George Hoover (ca 1735/40-1813)

George2 Hoover (Michael1) was likely born circa ca 1735-1740, possibly in Germany or Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Assuming George was 21 years of age at the birth of his first child in 1761, he was likely born by 1740.1 Although no direct proof has been found linking him as a son of Michael Huber, a strong indirect case has been presented by Richard Hayden.2 Because Michael’s will refers to a son Philip, who was residing in Germany at the time of Michael’s death, it is likely that Michael emigrated from Germany and at least some of his other children, if not all, were born there.

George died sometime between the 15th and 18th of March 1813 in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. His son Christian was the executor of his estate. In the estate papers Christian lists expenses “in entertaining the friends and relatives of dec’d at the time of his sickness & burial from March 15 to March 18th, 1813.”3, 4 Christian was a dutiful record keeper listing the following activities and expenses on behalf of his father’s estate:

March 24, 1813: To going to Greensburg to collect money owed the estate [George Hoover vs. James Carnahan] and to get the will [interpreted?] on three days 3.50

March 30, 1813: To going to Kittanning town to take out Adm’r letters 1.00

March 31, 1813: To one day spent at the appraisement of dec’d goods 1.00

April 1 & 2: To two day attending vendue of said goods & chattels 4.00

The list continues through August 25th when he went to town to settle the estate. No will was found filed for George Hoover in Armstrong, Fayette, Greene, Washington, or Westmoreland counties, even though there apparently was one as Christian went to have it interpreted—perhaps from German on March 24th. Perhaps the will was not deemed valid as Christian had to take out letters of administration on March 30th. This would indicate that George died intestate.5 There was no final settlement of the estate included in the estate packet. However, the names of heirs were listed in several places within the papers.

George Hoover was likely married twice. Unfortunately, it seems he was possibly married to two women who shared the same given names—Eva Elisabeth. George married his first wife circa 1760 or before, possibly in Lancaster County. George’s first two daughters were baptized in the Hill Church in Derry Township, Lancaster (now Dauphin) County in 1761 and 1763.6 Although his wife’s name is not mentioned in the baptismal records of his two eldest daughters, she is named as Eva Elisabeth in the baptism record of their daughter Eva Catharina, born 22 Dec 1772.7 At the time of his death, he was also married to an Eve Elisabeth (___) Hoover.8

How does this imply that he was married twice? It doesn’t, but some research into the available records does. The estate record for Eve Hoover of Sugar Creek Township, Armstrong County lists the following heirs:9

  1. daughter Catharine, wife of Andrew Harmon
  2. George [??] and wife Betsy
  3. son Jacob Saundle
  4. son John Saundle
  5. son Valentine
  6. son Christopher Saundle
  7. son-in-law Jacob Wolf and wife Eve
  8. son-in-law John Wolf and wife Anne

If this Eve Hoover was, in fact, George’s wife, then she was also Eve (___) Sandle, widow of Valentine Sandle. Andrew Harmon was a bondsman.

Since there is no mention of any of George’s children in this will, how can we know she was his wife? Although it’s not conclusive, Jacob and John Wolf appear not only in Eve’s will, but also in George’s estate records. First, they appear several times in the list of people who purchased items from George’s estate. Second, and more importantly, Jacob Wolf was one of the three men the widow Hoover gave bond to as security. Third, both John and Jacob Wolf appears as witnesses at the Orphans Court when Eve petitioned the Court for Christian’s account as administrator of his father’s estate.10 Additionally, I believe that Eve (___) Sandle Hoover was living with John and Anne (Sandle) Wolfe at the time of the 1820 U.S. Census enumeration. An older woman (45+) was living in John Wolf’s household in Sugarcreek Township.11 Anna (Sandle) Wolfe was born 4 Mar 1796, so she was only 24, thus the 16-26 year-old female in the household.12

So, if Eve (___) Sandle Hoover was George’s wife at the time of his death, she was also his second wife, not the mother of his children. Eve Sandles and Gaspar Tarr were granted letters of administration on the estate of Valentine Sandles on 6 Oct 1803, placing her first husband’s death circa 1803.13 George and Eve could have married anytime between Valentine Sandle’s death in 1803 and 1813 when George died. No death date for George’s first wife, nor a marriage record for his second marriage have been found. George was listed in the baptismal records of St. Michael’s Evangelical Lutheran church as a sponsor with his wife Eva in 1807.14 And they were on the communion list of 10 Jun 1810. However, since both his wives shared the same given name, it’s impossible to know to which woman these records refer.

