An Unexpected Christmas Gift

A Christmas card arrived from my mother’s first cousin once removed—a first cousin to both her mother and father—and in it was an unexpected Christmas gift. I’ve tried unsuccessfully to find my GG grandfather Gruelich’s immigration to the United States. Even though we know what year he came, I still couldn’t find the ship’s name or what happened to him after his arrival.

Well, Bill found it! George Jacob, Carl Greilich (Greulich) and Emma Greilich (Eva Greulich) arrived in New York City on 28 Jan 1856 aboard the ship Dorette from Bremen. George Jacob is listed as aged 33, a mechanic, Carl is listed as aged 17, a mechanic, and “Emma” is listed as aged 23, occupation unknown.

According to family lore, George Jakob—a half-brother to Carl and Emma—traveled to the U.S. with his siblings, but continued his journey and went on to South America. We don’t know where on the continent, however. Eva Catharina Greulich supposedly went on to Binghamton, New York and married.

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, "An Unexpected Christmas Gift," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 26 Dec 2012 ( : accessed 23 Feb 2025).

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