George Hoover (ca 1766—1847)

George2 Hoover (Andrew1) was born circa 1766, most likely in Frederick (now Washington) County, Maryland in the Leitersburg—Ringgold—Hagerstown area.1 He died 20 May 1847 in Union Township, Fayette County, Pennsylvania.2

Andrew Hoover Union Township property

Andrew Hoover’s Union Township property

He probably came to the Fayette County area with his father and older brother sometime around 1779. When his father died in 1784, George inherited a piece of his father’s Union Township property as did his brothers John and Jacob.3  By various conveyances, he also came into possession of the land his brother Andrew Hoover and brother-in-law John Hunsaker purchased of John Waller. He sold 11 acres from this property to Jacob Herbaugh in 1796.4

George lived in Union Township all his life, a resident on a “parcel of land, devised to him by his father, Andrew Hoover deceased,… nearly all his life, upwards of 50 years.”5 George first appears in tax records for Union Township in 1787 and is still there in 1788 and 1789.6 The 1790 U.S. census also includes George as a head of household in Union Township with one male over 16 and 2 females.7 These females may possibly be his mother Catharine and older, unmarried, sister Anna.

Presumably, George married sometime after the 1790 census, quite possibly after 1796 when he sold land to Jacob Herbaugh as there is no mention of a wife in the deed.8 In 1800, George is still a head of household in Union Township, this time aged 26-44 with the following other members of his household:9

  • 1 Male, age  <10
  • 1 Female, age 26-44
  • 1 Female, age 16-25
  • 2 Females, aged <10

The youngest members of his household are quite likely his children. The two older females are most likely his wife and possibly his sister Anna, assuming she had not married. His mother had likely passed away by this time. His wife is first named in a deed from 1810 where George Hoover and wife Rosannah sold part of a lot in Uniontown to William Sullivan on 4 Jul 1810.10 They had purchased his lot from Elijah Tracy and his wife Catherine in 1809.11 The couple also sold land from his father’s estate to George’s brother (presumably) John Hoover in 1811.12

George and family appear in the 1810 census for Union Township, as follows:13

  • 1 Male, age 26-44
  • 1 Male, age <10
  • 1 Female, age 26-44
  • 2 Females, age 10-15
  • 4 Females, age <10

George appears as a farmer in Union Township tax records consistently from 1810 through 1825 (where I stopped looking).14 He’s also there for the 1820, 1830 and 1840 United States census enumerations.15 He died in 1847, but some of his children and grandchildren appear in the 1850 census for Union Township.16

George Hoover married Rosannah (___) circa 1796/7, presumably in Fayette County, Pennsylvania.17 Rosannah probably died sometime between 1830 and 1840, but definitely before 1847 as she is not mentioned in his estate papers.18 The couple had children, as follows:

  1. Elizabeth2 Hoover was born circa 1798 in Union Township. She died after 1852 when she was the executrix of her father’s estate. To the best of my knowledge, she never married.
  2. Catharine Hoover was born ca 1796—1800 in Union Township and died before 1852 when her father’s estate was settled as her children were named as heirs. She married Joseph Downer/Downard circa 1820. The couple had children:
    1. Aaron Downer
    2. John Downer
    3. Jemima Downer
    4. Nathaniel Downer
    5. Joseph Downer
    6. Ann J. Downer
    7. Adventure Downer
  3. John Hoover was born circa 1805 in Union Township and may have died 29 Dec 1870 in Howard, Park County, Indiana. To the best of my knowledge, John never married.
  4. Sarah Hoover was born circa 1806 in Union Township and died sometime prior to 1860. She married Mark Smith before 1829. The couple had children:
    1. Eliza Smith, born circa 1829
    2. Rosanna Smith, born circa 1834
    3. George Smith, born circa 1837
    4. Martha Smith, born circa 1840
    5. Sarah L. Smith, born circa 1844
    6. Mary C. Smith, born circa 1846
    7. Emma Smith, born circa Jul 1850
  5. Ann Hoover was born circa 1808 in Union Township. To the best of my knowledge she never married.
  6. Rosanna Hoover was born circa 1806-1810 in Union Township and died sometime after 1831 and before the settling of her father’s estate in 1852. She had a daughter Mary who petitioned to have John Hoover as her guardian. Mary was born circa 1831 as she was 19 in the 1850 U.S. Census.
  7. Mary Hoover was born circa 1806-1810 in Union Township and died sometime before 1850. She married William Carr and the couple had a daughter Jane who petitioned for John Hoover as her guardian.19 Jane was born circa 1834; she was 16 in 1850 when she was living as a member of John Hoover’s household.