George Huber's Bedford County Property

George Huber’s Bedford County Property

The first records we have of George Hoover in Pennsylvania are the baptism records of his daughters Catharina and Rosannah in 1761 and 1763 in Lancaster County. Some time prior to 1773, the family moved to the Hagerstown area in Maryland where daughter Eva Catharina was baptized in 1773. It is possible they were there before 1770 as George’s brother Jacob had likely left the Derry Township area for Maryland by that time.15 I have not yet found any deeds for George in Frederick or Washington counties, but his father Michael purchased a tract from Christopher Shockey near the Maryland/Pennsylvania border in 1769.16

George left Maryland sometime after his daughter’s baptism on 1 Feb 1773 and before 1 Mar 1773. George was granted a warrant for 200 acres of land, a tract he called “No More,” on Castlemans River in Turkeyfoot (now Brothersvalley) Township, Bedford (now Somerset) County on 17 Mar 1775.17 The copied survey indicates that he had begun improvements on 1 Mar 1773. George is listed on the Brothersvalley tax lists in 1774 and 1776.18

For whatever reasons, George did not stay long, moving west again by 1779. George purchased 250 acres of land on Little Champlain Creek in Donegal Township, Westmoreland County from Michael McHenry on 10 Apr 1779.19 This land was originally warranted to John Knousinger on 29 Sep 1774 and surveyed on 30 Apr 1788. George Hoover obtained a patent for this 268 acre property called “Tillingham” on 26 Feb 1799. 20 He is also listed in Donegal Township tax records in 1783, 1786, 1792, and 1799.21 Census records also place George in Donegal Township, Westmoreland in 1790. His household in 1790 included one male over 16, four males under 16, and six females.22

George Huber's Salt Lick Township property

George Huber’s Salt Lick Township property

There is also a George Hoover in Bullskin Township with a household of only 1 male over 16.23 There was a George Hoover listed in Bullskin Township tax records in 1785, 1786, 1788, and 1789, and in Salt Lick Township (formed from Bullskin) tax records in 1798 and 1799.24 The tax lists of Salt Lick Township for 1800 list both Gorge [sic] and Christian Hover [sic] and indicate that they had “moved out of county.”25

From this information alone, it is not possible to determine whether or not the George Hoover of Donegal Township is the same man as George Hoover of Bullskin Township or perhaps his father.

An additional 132 acres of land on Salt Lick Creek in Bullskin Township, Fayette County and Donegal Township, Westmoreland County were warranted to a George Hoover on 18 Mar 1793, surveyed 17 Jan 1799, and patented 26 Feb 1799.26 This tract was called “Warrington.” Both this tract and “Tillingham” are shown in the image above. In 1799, George Hoover and his wife Elizabeth sold two tracts of land to Jacob Hess—one of 132 acres and the other of 268 acres—both situated in Bullskin and Donegal Townships.27 From these deeds, we can clearly see that it was George Hoover, the elder, who owned and sold this property.

1802 Survey for Christian Hoover's property

1802 Survey for Christian Hoover’s property

In 1800 the family is listed as “George Hover” in Buffalo Township, Armstrong County. The household included 1 male over 45 (George), 1 male 10-15, and 1 male under 10, as well as one female over 45 (his wife).28 His son Christian’s household is listed next. By 1810, George and family are listed in Kittanning Township, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania.29 In the household are 1 male over 45 (George) and 1 female over 45 (his wife).

No deeds were located in Armstrong County for George. However, when his son Christian’s property was surveyed on 20 Apr 1803, it referenced land of George Hoover, bordering the property to the west (refer to 1802 survey to above).30 This land was patented to Christian’s son Philip in 1820 (see below).31 Both George and presumably one of his sons—Henry—were listed in tax records for Allegheny Township, Armstrong County in 1805.32 Additionally, George, Christian and Henry were listed in tax records for Armstrong County in 1807—Henry in Allegheny Township, and George and Christian in Kittanning Township.33

George Hoover's Armstrong County property

George Hoover’s Armstrong County property

George and his first wife Eva Elisabeth probably had children, as follows (birth order not certain):

