VA Infantry.9 He actually served through 1865. He was hospitalized for rheumatism from July to September in 1863. He also requested a 25-day furlough on 30 August 1864, but was present with his unit in November and December. He was apparently captured by the Union on 6 April 1865 in Nottoway County, Virginia—possibly at Sailor’s Creek when General Sheridan cut off nearly a quarter of the retreating Confederate Army—and sent to Point Lookout, Maryland. He was released on 13 June 1865.

So, it doesn’t look like Adam served in Company E of the 20th Virginia Infantry and didn’t die in the Battle of Rich Mountain. So, what happened to him?

The answer may lie in his brother Amos’ letter requesting a furlough in August 1864. Here’s what he wrote:

Camp 25 Va Batt

Chaffin’s Farm/30 Aug 1864


I respectfully ask a Furlough for Twenty-five Days under the following circumstances, to go to Buckingham County [?] my Father died during last year & willed me an amount in money, one third of which [I know not] between $5000 & $6000 I have already lost by reason of the act of Congress reducing the currency & my not being able to obtain a Furlough at the time to make an investment, one of my brothers has since died & left important business requiring my attention; the remnant of money left me was invested in Court Bonds, which the Shff informed me will now be paid & has avised [sic] to come & received the same I desire to make a permant [sic] investment of these funds which is the object of this application. I saw Genl. Ewell on yesterday & stated these facts to him who voluntary consented to approve Furlough for the time asked.

Very Respectfully

Yr Obs. Svt.

A.H. Hocker

Co. C 25 VA Batt

Did you see that? He wrote: “one of my brothers has since died…” Both of his younger brothers George W. and Edmund T. survived the war. Thus, Adam P. Hocker—his only other brother—died sometime shortly before 30 August 1864.

Persistence does pay off; but often it’s in unexpected ways.

Mystery Monday: In Search of My Hershey Family Connection

I’ve been focusing recently on some of my female ancestors for whom I have little or no information. With surnames like Leedy, Frantz, Landis and Hershey, these are well-established—and I would have thought—well-documented families. When it comes to my ancestors, not so much.

Take my 5x great grandmother Mary (Hershey) Hocker, for example. According to my information, “Sophia Maria Hershey” was born on 5 August 1769 and died sometime after her husband Johan Adam Hocker Jr. (died 1821), but before the final settlement of his estate on 1 April 1839.1 I’ve only seen her as “Mary Hocker” in documents, so I’m not sure about the name Sophia. I’ve been able to find out nothing about about her family.

About Adam and Mary

Although, I presume she and Adam were married prior to December 1787—their first child was born in August 1788—I do not have a marriage date or location for them. Adam was living in Harrisburg by that time.2 However, they could have met in Lancaster County before he left home.

Between their marriage and the late 1790s, Adam and Mary lived in Harrisburg.3 Adam was listed as a tavern owner, cordweiner, and tanner in tax lists during this period.4 They had five children before 1800: John, Anna Barbara, George, Jacob, and Benjamin.5

By 1797, the family had likely moved out of town to Derry Township as their fourth son Jacob was baptized on 12 February 1797 in Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hummelstown.6 Adam owned a farm near Hummelstown, along Swatara Creek. The couple had three more children while living in Derry Township: Johan Adam (III), Benjamin, and Elizabeth.7

Adam died in November 1821.8 In Dec 1821, Jacob Hocker was appointed guardian of his younger brothers, Adam and Benjamin.9 Adam’s estate was divvied up amongst his heirs with land in Derry Township going to sons John and Jacob, and land in Swatara Township going to sons George and Adam. John and Jacob eventually sold their piece to their youngest brother Benjamin before they left Pennsylvania for Ohio.10


Adam Hacker was a Lutheran. He was baptized in Emanuel Lutheran Church in Brickerville and was confirmed there in 1780.11 He was a deacon at Salem Lutheran Church in Harrisburg in 1790 and 1793. His connection to the Lutheran Church is consistent throughout his life.

I’m not certain about Mary’s religion. Her children were baptized Lutheran—Anna and George in Salem Lutheran in Harrisburg12 and Jacob in Zion Evangelical Lutheran in Hummelstown—and she was buried with her husband in the Lutheran church cemetery in Hummelstown. However, the early Hershey family were known to be Mennonites. Given her birth year of 1769, Mary would have been born to the first or second generation of Pennsylvanian Hersheys. It’s very likely that she grew up in a Mennonite household, assuming, of course, that her maiden name actually was Hershey.