  1. T.L.C. Genealogy, Fayette County, Pennsylvania Taxpayers 1785-1799 (Miami Beach, Florida: T.L.C. Genealogy, 1991), page 77; George Hoover first appears in tax records in 1787, placing his birth year as 1766 or earlier. As census records give a birth of 1765—1774, 1766 is his presumptive birth year.
  2. Hoover, Luella Schaumburg, “Some Descendants of Andrew Hoover” (typescript; State Library, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania), page 41.
  3. Andrew Hoover will (1784), Fayette County Will Book, Vol. 1:24.
  4. George Hoover to Jacob Herbaugh (1796), Fayette County Deed Book C:648.
  5. Hoover, Luella Schaumburg, “Some Descendants of Andrew Hoover” (typescript; State Library, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania), page 41.
  6. T.L.C. Genealogy, Fayette County, Pennsylvania Taxpayers 1785-1799 (Miami Beach, Florida: T.L.C. Genealogy, 1991), page 77.
  7. George Hoover household, 1790 United States Census, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, Union Township, page 12.
  8. Fayette County Deed Book C:648.
  9. George Hoover household, 1800 United States Federal Census, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, Union Township, page 619; National Archives micropublication M32, roll 38.
  10. George Hoover to William Sullivan (1810), Fayette County Deeds, Book H: 254
  11. Elijah Tracy to George Hoover (1809), Fayette County Deeds, Book H:189
  12. George Hoover to John Hoover (1811), Fayette County Deeds, Book K: 10-11.
  13. George Hoover household, 1810 United States Federal Census, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, Union Township, page 206; National Archives micropublication M252, roll 54.
  14. George Hoover entry, 1810—1825 tax records, Union Township, unpaginated, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, records group 47, microfilm 5906
  15. George Hoover household, 1820 United States Federal Census, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, Union Township, page 31; National Archives micropublication M33, roll 103; George Hoover household, 1830 United States Census, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, Union Township, page 119; National Archives micropublication M19, roll 162; George Hoover household, 1840 United States Census, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, Union Township, page 337; National Archives micropublication M704, roll 460.
  16. John Hoover household, 1850 United States Federal Census, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Union Township, page 166 dwelling 259, family 266; National Archives micropublication M432, roll 779.
  17. I’ve seen Rosannah referred to as the daughter of Frederick Geiser, a shoemaker, of Washington County, Maryland. However, the couple would have had to have been married before 9 Apr 1787 when Frederick wrote his will. Since Rosannah was not mentioned in the 1796 deed between George and Jacob Herbaugh, I think George and his Rosannah likely married after 1796. So, I believe George’s wife was not the daughter of Frederick Geiser.
  18. Hoover, Luella Schaumburg, “Some Descendants of Andrew Hoover” (typescript; State Library, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania), page 41.
  19. Fayette County Orphans Court Docket, Vol 4: 369; “A petition for a guardian from Jane Carr of Union Township, a minor over 14 years of age, a daughter and sole heir of Mary, the deceased wife of William Carr who was Mary Hoover, a daughter of George Hoover, deceased. John Hoover was appointed.” 8 Mar 1850 Orphan’s Court Docket.

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, "George Hoover (ca 1766—1847)," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 4 Sep 2015 ( : accessed 1 Mar 2025).

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3 Replies to “George Hoover (ca 1766—1847)”

  1. Kris,

    I ran across this link while searching my own HOOVER group and since it ties in with Fayette County I thought it would be of interest (assuming you have not already seen it, of course).

    Joseph Hoover- Wisconsin

    1. I don’t know, George. Is it?