Jacob Hoover (ca 1746—1800)

Jacob2 Hoover (Andrew1) was born circa 1746, most likely in Ellerstadt, Germany. He died in 1800 sometime between the time the 1800 tax returns were recorded and 8 Sep 1800 when his will was probated.

Jacob married Anna Maria (___), most likely in Maryland.

Jacob Hoover was the eldest of the three Hoover brothers who went to the Fayette County, Pennsylvania area about 1769. Jacob settled at Dunkard’s Creek in Monongalia County, Virginia on land adjoining Nicholas Shinn. He was granted 400 acres by Virgina and the pre-emption to 1000 acres more based on his settlement of 1770 on 10 Sep 1781.1

Jacob Hoover's Greene County land warrant

Jacob Hoover’s Washington (now Greene) County land survey

He sold the 1000 acres to Samuel Hanway that same day. He also sold 250 acres, now considered to be part of Washington County, Pennsylvania to John Lance on 30 Jul 1794.2 This land had been surveyed on 29 Jul 1794, but the warrant had been granted by Pennsylvania on 26 Jan 1785.3 He also sold 126 acres on Dunkard’s Creek to John Lance on 13 Aug 1798. The deed for this sale states that the land was granted to Jacob Hoover by Virginia on 15 Jun 1784.4 It may have been part of the original 400 acres (if so, Jacob sold all of it to John Lance), but may also have been part of a later land grant.

However, there was a legal dispute over Jacob Hoover’s Monongalia County land in 1804 that provides additional clues. Matthew Hannon disputed the boundaries of the Lance’s property. Jacob Hoover, he claimed, had obtained a survey on 28 May 1784 for the 400 acres he held by right of settlement and, being given a certificate for 400 acres more, had ignored existing boundaries and claimed 50 acres more than his right when he surveyed the second 400 acres. The counter claim by Lance stated that Jacob had no more than 250 acres on the Pennsylvania side of this claim and 126 3/4 acres on the Virginia side of the claim, thus totalling less than 400 acres and that Hoover’s claim was older than Hannons or any of the others. Additional statements of the he said-he said variety ensued with the court eventually awarding for the defendants (ie., Lance).5 From this court case, we can deduce that the land sold to Lance was part of the second 400 acres Hoover was granted.

Jacob Hoover also had 184 acres on Brown’s Run in German Township. It was surveyed on 12 Mar 1785 for a warrant dated 26 Jan 1785.6 This property was called Hoover’s Valley and it is where Jacob and Mary made their home. Jacob can be found in German Township tax records from 1785 when he received the land through 1800 when he died.

Jacob Hoover's German twp property

Jacob Hoover’s German Township property

When Jacob’s father Andrew died, he divided his Union Township property between three of his sons. Jacob kept this property until 5 Jul 1790 when he assigned it to his brother Henry. Henry, in turn, assigned it to James Rankin on 7 Jun 1791.7

Jacob left all his real estate and personal property to his wife Mary when he died in 1800. Each of his children was to receive five pounds from the estate.8 When Mary died in 1808, her Will gave her son George 100 pounds, her daughter Hannah 75 acres of the Hoover Valley property, her daughter Rachel about 30 acres of the property.9 Other heirs mentioned in her will include: her daughter Elizabeth Shins; her granddaughter Molly Shins; her granddaughter Elizabeth Hoover, daughter of Hannah and Joseph Hoover; her grandson Jacob Hoover, son of George Hoover; and her daughters Catherine Shoemaker, Madelina Shoemaker, Margaret Smith, Mary Chafin, Barbary [Barbara] Bacus, Rosannah Hoover, and Jemima Bowman. Her son George and son-in-law Joseph were co-executors of her estate.

Jacob and Anna Maria (___) Hoover had children, as follows:

  1. Catharine3 Hoover married John Schumacher/Shoemaker. This family moved to Breckinridge County, Kentucky. Catharine died in Perry County, Indiana.
  2. George Hoover married Elizabeth Garrison. They moved to Ohio County, Kentucky.
  3. Mary Magdalina Hoover married Johann Adam Schumacher/Shoemaker. They moved to Ohio County, Kentucky.
  4. Elizabeth Hoover married George Shinn, perhaps the brother of Nicholas Shinn who owned property adjacent to her father’s.10
  5. Margaret Hoover married Unknown Smith, perhaps Godfrey Smith of Redstone, Pennsylvania. This family moved to Greenup County, Kentucky. Their daughter Emily married Jacob Baccus, son of Peter and Barbara (Hoover) Baccus.
  6. Mary Hoover married Unknown Chafin.
  7. Rosanna Hoover
  8. Barbara Hoover married Peter Baccus. This family moved to Scioto County, Ohio. Their eldest son Jacob married Emily Smith, daughter of Godfrey and Margaret (Hoover) Smith.
  9. Hannah Hoover, baptized on 11 Sep 1783 at Jacob’s Lutheran and Reformed Church in German Township, married circa 1800 Joseph Hoover, perhaps the son of one of her uncles, John or Andrew Hoover Jr.11
  10. Rachel Hoover married James Gray. This couple may have moved to Greenup County, Kentucky.
  11. Jemima Hoover married Unknown Bowman.

