Category: Research

Family research

Who Are We? DNA and the Genealogist's Search

Interesting information on DNA and our common ancestry. Consider this.

  • “You share no DNA with the vast majority of your ancestors.”
  • “You have more ancestors — hundreds a few generations back, thousands in just a millennium — than you have sections of DNA.”
  • You have 64 great-great-great-great-grandparents — but if you are a man, you share your Y-chromosome with only one of them.
  • The amount of DNA you pass on to your descendants roughly halves with each generation. It is a matter of chance which of your descendants actually carry any of your DNA.

Alva Nöe, “DNA, Genealogy, And the Search for Who We Are

Will testing your DNA really tell you who you are? Or are the stories we find about our ancestors much more enlightening than the test tube? What do you think?

A Little Saturday Research Delight Were Barbara, Daniel and Mary Ann Smith Related?

I was doing some Beinhauer family research yesterday and noticed once again that two of Johann Peter and Christina (Weber) Beinhauer’s children married Smiths. I’ve always wondered if they were related to Martin Hocker’s second wife Barbara Smith—he was married first to Christiana Beinhauer. So, I decided to find out.


Daniel Smith married Margaret Beinhauer 19 May 1812 at Salem Reformed Church in Harrisburg. Margaret was born 21 Oct 1784 and died 23 Dec 1870 in Hummelstown, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. I didn’t have any information on this couple beyond that.

John Peter Beinhauer married Mary Ann Smith sometime before 1812. He was born 30 Nov 1787 and died 25 November 1853.1 She was born 8 April 1790 and died 4 April 1877.2 They are both buried in the Churchville Cemetery, Oberlin, Swatara Township, Dauphin County.

Martin Hocker married Christiana Beinhauer 22 March 1799 in Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lebanon County.3 He was born 21 October 1768 in Cocalico Township, Lancaster County and died 25 April 1862 in Derry Township, Dauphin County.4 She was born 23 August 1777 in Cocalico Township and died 15 December 1808 in Derry Township.5

After Christiana’s death, Martin married again about 1809 to Barbara Smith. She was born 6 October 1787 and died 16 March 1878 in Derry Township.6 Martin and both his wives are buried in the Hummel Memorial Cemetery in Hummelstown.

Unlike the Beinhauer’s and Smith’s, I have significant information on Martin and his family. What more could I find on the Smiths who married into both the Beinhauer and Hocker families?

A Little Research Fun

I started with Daniel and Margaret (Beinhauer) Smith. A check of the census records turned up Margaret Smith living in Hummelstown by herself in 1860. Knowing she died in 1870, I went looking to see if she left a last will & testament.

She did. As expected, it indicates that her husband predeceased her. It also names various individuals, along with nieces and nephews as her heirs.7  Margaret and Daniel apparently did not have children—at least none that survived to leave heirs of their own.

Looking for deeds pertaining to Margaret’s estate, I didn’t find any that helped answer the research question. I found several deeds relating to Daniel’s estate—dated 1872?!

At first, I didn’t think they could be for Margaret’s husband. Going by Margaret’s census record, he’d most likely died prior to 1860, after all. But I decided to check them anyway. And, boy, am I glad I did.

From those deeds I discovered the following relationships:

  • Magdalena Smith, daughter & legatee8
  • Mary Beinhower, daughter & legatee9
  • Susanna Messimer, sister & legatee10
  • Barbara Hocker, sister & legatee11
  • Elizabeth Smith, legatee12
  • John Smith, legatee13

I was a little confused by the deeds for Magdalena Smith and Mary Beinhower. If they were alive in 1872, shouldn’t they have been named in Margaret’s will? Perhaps they were Daniel’s daughters from a previous marriage?

But then something else caught my eye. All these deeds named David Roop and George Roop as Daniel’s administrators of the will. Daniel had left a will.

Daniel Smith of Upper Swatara Township wrote his last will and testament on 2 February 1845 and it was proven on 4 September 1845.14  He named his widow Margaret and bequeathed to her a house and lot in Hummelstown. He also directed his executors to sell any property not bequeathed to his wife after her death and divide the proceeds equally between his brother and sisters. He names them as:

  • John
  • Susanna
  • Elizabeth
  • Magdalena
  • Barbara
  • Mary

He makes absolutely no mention of children in his will. Additionally, all the legatees from the deeds are named specifically as his siblings in his will. So, I find it probable that Magdalena Smith and Mary Beinhauer weren’t his daughters, but his sisters.


Were Barbara (Smith) Hocker, Daniel Smith, and Mary Ann (Smith) Beinhauer related? Based on the information from the will and deeds, I find it highly likely that they were.

From the Deed to the Wills The Ancestry of Abraham Huber (1847-1910)

In my last post, we learned that John and Christian Huber were tenants in common on a tract of land, containing about 55 acres. Abraham Huber purchased it from the Lancaster County Orphans Court in 1892.1 After reviewing the deed that provided this information, I have three questions I want to answer:

  1. What are “tenants in common?”
  2. Why, if they both died testate, was it the Orphans Court that sold the tract to Abraham?
  3. What was Abraham’s relationship to the two men, if any?

Tenants in Common

As tenants in common, John and Christian Huber each owned a portion of the 55 acres. Those portions were not necessarily equal. Additionally, “tenants in common”—as opposed to “joint tenants”—did not have the right of survivorship. After one tenant’s death, the rights to their portion remained with their estate instead of reverting to the other “tenant.”

