Abraham Smith’s Conestoga Tract
This 84 acre tract in Conestoga Township on Pequea Creek was warranted to Martin Kendig and John Herr as part of a larger 5,000 acre warrant.1 It was surveyed to Martin Kendig and Hans Herr, one of four tracts labelled Hans Boyer, Jacob Hoober, Martin Boyer/Abrm Smith, and Christian Stone/Jacob Boyer.2 On 24 October 1735, Abraham Smith patented 84 acres [Patent Book A8:55].3
By 23 December 1750, this tract was owned by Henry Boyer.4 On 1 May 1776, Henry’s heirs—Jacob Boyer, Jacob & Anna (Boyer) Lehman, Henry & Margaret (Boyer) Hoover, and John Hoover and John Line, guardians of the minor children Barbara (Boyer) Leiaberger and Henry Boyer—sold their share of this 84-acre tract, along with two others, to Rudy Miller, husband of Elizabeth, widow of Henry Boyer.5
On 14 October 1780, Henry Boyer Jr., now of full age, and his wife Barbara sold their share of the three tracts to Rudy Miller, as well.6 Rudy Miller’s heirs—Rudolph Miller, Stephen & Mary (Miller) Rine, and Hugh & Barbara (Miller) Evans—sold their interest in Rudy Miller’s four tracts of contiguous land in Conestoga and Martic townships, including this 94 acres, to John Miller, another of Rudy Miller’s children.7
- Martin Kendig survey (1720), Pennsylvania Copied Survey Book D88:140, Pennsylvania State Archives, Records of the Land Office, Records Group 17, Copied Surveys, Series #17.114, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. ↩
- Martin Kendig survey (1720), Pennsylvania Copied Survey Book D88:140, Pennsylvania State Archives, Records of the Land Office, Records Group 17, Copied Surveys, Series #17.114, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. ↩
- Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Warrantee Township Maps, “Pequea Township warrantee map”; PDF, Pennsylvania Museum and Historical Commission, Pennsylvania State Archives (http://www.portal.state.pa.us : accessed 25 Oct 2013); citing Records of the Land Office, Records Group 17, Series 17.522. ↩
- Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book R:204, Jacob Boyer et al to Rudolph Miller, 1 May 1776; digital images, Recorder of Deeds, Online E-film Reader (http://www.lancasterdeeds.com/onlineefilmreader/ : accessed 25 Dec 2013); According to this deed, Henry Boyer died intestate in possession of three tracts of land, all previously owned by Abraham Smith. The first record found indicating his death was from the Orphan’s Court of 2 Dec 1766 when the administrators distributed the balance to the heirs. However, a survey drawn 23 Dec 1750 for John Line’s second patent indicated that this property was of “Henry Boyer.” ↩
- Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book R:204. ↩
- Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book 14:394, Henry Boyer to Rudolph Miller, 14 Oct 1780; digital images, Recorder of Deeds, Online E-film Reader (http://www.lancasterdeeds.com/onlineefilmreader/ : accessed 25 Dec 2013). ↩
- Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book W3:576, Rudolph Miller & others to John Miller, 3 Mar 1806; digital images, Recorder of Deeds, Online E-film Reader (http://www.lancasterdeeds.com/onlineefilmreader/ : accessed 14 Jun 2011). ↩
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Kris Hocker, "Abraham Smith’s Conestoga Tract," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 16 Jan 2018 (https://www.krishocker.com/abraham-smiths-conestoga-tract/ : accessed 22 Feb 2025).
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