I’ve purposefully not included the birth dates I have for these children. If they are correct, then either Jacob and Mary were married and started their family at a very young age or the birth date for Jacob is incorrect. Unfortunately, I’ve run in to the same problem with the birth dates of most of Andrew1‘s grandchildren. Additional research is required to determine the truth of the matter.

If you have additional information on this family, you’d like to share, please leave a comment.


  1. Reports on Claims to Unpatented Land, Monongalia, Yohogania, Ohio Counties, Virginia-West Virginia, page 159; also Wiley, Samuel B., History of Monongalia County, West Virginia, From Its First Settlements to the Present Time; With Numerous Biographical and Family Sketches (Kingwood, West Virginia: Preston Printing Company, 1883)
  2. Washington County, Pennsylvania Deed Book, Vol. 1K: 101-102
  3. Washington County, Pennsylvania Copies Survey Book A87: 59
  4. Hoover, Luella Schaumburg, “Some Descendants of Andrew Hoover” (typescript; State Library, Pennsylvania), page 13; Toothman, Rick, Monongalia County, West Virginia Deedbook 1784—1810 (Bowie, MD; Heritage Books Inc, 1994), page 70, “13 Aug 1798, Jacob & Mary HOOVER, Fayette Co. PA, to John Lantz of Green Co. PA. 126 A near the PA line on the North side of Dunker Creek, adjoining Nicholas Shins. No Wits. Recorded: OS 1:521”
  5. Zinn, Melba Pinder, Monongalia County, (West) Virginia, Records of the District, Superior and County Courts, Volume 9 (1813-1817) (Westminster, Maryland: Heritage Books, 2007), pages 291-293
  6. Fayette County, Pennsylvania Copied Survey Book C82: 190; This land was patented to Henry Hoover in Jan 1807
  7. Fayette County Deeds, Book A: 337
  8. Jacob Hoover Last Will & Testament, Fayette County Wills, Book 1: 50, written 24 Aug 1797, probated 8 Sep 1800
  9. Mary Hoover Last Will & Testament, Fayette County Wills, Book 1: 124, written 2 Dec 1808, probated 20 Dec 1808
  10. Zinn, Monongalia County (West) Virginia Court Records; George Shinn is identified as the son-in-law of Jacob Hoover.
  11. Ruff, Paul Miller, Jacobs Lutheran and Reformed Church, German Township, Fayette County (Greensburg, PA: Baltzer Meyer Historical Society, 1998)

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, "Jacob Hoover (ca 1746—1800)," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 4 Sep 2015 (https://www.krishocker.com/biographies/jacob-hoover/ : accessed 29 Mar 2025).

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12 Replies to “Jacob Hoover (ca 1746—1800)”

  1. Hi Kris,

    In New Holland Cemetery, New Holland, Pickaway County Ohio is a Mary Chaffin July 1783-March 11, 1852 with husband William Chaffin Sept. 1775-April 1860. No other Data.

  2. Jacqueline Crandall 27 Sep 2014 at 2:43 pm

    curious if this site is still open! I, too, am a descendant of Jacob through daughter Elizabeth and George Shinn, through his daughter Amelia who married Amos Morris. Thanks for having this on-line!

    1. Jacqueline, I am still posting information to the site, as time allows. I haven’t pursued additional information on Andrew Hoover’s line in some time, though, since I’ve proven that he’s not my ancestor. I am still working on my Hoover Surname project, so more information may turn up!

      Do you have information on Amelia “Milly” Shinn that you’d be willing to share? I have little more than her name.

  3. Carol J. Hoover 29 Nov 2013 at 9:10 pm

    Great-great-great-great grandfather: Johann Ulrich Huber married to Anna Marie ___ who immigrated on Morton House ship.
    Great-great-great grandparents: Ulrich Huber (3-24-1734 — 10-5-1805) married Susanna Vogel and Eva Lingafelter. Which is our g-g-g-grandmother?
    Great-great grandparents: Ulrich Huber b. 1761 married Catharina in 1782.
    Great-grandparents: Joshua Hoover 4-8-1823 –12-7-1862 married Elizabeth Winand (11-4-1822 –10-3-1883) in 1845. He’s buried in Emmanuel Reformed Church cemetery in Abbottstown. She’s buried in Pleasant Hill Church cemetery. Don’t know names of siblings.
    Grandparents: Henry W. Hoover (11-7-0–5-17-1925) & Amanda Jane Moul (11-19-1860–4-27-1935). They’re buried in Pleasant Hill Church cemetery. Heidleburg Township, York Co., PA. I have the names of the siblings.
    Parents: Luther Elmer Hoover (10-28-1895 –2-17-1969) & Lettie Sarah Baugher (9-15-1896 — 2-26-1965). They’re buried in Black Rock Church of the Brethren cemetery. Glenville Rd., Glenville, PA.
    Can anyone fill in details?

    1. Carol, you should read my series “Ulrich Hoover of York & Adams Counties, Pennsylvania,” Part 2, Part 3, and Visualizing Connections.