Thus, the disposition of the tract would have been determined by John and Christian’s last wills and testaments.

Orphans Court

So, if John and Christian had the right to bequeath their land as they saw fit, and both men left wills, why was it the Orphans Court that sold the land?

John Huber died 11 Dec 1862. His last will and testament was proven 20 December 1862.2 He left his “equal undivided one half of the tract of land” he held with his “brother Christian Huber” to his wife during her lifetime. After her death, he directed his executors to sell the land and pay his children their shares, after paying out his specific bequests.

Christian Huber died 8 September 1881.3 His will was proven the 19th of September. He left his share to his nephew Abraham and niece Susan, children of his brother John, along with bequests to his grand nieces, and children of nephew John. He gave Abraham 2/3 of his real estate and Susan 1/3. He instructed that none of his land could be sold until after the death of John’s widow Margaret.

Margaret died 4 February 1890.4 By that time, Christian Huber5 and Tobias Huber,6 John’s sons and executors of his will, were deceased. Abraham was named administrator of her estate.7 As per the directions in his father’s will, Abraham put the land up for sale on 21 November 1891.8 Previously, on 5 October, Abraham had been granted by the court the right to bid on the land. His bid of $3,030 was the highest. I presume that as administrator of the estate, he couldn’t write a deed to himself, thus the Orphans Court deeded the property to him.

What Was Abraham’s Relationship to John & Christian?

Both John and Christian’s wills name Abraham as John’s son. John’s will names his other children as: Christian, Tobias, John, Susanna, Ann married to James McFalls, and Mary married to John Rineer. Christian’s will also identifies Margaret McFalls, Fannie Rineer, and Mariah Rineer as his great nieces. He also leaves a bequest to nephew John’s children, but does not provide their names.

So based on three documents—a deed and two wills—we can outline the family like this:

Children of Unknown Huber:

  1. John Huber (children listed in order from will)
    1. Christian Huber
    2. Tobias Huber
    3. John Huber
      1. Children
    4. Abraham Huber
    5. Susanna Huber
    6. Ann Huber married James McFalls
      1. Margareta McFalls
    7. Mary Huber married John Rineer
      1. Fannie Rineer
      2. Mariah Rineer
  2. Christian Huber

Starting with a Deed The Ancestry of Abraham Huber (1847-1910)

When you think of deeds you probably think of land transactions, right? So-and-so sold someone land in this place on that date. And why not? That’s what deeds are supposed to record.

But there have been many times when I’ve been surprised by just what else deeds record. Deeds come in different flavors.1 Sometimes, in order to adequately record the details of the transaction, they contain valuable information about the family involved in the purchase or sale.

Lancaster Co Deed D14:276

J.N.S. Hill C.O.C. to Abraham Huber (D14:276)

Take this deed, for instance.2 Straight off the bat we know that this deed is a deed of settlement. How do we know that? The party of the first part—the “person” selling the land—is a clerk of the Orphans Court for Lancaster County.

Despite the name, the Orphans Court dealt with more than just appointing guardians for “orphans.” In Pennsylvania it dealt with the details of settling an estate—both intestate and testate, recording the administration account, the appointment of guardians, the division of real estate amongst the heirs if it was not spelled out in the last will & testament (of there was one), petitions by heirs for specific pieces of land from the estate, and more.

In this deed, the Orphans Court is selling land to Abraham Huber from the estate of John and Christian Huber, tenants in common of a tract of land in Providence Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. It states that both men died with wills (testate) and identifies specifically where Christian Huber’s was recorded. This provides me with clues to two additional documents, potentially pertaining to Abraham Huber’s ancestry.

Furthermore, the metes and bounds identify the owners of neighboring properties. They are named as John Huber of Pequea Township, little John Huber, John Reinhart, and Benjamin Herr. The fact that one of the neighboring properties lies in Pequea Township provides a general location for the tract—on the border between Pequea and Providence townships. This not only helps me locate the land, but, in this case, most likely points to Abraham’s ancestry.

Check back to see what I can learn from John & Christian Huber’s wills.

Was Johann Adam Hacker a Redemptioner?

Recently, I’ve been thinking about my ancestor Adam Hacker and his emigration from Germany to Pennsylvania. He was a very young man, just starting out in the world. What were the circumstances of his decision to leave? How prepared was he for the journey? Did the family, in fact, have enough money to pay for his voyage? These things led me to wonder whether or not he could have been a redemptioner.

What is a Redemptioner?

What is a redemptioner, you ask. Wikipedia defines them as “…European immigrants, generally in the 18th or early 19th century, who gained passage to American Colonies (most often Pennsylvania) by selling themselves into indentured servitude to pay back the shipping company which had advanced the cost of the transatlantic voyage.1

Unlike indentured servants who made their contract prior to coming to the New World, redemptioners paid for their transportation upfront with credit, then had to come up with payment once they arrived at their destination.

The German Emigrant

About 50% of German emigrants during peak emigration years could not afford to pay for their passage.2 Since the price of passage, ranging from five to fourteen pounds sterling, often represented more than a year’s income for them, this is not surprising.

Nor was the ship’s fare their only expenditure. They had already paid—or become indebted for—the price of their passage down the Rhine to Rotterdam. This included the boat fare and fees at each custom house along the way. When they finally arrived at their destination, they also had to pay room and board while they were waiting for the ship to embark and purchase supplies for the voyage. One account states “many passengers have spent $176 from home to Philadelphia.”3 For many their options were limited.