  1. Catharina3 Hoover was born 10 Apr 1761 in Derry Township, Lancaster (now Dauphin) County. 34 She died sometime between 1830 and 1840 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania. She married William Matthias Kern Jr., son of William Matthias and Anna Christina (___) Kern. He was born 8 Feb 1756 in Easton, Northampton County, Pennsylvania and died about 1837 in Springfield Township, Fayette County, Pennsylvania.35 This couple had children: 36
    1. Solomon Kern, born 30 Nov 1781
    2. Abraham Kern, born 17 Oct 1785
    3. Mathias Kern, born 1 Sep 1787
    4. William Kern, born 1790
    5. Simon Kern, born 26 Apr 1793
    6. Jacob Kern, born 15 Jun 1795
    7. Anna Rosina Kern, born 18 Mar 1797
    8. Jonathan Kern, born 30 Mar 1799
    9. Joshua Kern, born 3 May 1801
    10. Maria Elizabeth Kern, born 18 Aug 1803
  2. Rosannah Hoover was born 27 Mar 1763 in Derry Township, Lancaster (now Dauphin) County, Pennsylvania and was baptized at the Hill Lutheran Church, sponsored by Johann Cassel.37 She died in 1832, and was buried in Rupp Lutheran Church Cemetery, Kittanning Township, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. She married Johan Adam Waltenbaugh, born 1751 and died 1 Aug 1833 in Kittanning Township, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. The couple had children:
    1. Jacob Waltenbaugh, born circa 1786/7
    2. Anna Maria Waltenbaugh, born 14 Sep 1790, married Isaac Wolf
    3. Susannah Waltenbaugh, born 1792, married Jacob Heilman, son of Peter and Elizabeth (Harter) Heilman
    4. John George Waltenbagh, born 1794
  3. Anna Elizabeth Hoover was born circa 1766-1774, likely in  Lancaster or Bedford County, Pennsylvania or Frederick (now Washington) County, Maryland and died sometime before 1813.38 She married circa 1791/4 Peter Tedrow. He was born circa 1766-1774. The couple had at least one child:
    1. Eva Catharine Tedrow, born 3 May 1794, baptized 18 May 1794 in the Mt. Zion Lutheran Church, Donegal Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
  4. Philip Hoover was born circa 1768 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania or Frederick County, Maryland. He was listed in the 1789 tax records of Bullskin Township, placing his birth in 1768 or before.39 He died unmarried in 1792 and his father was named the administrator of his estate in letters of administration granted 15 May 1792. 40
    • 17 Jun 1793: “Before Alexander Addison, Esq, President, and his Associate Justices of the same Court, at Union Town. George Hoover, administrator of the estate of Philip Hoover, late of Fayette County, yeoman, deceased, presents his account of the administration, whereby there appears to be a balance in his hands of £20 8s 2d, which the Court allows and confirms, and orders that the said balance be distributed according to law.” 41
    • 17 Jun 1793: “Report of George Hoover, administrator of the estate of Philip Hoover, yeoman, deceased, stating that in pursuance to an order of this Court made 18 March last, he had on 09 May last exposed to sale at public outcry a certain tract of land in Bullskin twp, containing 181 acres of thereabouts, after due and timely notice had been given of such sale, agreeably to the directions of the said order, and that this tract of land (with appurtenances) had been sold to George Anshultz for the sum of £30, and two notes of £5 each payable in yearly installments of £5, he being the highest and best bidder for the same. Sale approved by the Court.”42
  5. Julianna Hoover was born circa 1770 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania or Frederick County, Maryland and died 10 Sep 1808 in Donegal Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.43 She married Martin Kehrbach/Carbaugh. Martin was born circa 1760-1765 and died in 1841 in Donegal Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. This couple had children:44
    1. Anna Maria Magdalena Kerbach, born 20 May 1798, baptized 3 Jun 1798 at the Good Hope Church. She married David Clemons
    2. George Kerbach, born 12 Oct 1800
    3. Eva Elisabetha Kerbach, born 17 Feb 1803 and baptized 1 Apr 1803 at the Good Hope Church. She married George Clemons
    4. Martin Kerbach/Carbaugh, born 11 Feb 1805 and baptized 18 May 1805 at the Good Hope Church
    5. Samuel Kerbach, born circa 1806 and died 5 Mar 1873 in Ackley, Hardin County, Iowa
  6. Eva Catharina Hoover was born 22 Dec 1772 presumably in Frederick County, Maryland and was baptized 1 Feb 1773 in the Zion Reformed Church in Elizabethtown (now Hagerstown).45 She died sometime after 1820. She married Peter Kern, son of William Matthias and Anna Christina (___) Kern. Peter was born circa 1759 and died sometime after 1820.