Not all the Hersheys remained Mennonites. For instance, Johannes “John” B. Hershey was the son of a Mennonite minister, was himself a Mennonite minister, but left the faith to become an integral part of the United Brethren in Christ church. What’s particularly interesting about this is that Adam and Mary Hocker’s eldest son John left the Lutheran church—his two eldest children were baptized at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hummelstown13—and became a minister for the River Brethren (aka Brethren in Christ) in Randolph Township, Montgomery County, Ohio.14

While I don’t believe these are the same church, they both originated in the German spiritual revival of the late 1700s and the leaders of both were originally Mennonites.15 I wonder what led John Hocker to change religions. Obviously, he felt very strongly to not only leave the church he was raised in, but to become a minister in his new church, too. Perhaps, he was influenced by a member of his mother’s family? It’s certainly something to think about.


I’ve not been able to find a “Sophia Maria” or even an unidentified Mary in available Hershey family information. I don’t know that she actually was a Hershey since I have no source for Wingeard’s information.

If you have information on Mary’s parentage or insight into the Hershey family, please drop me a line. I’d love to hear what you have to say.


Looking through my database, I found an interesting bit of information. John Hocker’s daughter, Christianna, married John Hershey, son of Jacob and Maria (Hertzler) Hershey, in Montgomery County, Ohio on 21 Oct 1852. John Hershey was a descendant of Jacob and Barbara (Hiestand) Hershey of Lancaster County and his parents Andrew and Maria (Acker) Hershey.

Persistence Pays Off

In working through my Hocker family research, I’ve eventually come to George Hocker of Slate River Mills and his family. George’s two eldest sons have provided me with more than their fair share of speculation and frustration.

The 1850 census for District 2, Buckingham County includes George and his family:1

George Hocker 1850 Virginia census
The household was comprised of:

  • George Hocker, 49, Male, Farmer, $13,000, b. Buckingham
  • Evalina Hocker, 35, Female, b. Buckingham
  • Adam Hocker, 26, Male, Miller, $25, b. Buckingham
  • Howel Hocker, 23, Male, Miller, $25, b. Buckingham
  • Amanda Hocker, 18, Female, b. Buckingham
  • George Hocker, 15, Male, None, b. Buckingham, attended school within the year
  • Edmund Hocker, 14, Male, b. Buckingham, attended school within the year
  • Margaret Hocker, 12, Female, b. Buckingham, attended school within the year
  • James Sudbury, 25, Male, Farmer, b. Buckingham, person over 20 years who cannot read or write

George Hocker 1860 census

In 1860, George and family and his son Adam are living in two adjoining households.2

  • Adam Hocker, 33, Male, Miller, $0, $4600, b. Virginia
  • George Hocker, 50, Male, Farmer, $15,000, $13,450, b. Virginia
  • Evaline T. Hocker, 45, Female, b. Virginia
  • George [W?] Hocker, 29, Male, Manager, b. Virginia
  • Edmund T. Hocker, 24, Male, b. Virginia
  • Margaret G. Hocker, 22, Female, b. Virginia

I haven’t been able to locate [Amos] Howell in the 1860 census. Since Adam’s age is more in line with Howell’s from the 1850, I’ve wondered if this is not Adam, but Howell, but census ages are notoriously inaccurate, so…

1870 Amos Howell Hocker census
In 1870, I’ve found Amos Howell Hocker. He was working as a farm manager in 1870 in Maysville, Buckingham County, Virginia.3 But I haven’t been able to locate Adam in 1870.

The 1850 census is the only record I’ve seen of there being two sons of George named Adam and Amos Howell. In my most frustrated moments, I’ve wondered if there really were actually two sons. Since I can’t find both of them in census records in the same year after 1850…

Well, I may have found my answer. Searching the web for random mentions of either, I hit upon “Buckingham County: The Battle of Rich Mountain” on the slate river ramblings… website. It quotes a speech supposedly prepared in 1884 in which the name “Adam Hocker” is listed amongst those Buckingham County men killed at the Battle of Rich Mountain on 11 Jul 1861.