Once they arrived in Philadelphia, the ship’s passengers were inspected by a physician before they were allowed to dock. Healthy immigrants were taken into town where they took the Oath of Allegiance to the King of England, then were returned to the ship. Those with the money to pay for their passage were allowed to leave. Those who did not were required to get it. How they did so was up to them. Some may have had friends or acquaintances who would give them a loan to pay the ship’s captain. Others might have had household goods that they could sell in Philadelphia to pay for their passage. Those not so lucky had to sell themselves into servitude to pay their debt to the ship’s captain within thirty days.

Redemptioners negotiated a contract based on their age, health, job skills or perceived productivity, education, and family circumstances.4 They indentured themselves for the shortest, fixed-term period that paid their debt based on the existing market conditions of the colony. These were usually three, five or seven year contracts.5

Johann Adam Hacker

When he was just 21 years-old, Johann Adam Hacker set out on his voyage to the New World. He left Rußheim in the spring of 17496 with several other villagers—Maria Margaretha (Hager) Elser, her new husband Heinrich Mock, and her children, Maria Catharina (Hager) Zimmerman and her sons, and Maria Barbara (Spöck) Schmid and her new husband Joh. Wendell Keller.7 He arrived in Philadelphia on 28 September.8

We don’t know whether or not he had the money to pay for his passage. But it’s most likely he was a far from wealthy man. His grandfather had been a cow herder, one of the lowliest of occupations in the village.9 Although he had risen to become a tailor prior to his death, his occupation was still one of the lowest paid. Adam’s father Christopher most likely learned the shoemaking trade from his step-father Johan Georg Schmidt.10 But from what I’ve seen from the records, there were a number of shoemakers in Rußheim, thus it was likely not a well-earning profession. Class structure in a German village at the time was not particularly fluid, and allowed for little personal advancement.

The Weidman Family

Adam married Maria Elisabetha Weidman sometime prior to 16 Dec 1753 when they sponsored her nephew Christopher Weidman in the Warwick congregation as a married couple.11 Elisabeth’s father Martin Weidman was a wealthy property owner in Cocalico Township. Unlike most German emigrants, the Weidmans had been well-to-do even before they immigrated.12 Their wealth only increased after their 1733 arrival. Martin purchased 200 acres in 1734.13 Between 1745 and 1758, he acquired the rights to an additional 1,000 acres.14

Because of their extensive land holding, the Weidmans, no doubt, required additional labor to work their land. Because of their wealth, they would have been able to purchase the indentures of their fellow countrymen as a source of this labor. Perhaps this is how Adam came to know Martin Weidman’s daughter. Perhaps he was a servant to Weidman, or perhaps Weidman paid off the passage for a fellow Badener.

In 1756, the first available tax record, Adam was taxed on 50 acres of land.15 I have not been able to find a record of how he acquired this land.

However, “[it] was decreed that bond servants should receive at the expiration of their term of service fifty acres of land from the Proprietary Government at the exceedingly low annual quit rent of two shillings, or about one cent per acre.”16 So, it’s not unrealistic to believe that he received this land from Martin Weidman—either as part of a settlement after he finished his contract or perhaps subsequent to his marriage to Maria Elisabetha.

In Conclusion

Without further information, I can only conclude that he might have been a redemptioner. But it’s something I hadn’t even considered before. If he was a redemptioner, I think it would say quite a bit about the family’s economic status in Rußheim and the options for future advancement there.

Between his arrival in 1749 and late 1753, Adam demonstrated himself and his ability to provide for a wife and family sufficiently to convince Martin Weidman—a successful, wealthy man—that he was a wise choice as husband for his eldest daughter. Furthermore, his younger brother did the same after his arrival in 1751, marrying Weidman’s daughter Anna Margaretha sometime after 28 July 1754.17 I think this speaks well for Adam and George’s determination to make the most out of the opportunities they found in the new world.

Same Name, Same Place, Same Person? Using Deeds to Distinguish Between Two Men of the Same Name and Location

In a previous post, I wrote about the problem of determining how many Henry Hoovers there were in Martic Township. I listed the land warrants and patents and subsequent deed transfers for several parcels of land. But I didn’t go into any detail on what these documents actually said. So, in this post, I plan to go into more detail on how I used deeds to distinguish between multiple men of the same name who lived in the same area at the same time.

Note: I’ve used Hoover as the primary spelling of the surname through this post. The spellings–Huber, Hoober, Huver, Hoover, and Hover–were all used interchangeably throughout documents from the 18th century. Specific spellings directly from a document are shown here in quotes.