  7. George Hoover was born before 1774 in either Lancaster County or Bedford County, Pennsylvania or Frederick County, Maryland. A George Hoover is listed in the 1790 census of Bullskin Township, the household having one male over 16. If this is George Jr., then he was born sometime before 1774.46 George died after 1813, but possibly before 1815. He is named as an heir in 1813 in his brother Christian’s account administration of their father’s estate, but is not listed as a witness in a suit filed by Eve Hoover in 1815.47 He may have married circa 1791 Catharina (___). In Jul and Aug of 1791 a George Huber and Catharina were sponsors for Eva Catharina, daughter of Philip Harbach and Maria Christina, and Anna Maria Poh, daughter of George Poh and Anna Elisabeth.48
  8. Christian Hoover was born 10 Feb 1776 in Brothersvalley Township, Bedford (now Somerset) County, Pennsylvania and died 20 Feb 1850 in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. He was buried in St. John’s Lutheran Church cemetery in Sagamore, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. He married circa 1796 Maria Barbara Harmon, daughter of Christian and Christina Magdalena (Lenhart) Harmon. Barbara was born 9 Sep 1773 in Westmoreland County and died 3 Mar 1870 in West Mahoning Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. The couple was a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church at Crooked Creek in 1810. The couple had children:
    1. Samuel Hoover, born 8 Sep 1796 and married circa 1817 Sarah Thomas, daughter of John and Margretta (Mackin) Thomas, and on 24 Mar 1874 Mary C. McCune
    2. George Hoover, born 24 May 1799 and married Mary Repine, daughter of Christopher and Catharine (___) Repine, circa 1825 and Mary (___) after 1853
    3. Catharine Hoover, born circa 1800 and married Jacob Repine, son of Christopher and Catharine (___) Repine, circa 1825
    4. Philip Hoover, born circa 1802 and married Hannah Thomas, daughter of John and Margretta (Mackin) Thomas, circa 1820
    5. Christian Hoover, born 6 Oct 1809 and married Mary Green circa 1833
  9. Andrew Hoover was born sometime between 1774 and 1790, probably in Bedford or Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.49 He died possibly sometime between 1813 when he is listed as an heir in his father’s estate records and 1815 when he is not included as a witness in the suit filed by his step-mother Eve Hoover. No more is known about him.
  10. Henry Hoover was born circa 1774-1780 in either Bedford or Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania and died sometime after 1815. He was listed in the 1805 and 1807 tax lists for Allegheny Township, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. No more is known about him.
  11. Maria Magdalena Hoover was born 8 Oct 1787 in either Fayette or Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania and baptized on 14 Sep 1788 in Good Hope Church.50 She died sometime after 26 Jul 1870 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.51 She married Philip Weitzel about 1804-1806. They had children, and possibly others:
    1. Margaret “Peggy” Weitzel, born 28 Apr 1807, baptized 5 Jun 1808 at St. Michael’s Evangelical Lutheran Church at Brick Church.
    2. Jonas Weitzel, born 17 May 1810, baptized 9 Jun 1810 at St. Michael’s Evangelical Lutheran Church at Brick Church.
    3. Philip Weitzel, born circa 1818-1824 in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania and likely died in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania sometime after 10 Jun 1880.52
    4. Catarina Weitzel, born 4 May 1819 in Armstrong County, baptized 10 Oct 1819 at St. Michael’s Evangelical Lutheran Church at Brick Church.
    5. Mary Weitzel, born circa 1822 and died 19 Oct 1894. She married Isaac Palmer.
    6. Martha Weitzel, born 27 Nov 1826, baptized 14 Oct 1827 at Thomas House, Plumcreek Township, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania.53
    7. Robert Weitzel, born circa 1832/33 in Indiana or Jefferson County and died sometime after 10 Jun 1880 when he was listed in the 1880 census for Perry Township, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania.54 He married Catharine (___) about 1853. She died sometime between 1868 and 1870.
  12. Salomon/Solomon Hoover was born 7 Apr 1790 in either Fayette or Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania and was baptized 12 Oct 1790 at Good Hope Church. He was confirmed at age 21 on 3 Jun 1811 at the First Lutheran Church of Westmoreland County.55 He died sometime after 1815 when he was listed as a witness in the suit filed by his step-mother Eve against his father’s estate. No more is known about him.
If you have any information on this George Hoover’s family, ancestors or descendants that you’d like to share, please drop me a line.