      This Jacob Hoover is from a different Hoover family.


  4. I am a descendant of Andrew (Andreas Huber) Hoover. My lineage traces through Jacob Hoover who married Elizabeth ___. They had a son John Hoover who married Elizabeth Jeffries. They had a son Henry Hoover who married Sarah Curtis. I am curious as to if this page refers to the same Jacob Hoover?

    1. April, thanks for stopping by. I believe you’re referring to the Andrew Hoover family of Randolph County, North Carolina? This is a different family. They are often confused.

      This Jacob Hoover was likely born in Germany, married Anna Maria (___), and had only one son—George Hoover, who married Elizabeth Garrison and settled in Ohio County, Kentucky.

      1. Yes, thank you. I found the correct one on another website.

  5. Janet Seegmiller 6 Dec 2010 at 3:10 am

    As a descendant of George Shinn and Elizabeth Hoover, daughter of Jacob, we recently discovered the court documents in Zinn Vol. 9. The documents mention George Shinn, who was a brother to Nicholas Shinn, not his son (although Nicholas did have a son named George)) and show he was a son-in-law of Jacob Hoover. Nicholas Shinn died during the Revolutionary War. George Shinn (1755-1821) left a will probated in 1821-22. His wife Elizabeth died before the will was written in 1817. It names four children: Elizabeth (who md. Andrew Levingston), Mary (Maybe the Molly mentioned above; md Peter Yeager, George (wife named Sarah), and Amelia (md. Amos Morris).

    From Zinn: “Several men went to George SHINN to ask who had a right to the disputed land as SHINN was an old settler there. SHINN told CORBLY that HANNON had owned the land down the creek to the point of a rise below a ‘noted good shugger camp on the creek.” CORBLY told SHINN, if the land did not extend below the sugar camp not to buy it from HANNON. SHINN replied, “You need not doubt it never did belong to LANTZ’s place.” He heard SHINN say, ‘since the suit is brought, that John LANTZ keep back part of the pay from HOOVER’s heirs to compensate him if Matthew HANNON gains the land. I was also informed by SHINN that HOOVER was his father in law and I also was informed that by the late death of HOOVER, SHINN become [a party] in the suit in LANTZ’s favor against Matthew HANNON.”

    Thanks for helping straighten out who Andrew Hoover is. So many sites have Jacob as a son to Andreas Huber/Hoover who went to North Carolina. There evidently were at least two early immigrants with this name. Correct?

    1. Janet,
      thanks for posting! You’re the first descendant of Jacob through Elizabeth with whom I’ve been in contact.

      Yes, there were several Andrew Hoovers:

      • Andrew Hoover (1738) was born 13 May 1724, immigrated in 1738 (thus the designation) likely from Ittlingen, married Margaret Pfautz, and settled first in Frederick County, Maryland before moving to North Carolina where he died ca 1794. He was the ancestor of President Hoover.
      • Andrew Hoover (1741) was born 6 Nov 1720, immigrated in 1741, married Gertrude Schwartz, and settled in what became southern Lebanon County, Pennsylvania. He died there in 1805.
      • Andrew Hoover (1754) was born 1 Jan 1723, immigrated with his family from Germany in 1754—quite possibly from Ellerstadt (instead of Andrew 1738). He was married to Catharine (___). They settled first in Washington County, Maryland, then moved to Fayette County, Pennsylvania sometime after 1776. Their son Jacob settled land there quite possibly as early as 1769. Andrew died in Fayette County in 1784.

      For some time I believed I was descended from Andrew’s youngest son George, but have since discovered that my George was actually the son of Michael Hoover of Bedford County. I’m very glad that the research I did on Andrew’s family can help others. There is a lot of confusion between the various Andrew Hoovers and the information you can find online is usually a mixed up mash of data. I was lucky to find a source who had received information from Demas Hoover—a descendant of Andrew’s son Henry. From there I was able to locate documents and draw my own conclusions.


  6. Jean Alexander 30 Jul 2010 at 2:14 pm

    This David Casto was David Casto, Sr. (1706? – 1770), who was married to Phoebe Gandy (1722 – 1770) on 17 AUG 1752 at the Cape May Courthouse in NJ. They are my 5th great grandparents. The last word on the couple is that they died while traveling to Berkley County, VA (now WV) in 1770. There is further information that David Casto, Sr. had a 400-acre land grant at the head of the Buffalo River in Monongalia, WVa. I am curious as to what these 400-acre grants were, I have seen them referenced since. I have seen the reference to this acreage and the assignee being Hannon. Have been trying to find the gravesites of David and Phoebe, and information about what happened to them.

  7. First, thanks for all of this great work on the Hoover saga.

    In the legal matter above Matthew Hannon was the assignee of a David CASTO. My own brick wall involves the Hoover Casto marriage of my own GGG grandparents. Did you run across any data on this CASTO fellow?

    My GGG-Grandad Samuel Hoover was born in PA in the summer of 1813. He had an older brother named William Hoover born 1805-6 also in PA.

    Any clues welcomed!