Admin Bond: Jacob Huber, decd (1743/4)

Going through a stack of documents to file, I found an administration account I wanted to scan. Lo and behold there were actually two documents—I’d forgotten that I’d ordered the second. It was the administration bond for Jacob Huber of Martic Township.
Jacob Huber arrived in Lancaster County before 1718 and settled on land adjoining Pequea Creek in Conestoga Township. His land was adjacent to that of Hans Ulrich Huber, who was also arrived in 1718. He may have died prior to 23 Nov 1739. Hans Boyer, a neighbor, patented his land on 26 Nov 1739.1 Boyer’s survey refers to Jacob Huber’s tract as belonging to the Widow Hoober.
An administration bond was filed for Huber’s estate on 26 January 1743/4,2 as follows:
Know all men by these presents that we John Huber Henry Huber and
Samuel Byoryeomen__ __ __ yeoman all of the County of Lancaster
& province of Pennsylvania are held and firmly bound unto Peter Evans
Register General for the probate of Wills & Granting Letters of Administration
in & for the said province & the counties of New Castle Kent & Sussex on Dela
ware in the sum of Two Hundred & fifty __ pounds Lawful money of the said
province to be paid to the said Peter Evans or his Lawful attorney Executors
administs or assigns To which paymt well & truly to be made we bind ourselves
our Heirs Executors & Administratrs Joyntly & Severally firmly by these presents
sealed with our Seals & Dated this twenty sixth day of January ano dom 1743/4
The Condition of the above Obligation is such that is the above Bound
John Huber ___ administrator of all & singular the Goods Rights
& Credits of Jacob Huber — Deceased Do make of cause to be made a true and
perfect Inventory of all & singular the Goods Rights & Credits of the sd Decsd
which have or shal come to the Hands possession of Knowledge of the said
John Huber —— or into the Hands or possession of any other person
or persons for him and the same so made Do Exhibit or cause to be Exhibited
into the Registers Office in Lancaster County on or before the twenty sixth day of
February — next and the same Goods Chattels & Credits of the said Decsdt
at the time of his Death or which at any time after shal come to ye hands
or possession of the said John Huber —— or into the hands or possession
of any other person or persons for him Do well & truly administer according
to Law and further Do make or cause to be made a true & just account cal
culation or reckoning of the said Administration on or before the twenty sixth day
of January — which will be in the year of our Lord 1744/5 and all the rest
and residue of the sd goods Chattels & Credits which shal be found Remaining on
the said administrators accounts (the same being first examined & allowed
of by the orphans Court of the sd County) shal Deliver & pay to such person
or persons Respectively as the sd Court by its Decree or sentence shal Limit and
appoint and if it shal hereafter appear that any last will or Testament was
made by the sd Decsdt and the Executor or Executors therein named shal Exhibit
the same into the Registers office making Request to have it allowed accordingly
if the said John Huber ___ being thereunto Required shal Render and
Deliver up the said Letters of Administration approbation of such Testament being
first had & made in the sd office then this obligation to be void or Else to be d[?] re
main in force & virtue John Huber
Sealed & Delivered }
in the presence of } Henry Huber
John Morris
Samuel Blunston Samuel Boÿer
I’m fairly certain that John Huber was Jacob’s son. He eventually patented Jacob’s tract, and warranted and patented an adjoining tract in Martic Township. Samuel Boyer was most likely a neighbor, possibly the son of Hans Boyer who owned the tract to the west of Jacob’s in Conestoga Township, or the Samuel Boyer who owned land just up the Pequea, or maybe the Samuel Byer who warranted property down the Pequea in Martic Township in right of Owen O’Neal. I’m not certain as to the exact identity of Henry Huber, but he may have been a son or other relative, possibly one of the two Henry Hubers who lived on Pequea and Beaver Creeks somewhat east northeast of Jacob’s property.
- Pennsylvania, Copied Survey Book D-88:138 & back, Hans Boyer patent, 1739; online PDF, Pennsylvania Museum and Historical Commission, Pennsylvania State Archives, Records of the Land Office ( : accessed 10 Jan 2014), records group #17, series #17.114. ↩
- Pennsylvania, Lancaster County, Jacob Huber administration bond (1743/4), Box 47 File 3, Archive Collections, County Records; Lancaster County Historical Society, Lancaster. ↩
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Kris Hocker, "Admin Bond: Jacob Huber, decd (1743/4)," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 22 Jan 2014 ( : accessed 31 Mar 2025).
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