  1. Humphrey, John T., Pennsylvania Births, Dauphin County, 1757-1825 (Washington, D.C.: Humphrey Publications, 2005), page 122.
  2. Hayden, Richard A., “Using Relationships to Establish Origins: Casper and Catherine Hoover of Pennsylvania and Maryland,” National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume 91:298-313; When you hit a brick wall, sometimes the only way through it is to go around it by researching other family members. This article is an excellent example on how to do it.
  3. George Hoover Estate packet (1813), Armstrong County Register’s Docket (Allegheny Township), Vol 1: 21, File number 43.
  4. Hoover, Luella Schaumburg, “Some Descendants of Andrew Hoover” (typescript; State Library, Pennsylvania), page 59.
  5. Armstrong County Register’s Docket (Allegheny Township), Vol 1: 21, File number 43.
  6. Pennsylvania Births, Dauphin County, 1757-1825, page 122.
  7. Wright, F. Edward, Washington County, Maryland Church Records of the 18th Century 1768-1800 (Westminster, Maryland: Willow Bend Books, 2007), page 70.
  8. Armstrong County Register’s Docket (Allegheny Township), Vol 1: 21, File number 43; The widow is named as Elizabeth, Eve, and Eve E.
  9. Eve Hoover Estate packet (1821), Armstrong County Register’s Docket (Sugar Creek Township), Vol 1: 40, File number 120; Those heirs designated as “son,” “daughter,” or “son-in-law” are referred to as such in Eve’s will.
  10. Armstrong County Register’s Docket (Allegheny Township), Vol 1: 21, File number 43.
  11. John Woolf household, 1820 United States Census, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, Sugarcreek Township, page 318; National Archives micropublication M33, roll 97.
  12. Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, Her People, Past and Present, Embracing A History of the County (Chicago, IL: J.H. Beers & Co, 1914), Volume II, page 820.
  13. “Some Descendants of Andrew Hoover,” page 58.
  14. “Some Descendants of Andrew Hoover,” page 58.
  15. NGS Quarterly, Volume 91: 307.
  16. Christopher Shockey to Michael Huber (1769), Frederick County Deed Book M:560-561.
  17. Pennsylvania Copied Survey Book C-69:213.
  18. George Hoover entry, Egle, William Henry, ed., Pennsylvania Archives, “Transcript of Taxables in the County of Bedford, for the Year 1774,” Series III, Vol XXII: 77; George Hoover entry, Egle, William Henry, ed., Pennsylvania Archives, “Transcript of Taxables in the County of Bedford, for the Year 1776,” Series III, Vol XXII: 131.
  19. Michael McHenry to George Huber (1779), Westmoreland County Deeds, Book A: 161.
  20. Pennsylvania Copied Survey Book A-52:180.
  21. George Huber entry, Egle, William Henry, ed., Pennsylvania Archives, “Transcript of Property with Number of Inhabitants in the County of Westmoreland, 1783 ” Series III, Vol XXII: 446; George Hover entry, Egle, William Henry, ed., Pennsylvania Archives, “Return of State Tax for the County of Westmoreland, for the Year 1786.,” Series III, Vol XXII: 538.
  22. George Hover household, 1790 United States Census, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania (Donegal Township), page 41; National Archives micropublication, film M637, roll 9
  23. George Hoover household, 1790 United States Federal Census, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, Bullskin Township, page 61; National Archives micropublication M637, roll 8.
  24. Pennsylvania Archives, Series III, Vol XXII: 574; Pennsylvania Archives, Series III, Vol XXII: 603; T.L.C. Genealogy, Fayette County, Pennsylvania Taxpayers 1785-1799 (Miami Beach, Florida: T.L.C. Genealogy, 1991), page 77; Salt Lick Township, Fayette County, Pennsylvania Tax Records, 1798; Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Publication.
  25. Salt Lick Township, Fayette County, Pennsylvania Tax Records, 1800; Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Publication, microfilm 170.15
  26. Pennsylvania Copied Survey Book C-68:276.
  27. George Huber to Jacob Hess (1799), Westmoreland County Deed Book 5: 123-124; and George Huber to Jacob Hess (1799), Westmoreland County Deed Book 5:125-126.
  28. George Hoover household, 1800 United States Census, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania (Buffalo Township), page 202; National Archives micropublication M32, roll 35.