One Henry Hoover

The research that I’ve seen online and in published materials says that there was one Henry Hoover who owned land on Pequea and Beaver creeks at the junction of present-day West Lampeter, Pequea, Providence and Strasburg townships. He married Katherine Good, daughter of Jacob Good, and died in 1757. Richard Warren Davis has apparently identified him as a son of Jacob & Barbara (__) Huber of Conestoga Township.1

Hoover land patents in Conestoga/Martic Township area

Hoover land patents in Conestoga/Martic Township area

In 1733, Michael Shank sold his rights to 250 acres at the junction of Pequea and Beaver creeks to Jacob Good and Henry Hoover. Jacob took 106 acres to the south and Henry took 144 acres to the north.2 These tracts are labelled B2 and B3 on the map. Both were warranted in 1717 to Shank and patented 15 April 1740—along with tract B4 which was originally surveyed to Jacob Good3—to “Henry Hoober.” Also in the year 1733, Henry Hoover warranted 160 acres in Martic Township (B1).4 He never surveyed land for this warrant.5

Jacob Good bequeathed a tract surveyed to him, containing about 180 acres, and all improvements to his son-in-law “Henry Hover” in his last will and testament, written 12 September 1739.6 Henry was named sole executor and required to provide for Jacob’s widow Barbara and to allow her to live in the “dwelling house.” Letters testamentary were issued to “Henry Houer” 22 January 1741/2. An inventory was filed for the estate in 1741/2.7

Henry Hoover warranted an additional 171 acres in Martic Township on 13 November 1744 and had it surveyed on 20 December 1744 (B5).8 This plus the land mentioned previously brings the total acreage owned by Henry Hoover in Martic Township to 489 acres.

“Henry Huver” left a will, dated 27 August 1757 and proven on 29 December 1757.9 In it, he left to “John Huber the Half of my Real & Personal Estate of Lands Money & Goods to him forever & ye other half unto my Daughter Elizabeth Bayers she to have ye same divided between the aforesaid John Huber her Brother; & ye said Elizabeth Bayers Equally & Impartially.” He named his “loving Friends Martin Bear & Henry Huber Executors.” [Emphasis mine.] Letters testamentary were granted to his two executors on 29 December 1757. An inventory was filed on the estate of “Henry Hoover” a weaver of Martic Township in 1758.10

John and Elizabeth (Hoover) Boyers sold their 1/2 share of Henry Hoober’s land to her brother John on 8 February 1758.11 The deed specifies this land in metes and bounds that match tract B2 on the map, containing 144 acres. “John Huber” wrote his last will and testament on 9 January 1793 and it was proven on 3 April 1799.12 He directed that all his estate–both real and personal–should be sold to the highest bidder. On 14 May 1799, his executors “Henry Huber,” his son, and “John Huber,” a friend, sold 144 acres to Henry Bowman.13

So, if the land inherited by John Hoover and Elizabeth (Hoover) Boyers totaled 144 acres, what happened to all the other lands warranted or patented to “Henry Hoober?”

Two Henry Hoovers

We know there were two Henry Hoovers of legal age by 1757–as “Henry Huver” named his friend Henry Huber as one of his executors in the will he wrote in August of 1757.14 His neighbor “Jacob Huber” (A1 & A2 on map) also named his friend “Henry Hoover” as one of his executors in his will, written 29 July 1759.15 The question is whether or not there were two men of that name, of legal age, by 1740 when the multiple tracts were patented. The answer, I believe, can be found by examining later deed records.

Martic Township Hoover property

Martic Township Hoover property

On 6 June 1767, Henry and Katharine Hoover sold several tracts of land to John Hoover and Jacob Hoover. They sold two tracts to their son John Hoover—80 acres from the tract of 106 acres (B3, map #2) patented to Henry Hoover in 174016 and 64 acres (B5, map #2) from the parcel of 171 acres warranted to Henry Hoover in 1744.17 They sold the residue from these two tracts—137 acres (B4, map #2)—to Jacob Hoover.18

But if Henry died in 1757, how did he and his wife sell land in 1767? The deeds to John Hoover were typed, indicating that a copy had been made from the earlier handwritten record, likely sometime in the 20th century. Could the typist have read 1757 as 1767? Certainly, it’s possible.

However, the land the couple sold to Jacob was sold by his executors on 25 August 1790. The deed was recorded 7 October 1819 and appears to be the handwritten record of the recorder.19 It, too, indicates that Henry and his wife sold the land to Jacob on 6 June 1767. This date was most likely copied from Jacob’s unrecorded deed of his purchase of the land from Henry and Katharine Hoover.

Furthermore, the 171-acre tract warranted to Henry Hoover 13 November 1744 was patented to the warrantee, i.e. Henry, on 14 April 1761.20 Since “Henry” died in 1757, this land could not have belonged to the same man.

Additionally, the John Hoover who inherited land in Henry Hoover’s 1757 will died in 1799, leaving a will directing that his land be sold. His will named his widow Ann and eight children: “Henry, Mary, Jacob, John, Christian, David, Anne & Christina.”21

The John Hoover, who purchased land from Henry and Katharine Hoover in 1767, died intestate prior to 21 April 1810.22 This John left a widow named Mary and nine children: “Mary the wife of Peter Huber aforesaid, Barbara Huber, John Huber, Christina Huber, Esther Huber, Abraham Huber, Ann Huber, Susanna Huber, and Elizabeth Huber.”23

As you can see, there were two men named John Hoover, both sons of men named Henry Hoover who lived in Martic Township on adjoining properties. Could one man have two sons with the same name? Yes, but usually not two living sons.

Furthermore, even though three of the pieces of land under discussion were patented on 15 April 1740 to “Henry Hoober,” only one of them could have been owned by the Henry who died in 1757. Therefore, there must have been two Henry Hoovers–one who split Michael Shank’s land with Jacob Good and died in 1757, and Jacob’s son-in-law, who patented his lands, selling them to his sons in 1767.

Is there any other evidence to support this conclusion? Yes.