Adam, an unmarried man in 1860, would have been likely to volunteer to fight a year later. If he died in 1861, that would explain why I’ve never found him in later census records.

Next steps: to prove that Adam joined Company E of the 20th Virginia Infantry (Lee’s Guards).

Hocker vs. Hocker, 1848 (Virginia Court of Appeals)

Johan Adam Hocker, son of Johan George and Anna Margaretha (Weidman) Hacker, died suddenly on 4 Feb 1847 at Slate River Mills, Buckingam County, Virginia.

How do I know this? Apparently, after his death there was a disagreement in the family over which will was the correct will to be entered into probate. The result was Hocker vs. Hocker & als, a court case brought before the Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals. You can read about it in volume 4 of the Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia.1

Court cases can provide valuable genealogical information. From this case, I got the names of the following heirs:

  1. son Robert K. Hocker
  2. son George Hocker
  3. son John Hocker
  4. daughter Margaret Patterson
  5. E. Glover [daughter Elizabeth]
  6. son William Hocker

Robert Hocker wanted a will from 26 Feb 1836 entered into probate. George, John and Margaret’s husband Robert Patterson opposed Robert’s submission. Instead, they wanted a later document, dated 18 Jan 1847, entered into probate. The County court apparently admitted the 1836 will, while the Circuit Court overruled this decision, admitting the later document as a codicil to the 1836 will. The Appeals court apparently disagreed with the Circuit Court, ruling that Adam Hocker’s document, dated 18 Jan 1847, was to be rejected.

What family information have you found in court records?

Surname Saturday: Samuel Krehl Leedy

Once again it’s time for Surname Saturday. I’ve finished all my great great grandfathers, so it’s time to move back a generation This week I’m writing about my 3x great grandfather, Samuel Krehl Leedy, father of my 2x great grandmother Lillian Ainsley (Leedy) Hocker.

Samuel was born 30 October 1829, most likely in Buffalo Township, Perry County, Pennsylvania.1 He was the son of John and Catharine (Krehl) Leedy.2 Samuel died 19 March 1912 in Upper Mifflin Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania and was buried on the 22nd in Hill Cemetery near Buffalo, Perry County, Pennsylvania. He died of apoplexy. Samuel was a farmer.

About 1856, he married Sarah Parsons, presumably the daughter of Anthony and Catharine (Bowerman) Parsons, of Perry County. She was born in Feb 1833.3 I have death dates for her from 1926 through 1930, but nothing proven. She died sometime after the 1920 census enumeration where she was living with her daughter Grace and her husband William Hunt.4

Samuel and Sarah (Parsons) Leedy had children:

  1. Wilhelmina Leedy was born ca 1857 in Perry County. Minnie married Harry Delcamp and was living in Philadelphia in 1932 when her sister Mary (Leedy) Sheesley died.
  2. John Harbough Leedy was born 29 Oct 1858 in Perry County and died 2 Jun 1936. He married Emma Catharine Rouch on 17 Jan 1883.
  3. Kirk Leedy died Apr 1859 and was buried in Hill Cemetery.
  4. Lillian Ainsley Leedy was born 4 May 1861 in Perry County and died 20 Jan 1942 in Cumberland County. She married about 1881 Albert Curtin Hocker of Swatara Township, Dauphin County.
  5. Mary Leedy was born in Nov 1863 and died in 1932. She married Hiram Sheesley on 25 Feb 1886 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. She died Saturday, 26 November 1932 in Fort Hunter, Pennsylvania.
  6. Grace Leedy was born 6 Oct 1865 in Perry County and died 6 Jun 1935 in Harrisburg. She married William Hunt on 27 Oct 1887 in Harrisburg.
  7. Samuel Kirk Leedy was born 20 Nov 1867 in Perry County and died 28 Jun 1946 in Roxbury, Pennsylvania. He married Mary (___).
  8. Ulysses S. Grant Leedy was born in 1871 in Perry County and died 14 May 1956 in Cumberland County. Grant married Mary C. (___) about 1905.
  9. Harry Leedy was born 28 Sep 1875 and died 2 Aug 1876. He is buried with Kirk Leedy in Hill Cemetery.

