Adam Howdyshell/Houdeshell

I am struggling to locate Adam and Mary (Sine) Howdyshell and their sons, Adam, Jr., Daniel, Isaac, John W. and George Westfall after the Civil War. Census records place them in Hardy County, Virginia (West Virginia) in 1860, but not in 1870 or 1880. The sixth son, James Benjamin turns up in Pennsylvania in 1870, but there is no indication that the rest of his family moved north, too.

UPDATE: I’ve located Adam Howdyshell living with his son George W. Houdeshell in Bear Creek, Henry County, Missouri in 1880. I haven’t located them in 1870, yet. Adam Jr. and Isaac Howdyshell were living in Newton Township, Licking County, Ohio in 1870. Daniel and John W.’s whereabouts remain a mystery.

UPDATE: I’ve located Adam Howdyshell/Houdeshell Jr. in 1880 in Elm Creek township, Morris county, Kansas. His sons Daniel and John appear in the 1900 Elm Creek township, Morris county, Kansas census; Daniel in the 1910 census for the same location; and Daniel’s son Samuel in the 1920 census, same location.

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, "Adam Howdyshell/Houdeshell," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 5 Jan 2016 ( : accessed 3 Mar 2025).

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