Tax records provide some additional information. There were two Henry Hoovers listed in Martic Township tax records for 175124 and 1757.25 A Henry Hoover also appears in tax records for 1758 and 1759.26 Also, Jacob Hover, “Henry’s son,” is listed in Martic Township tax records in 176927 and 177028, though Henry is not. And as far as I can tell from the records, the Henry who died in 1757 did not have a son named Jacob.


Based on the deed records, there were two Henry Hoovers–let’s call them A and B. Henry Hoover (A) split Michael Shank’s tract with Jacob Good in 1733. Henry (A) took tract B2. Tract B1 was part of land warranted to Henry (A), but never surveyed or patented. Henry (A) died in 1757, leaving all his estate to his son John and daughter Elizabeth. His wife was not mentioned in the will, indicating that she was already deceased, nor were any other children mentioned.

Henry Hoover (A) and his unknown wife had children:

  1. John Hoover, born before 1737, probably died in March 1799, but definitely before 3 April 1799. John and his wife Ann had children (listed in the order from John’s will):
    1. Henry Hoover, born before 9 January 1772
    2. Mary Hoover
    3. Jacob Hoover, born 1756-1774
    4. John Hoover, born before 1780
    5. Christian Hoover, born before 9 January 1772
    6. David Hoover, born before 1771, died sometime after 1803 in Upper Canada
    7. Ann Hoover, born 16 January 1768, died 25 March 1780, married Abraham Gochenour
    8. Christina Hoover, born before 1778, unmarried as of 1801
  2. Elizabeth Hoover, born before 1737, died circa 1809 in York County, married John Boyer/Byer/Beyer

In his 1739 will, Jacob Good left his land to his son-in-law, Henry Hoover (B). This Henry took tracts B3 and B4, patenting them in 1740 (before his father-in-law died, possibly at Jacob’s direction) and warranted tract B5 in 1744. Henry was married to Katharine Good. He and his wife sold the majority of his land to his sons John and Jacob in 1767 and Henry does not appear in the records for Martic Township after that.

Henry and Katharine (Good) Hoover had children:

  1. Jacob Hoover, born before 1736, died between 13 March and 9 June 1788, married Barbara (___). Barbara Hoover likely died in 1810 when an inventory was produced in Martic township. An administration account was filed in 1813 by John and Martin Huber. Jacob and Barbara had children:
    1. Henry Hoover, born circa 1764
    2. Jacob Hoover, born circa 1766
    3. Barbara Hoover, born circa 1768
    4. Christian Hoover, born circa 1771-1774
    5. John Hoover, born circa 1771-1774
    6. Martin Hoover, born circa 1774, possibly married Maria Eshleman in 1799
  2. John Hoover, born before 1746 and died intestate before 21 April 1810 when his land was partitioned by the Orphans Court. He married Mary (___). She died prior to 4 December 1826. John and Mary had children:
    1. John Hoover, died between 17 November 1815–25 July 1818, unmarried and without children
    2. Mary Hoover, born circa 1766-1774, died after 4 December 1827, married Peter Huber, son of John and Barbara (___) Huber of Martic and Conestoga Townships
    3. Christina Hoover, born circa 1780, died before 3 March 1875, unmarried
    4. Barbara Hoover, born circa 1780-1790, died before 16 June 1841, unmarried
    5. Esther Hoover, born circa 1780-1790, died before 15 March 1832, unmarried
    6. Abraham Hoover, born circa 1785, died 1864, married Mary Huber, daughter of Abraham and Anna (Huber?) Huber
    7. Ann Hoover, born circa 1775-1794, died before 1 January 1828, unmarried
    8. Susanna Hoover, born 30 May 1789, died 16 July 1874, unmarried
    9. Elizabeth Hoover, born circa 1791-1794, died after 27 March 1875, married Henry Krug/Krieg before 4 December 1826
  3. Daughter (possibly Barbara) Hoover, married Jacob Hoover (possibly the son of Jacob and Anna Huber)

Identifying the specific land parcels and tracing them through multiple types of records for subsequent generations was crucial in determining that there were two men named Henry Hoover living on adjoining properties on Beaver Creek. The name and location alone were simply not enough information.

Have you run into this problem? What records did you find useful in distinguishing between two people of the same name and in the same location?

Henry Schneider (1792-1860) In Search of His Family

Based on research that I wrote about in Joseph Snyder (1826-1895)—Who’s Your Daddy?, The Greulich Farm, and Part II: The Greulich Farm, I’ve determined that Heinrich Snyder was the father of Joseph Snyder, my 3x great grandfather. Henry died intestate, but deed records state directly that Henry was the father of Joel, Joseph, Lucianna, and Sophia.1 The farm research also showed that Henry’s wife Sarah was the daughter of Godfrey and Eva Wissler.2

But who were Henry’s parents?

Henry Snyder was enumerated in Upper Hanover Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania in the 18303 and 18404 census. The only other Snyder head of household I found in Upper Hanover in those census records was Catharine Snyder in 1830.5 Her household was comprised of:

  • 1 male, 10-15 (b. ca 1815-1820)
  • 1 female, 15-20 (b. ca 1810-1815)
  • 1 female, 30-40 (b. ca 1790-1800)
  • 1 female, 50-60 (b. ca 1770-1780)

Since Henry was born in 1792, it’s possible that Catharine Snyder was his mother and the others his siblings—if Catharine was born in the early 1770s.