Michael Frantz of Lower Paxton Township

Peter Gardner patent landOn 30 October 1860, Michael and Elizabeth Frantz of Swatara Township sold to Michael A Frantz 93 acres that had been part of a tract that Michael (the father) had inherited—along with his sisters Elizabeth and Mary—from their father Michael Frantz.1 Michael Frantz Sr. died in Lower Paxton Township (now Swatara Township) Dauphin County sometime between 25 June 1793, when he and his wife Franny sold land to Susanna Eaglea, and 17 October 1797 when his administrators John Nissley and Christian Frantz settled his administration account.2 Here’s what I found in the Dauphin County Orphans Court Book.

John Niesley and Christian France Administrators of all and singular Goods and Chattles Rights and Credits which were of Michael France late of Paxton Township deceased appeared in Court and produced their account upon the administration of the Estate of the said deceased duly passed before the Register from which there appears to be a balance in their hands of three hundred and seventy five pounds eleven shillings and eleven pence which account upon examination the Court do approve and allow and direct that the said balance after deducting thirteen shillings and two pence the expence of this Court be distributed according to Law

The Court appoint Christian France of Manheim Township in the County of Lancaster Guardian of the person and estate of Mary France a minor daughter under the age of fourteen years of Michael France late of Lower Paxton Township deceased during her minority.

Elizabeth France a minor daughter above the age of fourteen years of Michael France late of Lower Paxton Township deceased comes into Court and chooses Christian France of Manheim Township in the County of Lancaster Guardian of her Estate during her minority and the Court approve of and appoint the said Christian France her Guardian accordingly.

The Court appoint Jacob France of Manor Township in the County of Lancaster Guardian of the persons and estates of John France, Michael France and Veronica France minor children under the age of fourteen of Michael France late of Lower Paxton Township decease during their respective minorities3

I find it quite probable that Christian and Jacob Frantz—guardians of his children—were relatives, perhaps brothers, of Michael Frantz. John Nissley was likely the brother of Michael’s wife Feronica “Franny” (Nissley) Frantz.4

Michael and Feronica (Nissley) Frantz had children:

  1. Elizabeth Frantz (28 Mar 1780—2 May 1850)5 married Rev. John Mumma (11 Mar 1776—3 Aug 1859)6
  2. Mary Frantz (after 17 October 1783—?) 7 married Jacob Snavely
  3. John Frantz (after 17 October 1783—before 1807).
  4. Michael Frantz (22 May 1789—5 Jun 1866) married twice—first to Elizabeth Neidig, daughter of John and Mary (Bear) Neidig, and second to  Elizabeth Walters, daughter of Jacob and Anna (Stauffer) Walters
  5. Veronica Frantz (after 17 October 1783—before 19 May 1810).

Michael Frantz Jr. was the father of Anna Frantz, my 3x great grandmother and wife of Levi Hocker, who died mysteriously in 1876.

Surname Saturday: Emanuel John Wieder

My great great grandfather Emanuel John Wieder was born on 11 November 1855, most likely in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.1 He was the youngest son of Saulus and Anna (Mechling) Wieder of Lower Milford Township, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.

Emanuel and Alavesta Wieder ca1915

Emanuel and Alavesta (Dillinger) Wieder, ca 1915

On 10 June 1878, he married Alavesta “Vesta” Esther Dillinger, daughter of Willam D. and Helena (Person) Dillinger of Lehigh County. She was born 19 Oct 1857, likely in Upper Milford Township.2

E.J. Wieder, Sr. was initially a teacher and a farmer, but—due to health concerns, I believe—became a bank cashier, working his way up to bank president by 1929.3 He built a house on main street in Pennsburg in 1902 and moved his family from the farm in Lower Milford Township into town.4

He died of stomach cancer on 26 July 1929 in Pennsburg and was buried in St. Mark’s Union Church cemetery on the 30th.5 Vesta had died on 11 January 1923 in Pennsburg of angina and Bright’s disease. She was buried in St. Mark’s Union Church cemetery on the 16th.6

E.J. and Vesta had the following children:

  1. Edwin J. Wieder (29 March 1880—22 January 1960) married Mary Catharine Waage (27 October 1877—28 November 1970)
  2. Cora Anna Wieder (June 1886—1964) married Vallandingham S. Trumbore (23 October 1883—August 1968)
  3. John William Wieder (1 September 1887—November 1972) married Katherine Jane Gruelich (22 March 1887—September 1960)

Photo courtesy of John William Wieder Jr.