  29. George Hoover household, 1810 United States Census, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania (Kittanning Township), page 376; National Archives micropublication M252, roll 44.
  30. Pennsylvania Copied Survey Book C97: 85.
  31. Pennsylvania Copied Survey Book C90: 298.
  32. Smith, Robert Walker, History of Armstrong County, Pennsylvania (unknown: Waterman, Watkins & Co., 1883), page 397.
  33. Samuel T. Wiley, historian and editor, Armstrong County History, Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Indiana and Armstrong Counties, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: John M. Gresham & Co., 1891), pages 309 & 314.
  34. Pennsylvania Births, Dauphin County, 1757-1825, page 122.
  35. Ellis, Franklin, History of Fayette County (Philadelphia, PA: L H Everts and Company, 1882), page unknown.
  36. History of Fayette County, page unknown.
  37. Pennsylvania Births, Dauphin County, 1757-1825, page 122.
  38. Fayette County Deeds, Book E: 106; Peter Tedrow and wife Anna Elizabeth sold land in Salt Lick Township on 13 Dec 1802 to John Murray.
  39. Philip Hover entry, 1789 Bullskin Township, Fayette County Tax List (transcription); Family History Library microcopy # 1027051.
  40. Administration Abstracts, Fayette County Wills & Bond Book 1.
  41. Orphans’ Court Abstracts, Fayette County Docket Book 1.
  42. Orphans’ Court Abstracts, Fayette County Docket Book 1.
  43. William Albert Carbaugh, Some Descendants of Martin and Juliana Hoover Kerhbach/Carbaugh, 1798-2000 (Ocala, FL: self-published, 2000), page 143.
  44. Some Descendants of Martin and Juliana Hoover Kerhbach/Carbaugh, 1798-2000, page 162.
  45. Washington County, Maryland Church Records of the 18th Century 1768-1800, page 70.
  46. 1790 United States Federal Census, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, Bullskin Township, page 61.
  47. Armstrong County Register’s Docket (Allegheny Township), Vol 1: 21, File number 43.
  48. Ruff, Paul Miller, Good Hope Lutheran Church, Salt Lick Township, Fayette County, Parish Records, 1788-1945 (Greensburg, Pennsylvania: Baltzer Meyer Historical Society, 1994), page 5.
  49. Armstrong County Register’s Docket (Allegheny Township), Vol 1: 21, File number 43.
  50. Ruff, Paul Miller, German Church Records of Western Pennsylvania (Greensburg, Pennsylvania: Baltzer Meyer Historical Society, 1994), Volume 1, page 122.
  51. Robert Whitsell household, 1870 United States Census, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania (McCalmont Township), Page 92, Dwelling 64, Family 65, Line 10; National Archives micropublication M593, roll 1352.
  52. Philip Whitsel household, 1880 United States Census, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Perry Township, supervisor’s district 10, enumeration district 194, Sheet 15C, Page 136, Dwelling 123, Family 124, Lines 22-27; National Archives micropublication T9, roll 1136.
  53. Ruff, Paul Miller, The Reformed and Lutheran Congregations in Plumcreek Township, Armstrong County, Parish Records, 1826-1867 (Greensburg, PA: Baltzer Meyer Historical Society, 1998), page 7.
  54. Robert Whitsel household, 1880 United States Census, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Perry Township, supervisor’s district 10, enumeration district 194, Sheet 15C, Page 136, Dwelling 125, Family 126, Lines 31-34; National Archives micropublication T9, roll 1136.
  55. Good Hope Lutheran Church, Salt Lick Township, Fayette County, Parish Records, 1788-1945, page 5.

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, "George Hoover (ca 1735/40-1813)," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 13 Nov 2020 ( : accessed 29 Mar 2025).

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4 Replies to “George Hoover (ca 1735/40-1813)”

  1. Linda Jahraus 28 Jul 2010 at 11:36 am

    Thank you. My huband is through Solomon Kern!

    1. You’re very welcome.

  2. Katie Maudsley 14 Feb 2010 at 9:45 pm

    Wow! I am so impressed by your research and footnotes. I come through Elizabeth Elva Whitsell daughter of Robert Whitsell who was the son of Philip Weitzell. Anyway, I have found some of the same census records and was delighted with the information contained in your paper here. Thank you so much for your research and for sharing it with us. Now I know names and dates that I don’t know I would have ever found on my own..

    1. Katie, I’m glad this information was helpful to you!