Henry’s eldest child (that I know of), Joel, was born in 1823. It’s therefore possible that Henry, aged 28, was living with his parents in 1820. Were there any Snyder families in Upper Hanover in 1820?

Yes. There were Adam Snyder6, Jacob Snyder7, and Peter Snyder.8 The only household with a member in the 26-44 age group is Adam, but that individual is the eldest male, indicating that it’s likely Adam himself. So, I did not find a likely candidate in a Snyder household for Henry in Upper Hanover in 1820.

However, Henry was most likely in Upper Hanover Township or the general area by 1814. A Henry and Elizabeth Schneider took communion at New Goshenhoppen Reformed Church on Easter Sunday, 10 April 1814.9 They also attended services on the 1st and 2nd of April in 1815. Additionally, Jacob Schneider, aged 17, Catharine Schneider, aged 16, and Sara Wisler, aged 15 1/2 were confirmed on that weekend.10 Sara Wisler, of course, was Henry’s future wife.

Do Jacob (about 22) and/or Catharine (about 21) fit as members of Adam, Jacob, or Peter’s households in 1820? Let’s look closely at each.

Adam Snyder:

  • 1 male, <10
  • 1 male, 10-16
  • 1 male 26-45 [Adam]
  • 3 female, <10
  • 1 female, 10-16
  • 1 female, 26-45 [Adam’s wife]

Jacob Snyder:

  • 1 male, <10
  • 2 males, 10-16
  • 1 male 16-18
  • 2 males, 16-26
  • 1 male, 45+ [Jacob]
  • 1 female, <10
  • 2 females, 16-26
  • 1 female, 45+ [Jacob’s wife]

Peter Snyder:

  • 1 male 16-26 [Peter]
  • 1 female, <10
  • 1 female, 16-26 [Peter’s wife]

Both Jacob—as one of the males aged 16-26—and Catharine—as one of the females aged 16-26—fit nicely into Jacob Snyder’s household based on this census.11 There aren’t any members of Adam or Peter’s households that match in age, except Adam, Peter and their wives. While that might work for Catharine—if she married a Snyder, it definitely doesn’t for Jacob.

What about previous census enumerations? In 1810 there are two Jacob Schneider households in Upper Hanover, but only one matches the 1820 household.

Jacob Schneider:12

  • 4 males, <10
  • 1 male, 10-15
  • 1 male 16-25
  • 1 male, 45+ [Jacob]
  • 1 female, <10
  • 1 female, 10-15
  • 1 female, 26-45 [Jacob’s wife]

Jacob would have been about 12 years old in 1810 and Catharine about 11. Again, both fit—both Jacob and Catharine in the 10-15 age group. Henry would have been about 18 years old—and there is a male in Jacob’s household, aged 16-25, who fits him, too.

Jacob can also be found in Upper Hanover in 1800.13

  • 3 males, <10
  • 1 male, 26-44 [Jacob]
  • 2 females, <10
  • 1 female, 45+ [Jacob’s wife]

Once again, Henry (aged 8), Jacob (aged 2), and Catharine (aged 1) would all fit as members of this household.

Godfrey Wissler is found in Upper Hanover Township starting in 1790 when he purchased land through 1829 when his estate was probated. So we know his daughter, born in 1799, lived in the township her whole life. Given these census records, it’s possible that Henry did, too.

So, what does this mean? Does it prove that Jacob was Henry’s father and Catharine his mother?

No. The census records are suggestive of a possible relationship, but do not prove one. This is one of the difficulties with working with census records. Even if the record names all of the household members, it wasn’t until 1880 that each person’s relationship to the head of household was noted in the enumeration.

In this case, working with pre-1850 census records, only the head of household is named. We need to guesstimate who the household members could have been using the number of people in each age range. When we don’t know who the members of the family were, this means we have a number of holes to fill in.

Check back to see what I can find.

Part II: The Greulich Farm Connecting Five Generations with Deeds & Probate Records

In my last post about the Greulich farm, I compared the metes and bounds from two documents—Henry Snyder’s 1830 mortgage and Henry D. Snyder’s 1899 deed—and determined that there was a significant overlap between the two. While searching for a photo to use for the post, I found additional deeds to examine.

Having now looked through these deeds, I’ve been able to put together a timeline for the property, as follows:

  1. Godfried Wissler wrote his last will and testament 3 April 1825 and it was proven on 21 October 1829.1 He wrote: “It is my will and I do order that my real estate shall be sold by my Executors on public sale…”
  2. On 2 April 1830, Jacob Stoyer, administrator of Godfried Wissler’s will sold Henry Snyder 62 acres 40 perches.2
  3. On 1 April 1857, Henry Snyder sold 59 acres 128 perches to his son Joseph Schneyder.3
  4. On 3 April 1861, Joseph Schneyder and his wife Judith sold this same tract to her first cousin Nathaniel Deischer of Hereford Township, Berks County.4 Henry Snyder’s mortgage on the original property was paid off on 3 April 1861, so it appears Joseph and Judith sold the land in order to pay the debt.5
  5. On 24 March 1866, Nathaniel Deischer and Lydia his wife sold the 59 acres 89 perches to John Rooks of Warren County, New Jersey.6
  6. On 20 February 1869, John Rook and his wife Cheretta sold 59 acres 89 perches to Addy Ziegler of Marlborough Township, Montgomery County.7
  7. On 8 April 1869, Henry Hartman and Caroline his wife sold 16 acres 128 perches to Addy Ziegler.8 This was formerly part of the land of Thomas Lynch.
  8. On 8 April 1875, Addy Ziegler and Elizabeth his wife sold 59 acres 89 perches and 16 acres 128 perches to Elias H. Hoch of Upper Hanover Township.9
  9. On 29 March 1877, Elias H. Hoch and his wife Lavinia sold 59 acres 84 perches (part of the two adjoining tract purchased from Ziegler) to Joseph Schneider of Upper Hanover Township.10
  10. Joseph Snyder wrote his last will and testament on 10 July 1894, which states “All the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, real, personal and mixed, whatever and wherever, I order and direct to be converted into money as soon as the same can conveniently be done after my decease.”11 He died 4 November 1895 and his will was proven on 7 December 1895.
  11. Joseph Snyder’s executors, Henry D. Snyder and Amandus Snyder, sold 55 acres and 84 perches (except 40 square perches) to their brother Mahlon Snyder on 1 April 1899.12
  12. On 1 July 1899, Mahlon Snyder sold 55 acres 84 perches (except 40 square perches) to Henry D. Snyder.13
  13. On 22 August 1928, Henry and Saraphine Snyder sold 55 acres 84 perches to their son-in-law and daughter, Elmer and Lillian Greulich.14

Thus, I can prove—thank you, Snyder and Greulich ancestors for holding onto all those deeds!—the land descended from Godfried Wissler to his son-in-law Henry Schneider to his son Joseph Schneider, then through other hands until most of it was bought back by Joseph Schneider in 1877, then eventually to his son Henry Deischer Snyder.

Can we go back further? Let’s find out.

The Greulich Farm Using Deeds to Prove Henry Snyder Was Joseph Snyder's Father

When I last wrote about Joseph Snyder, I was on the trail of his father and believed he was the same Henry Snyder whose mortgage indenture I had in my possession. The 1850 census for Henry Snyder of Upper Hanover Township included Henry, Sarah, Joel, Joseph, Louisa Anna, and Sophie Schnider.1 Although I can infer a relationship between the household members, it is not directly indicated in this record.

I also postulated that Joseph Snyder received his father’s farm sometime before Henry’s death. Based on the metes and bounds as outlined in Henry Snyder’s mortgage, it sounded like the location of the farm that I’ve always known as the “Greulich farm” which was located just outside East Greenville in Upper Hanover Township, diagonally opposite the New Goshenhoppen Church. Since I have two deeds—one for Henry Snyder’s farm and one for the farm my great great grandfather Henry Deischer Snyder purchased from his father’s estate—I figured I would compare the metes and bounds to determine once and for all if they were the same farm.

Henry Snyder farm Upper Hanover Township

Henry Snyder’s farm

Henry Snyder (1830)

Henry Snyder purchased 62 acres from Jacob Stoyer, the administrator of Godfrey Wissler’s estate.2 Godfrey Wissler was Henry’s father-in-law.3

Henry and Sarah Snyder sold pieces of this land in 1839 (to Peter Strunk4) and 1850 (to George Gery5 and George Seasholtz6). These sales totaled about 7 acres.

Henry D. Snyder (1899)

Henry D. Snyder farm

Henry D. Snyder (aka Greulich) farm

Joseph Snyder died in 1895. His sons Henry D. and Amandus D. Snyder served as executors of his last will and testament, proven 7 December 1895, which required that his land be sold and the proceeds divided into seven equal shares and divided amongst: Henry, Irwin, Clement, Amandus, Mary, Sally, and Ida.7 On 1 April 1899, Henry and Amandus sold 55 acres to Mahlon Snyder.8 On 1 July 1899, Mahlon and his wife Clara sold 55 acres to Henry D. Snyder, except 40 square perches that Henry and Amandus sold to the Upper Hanover school district.9

The northwest sections of these maps, I believe, are a very close match—likely with miscellaneous additions to and subtractions from the original tract between 1839 and 1899.

This farm was in Henry’s possession until his death in 1931 when it passed to his only child Lillian Witmer (Snyder) Greulich. It passed to her only child, Russ, after her death in 1949. The remains of the house and farm buildings can be seen on Google Maps’ satellite image along School House road, up to the corner with Third Street and Church Road.

Joel and Joseph Snyder

On 13 May 1861, the spring following Henry Snyder’s death, Joel Snyder and his wife Catharine and Joseph Snyder and his wife Judith sold a piece of land in East Greenville to Lucianna Mock, widow, and Sophia Schneider, spinster.10 This deed states that Henry Schneider died intestate with four children: Joel, Joseph, Lucianna intermarried with Peter Mock (now deceased), and Sophia, and that Joel and Joseph had agreed to sell the plot to their sisters.

Evidence doesn’t get much clearer than this. Joel, Joseph, Lucianna, and Sophia were the children of Henry Schneider of Upper Hanover Township. Thus, the 1850 census entry for Henry shows him, his wife, and their children.

Either Henry sold his farm to Joseph prior to his death or Joseph’s siblings sold it to him after his death. I haven’t found a deed or other reference to this transfer, but the deed maps show that the land Joseph’s sons sold after his death contain at least part of the original land that Henry Snyder purchased in 1830 from his father-in-law’s estate. In 1860, Joseph owned $5000 worth of real estate11, his father only $150012, and brother only $1,000.13 Joseph was a farmer in 1860, and this—with the value of his real estate—indicates to me that he already owned a farm by 1860. It seems probable that it was his father’s farm.


In looking for the photo I’ve used as the feature image for this post, I found a treasure trove of family deeds. Check in next time to see what they tell me.


The 2nd Wave 19th Century Hacker Emigrants from Rußheim to America

Although Adam Hacker was the first Hacker family member from Rußheim, Baden-Durlach (now Baden-Württemberg), Germany to immigrate to North America, he wasn’t the last. A little over a hundred years later, his first cousin three times removed, Johann Christoph Hacker, emigrated from Rußheim to the United States.

On 11 Jan 1854, Christoph1 and his family—wife Christina (Siegel) Hacker, and children Friedrich, Friederike, August, Luise, Wilhelm, Philippine, and Ferdinand—arrived in New York City from Havre on the ship Zurich.2 According the Rußheim records, they left the village in 1853.3

I was able to locate the family in the 1860 U.S. census, living in Perkins Township, Erie County, Ohio.4 At that time, the household included: Christoph, Christina (his wife), Frederick, August, William and Christine.

Ten years later, the family can be found in Margaretta Township, Erie County.5 The household included Christoph, his son August and August’s wife Helen. By this time, Christoph’s wife had apparently died and the other children—if still alive—moved out to start their own families. At this time, I haven’t located them in 1870 census records.

Christoph most likely died prior to 1 Jun 1880.6 Both Frederick and August were living in Margaretta Township in 1880. Frederick and his wife Christina were living in Cold Creek with their seven sons and one daughter.7 Frederick was a laborer. August was a widowed farmer with five children under the age of 10, including three sons and two daughters.8

Frederick and August remained in Margaretta Township. Both are found in the 1900 census enumeration of the township. Frederick, aged 67, was a carpet weaver living with his wife next door to their son William.9 His brother August was 72 (should be 63) and still enumerated as a farmer.10 He was living with his second wife Kate and their six children.

August died 20 Apr 1903 and was buried in Sandhill Cemetery; Frederick died in 1914 and was buried in Castalia Cemetery. Many of their descendants can be found in Erie County through the 1940 census.

Johann Christoph and Christina (Siegel) Hacker had the following children:11

  1. Christoph Friedrich Hacker was born 29 Sep 1832 in Rußheim. He died in 1914 in Erie County, Ohio and was buried in Castalia Cemetery. About 1860, he married Christina Callista Kahn, born about 1842 and died 1 May 1923, and had children:
    1. August C. Hacker (1861-1933)
    2. Philip Hacker (1862-1938)
    3. George C. Hacker (1864-1951)
    4. William Hacker (1867-1951)
    5. Frederick Hacker (1869-1946)
    6. Charles Hacker (1871-1907)
    7. Peter Hacker (1874-1907)
    8. Sarah Hacker (1874-1931)
    9. Unknown Hacker (?-bef 1900)
    10. Unknown Hacker (?-bef 1900)
  2. Christine Friederike Hacker was born 2 Jan 1835 in Rußheim and arrived in New York city with her parents 11 Nov 1854. She may have been married or deceased by 1860. I have no additional information on her.
  3. August Frederick Hacker was born 8 Sep 1837 in Rußheim and died 20 Apr 1903 in Margaretta Township. He was buried in Sandhill Cemetery. He married sometime prior to 1 Jun 1870 Helen Walter (or Ellen Walder). She was born about 1847 in Germany and died before 1 Jun 1880 in Erie County. August and Helen had children:
    1. William Christopher Hacker (1871-?)
    2. Christina Hacker (1872-?)
    3. Henry Hacker (1874-1959)
    4. John Hacker (1876-?)
    5. Susan Hacker (1878-1943)

    August married second Catharine Zahn before 1 Jun 1880. They had children:

    1. August Charles Hacker (1881-?)
    2. Elizabeth C. Hacker (1882-1953)
    3. Fred J. Hacker (1885-1925)
    4. David John Hacker (1887-1975)
    5. Rose Hacker (1888-?)
    6. Catharine Hacker (1890-?)
  4. Luise Hacker was born 31 Oct 1839 in Rußheim. She may have married Peter Hermes in Erie County, Ohio.
  5. Infant Hacker
  6. Wilhelm Hacker was born 16 Aug 1843 in Rußheim. He was living with his parents in Perkins Township in 1860, but I haven’t located him in later census records.
  7. Philippine Hacker was born 29 Mar 1846 in Rußheim. She was included as “Christine” in the 1860 census enumeration for her family. I’ve found no further information about her.
  8. Christina Hacker was born 4 Apr 1848 and died 20 Apr 1851 in Rußheim.
  9. Ferdinand Hacker was born 18 Oct 1850 in Rußheim. I’ve found no additional information on him after his arrival with his family in New York on 11 Nov 1854. He may have died prior to 1 Jun 1860.

The emigration from Rußheim didn’t end with Johann Christoph and family. Several of Christoph’s nieces and a nephew immigrated to America, presumably in the 1880s: Luise Friederike Hacker and Emilie Hacker (and her daughter Hanna), daughters of Daniel and Christina (Knoblach) Hacker; and Ferdinand, Hermina, and Sophia Siegel, children of Johann Friedrich and Margaretha (Hacker) Siegel.