52 Ancestors: George Hocker (1794—1873) Will

George Hocker, of Swatara Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, was the son of Johan Adam and Sophia Maria (Hershey?) Hocker Jr. He was born 21 January 17941, most likely in Harrisburg, and christened at Salem Reformed Church.2 He died 6 November 1873 and was buried at Churchville Cemetery in Oberlin.

He wrote his last will and testament on 13 September 1873 and it was proven one month later on 14 November.3 George named his youngest children—daughter Margaret Hocker and son George Hocker Jr.—as his executors. His will also names his widow Catharine and elder children: daughter Isemiah, wife of Henry Wagner, and son Levi Hocker. Not named in the will was his son David who died 4 November 1862 of Typhoid Fever in Jeffersonville, Indiana after enlisting in the Union Army during the Civil War.

George Hocker 1873 will George Hocker 1873 will

[page 353]
“Last Will and Testament of
George Hocker decd }
In the name of God amen.
I George Hocker of Swatara town-
ship Dauphin County Penna
being of sound mind and memory thanked be God for the same
do hereby make the following as an for my last will and testament
Item. I give and bequeath to my widow Catharine all my household and
kitchen furniture in the house at my decease except what belongs
to my Daughter Margaret or son George she to have her choice of two
cows and two hogs and I give her five hundred dollars in cash out of
my Government bonds to by paid in one month after my death Item
I devise to my widow during her lifetime the house and buildings gardens
&c where I now live in Swatara township in said county adjoining
my farm and the land of Josiah Espy including the small potato
pach east of the garden containing in the yard &c all about one acre
more or less with the right to go into the adjoining fields to put on
weather boarding and repair her buildings I also give her the Interest
on five thousand dollars to be paid her yearly out of my farm [illegible]
after the payment of my debts and funeral expenses I give [illegible]

[page 354]

out of my personal estate as shall be necessary with the crop of the
year to pay for the cattle and farming implemments lately purchased
and I give the balance of my bonds notes stocks &c. to my daughter Margaret
and I devise to her during her lifetime and after her mothers death the house
grounds and buildings where I now live and after Margarets decease
I give and devise the fee simple in said house lot of ground and
buildings to my son George and his heirs / Item. I give and devise all
my farm in said township adjoining the Harrisburg and Ephrata
thrnpike [sic] lands of Josiah Espy G. Snavely Samuel Gray and others
containing except as above devised about one hundred and seventeen
acres to my son George Hocker Jr. and his heirs and assigns with the
right to the water at the pump where I live he paying half the ex-
penses of keeping the pump in good repair. Item. I hereby charge the
sum of Five thousand dollars on said farm for the use of my widow
and I direct that George or whoever holds the said farm shall pay
to my widow yearly the Interest on said five thousand Dollars at six
per cent / Item I direct that my share in the crop of this year and
all my cattle and farming implements except the widows shall belong
to my son George Item / At the death of my widow I direct that the five
thousand dollars charged on my farm shall be paid out in the following
manner. One year after the widows death five hundred Dollars to be paid
to my daughter Isamiah Wagner wife of Henry Wagner the next
year five hundred Dollars to be paid to my son Levi the third year
alike sum to Mrs. Wagner and then five hundred dollars a year
to be paid to Levi until he gets two thousand dollars and then the
remaining two thousand Dollars to be paid to my said daughter
Margaret in payments of five hundred Dollars each yearly and
additional payments shall also be made by George our of said farm
to Margaret to make her share out of my whole estate seven thousand
dollars in payments of five hundred dollars a year after the other payment
of five hundred dollars a year after the other payments made as aforesaid /
Item I direct and intend all said payments to be without interest
Item I order that George shall furnish his mother sufficient grain for
her use this year and feed for her hogs and cows for this year and also
that he furnish her off the farm yearly the pasture for two hogs and
two cows four tons of hay two load of corn fodder and as much straw as
necessary for bedding purposes during her lifetime and at her death George
to give the same yearly to Margaret during her lifetime Item I hereby
give and devise to my son Levi Hocker and his heirs and assigns my
piece of mountain land in West Hanover township in said County
containing about ten acres Item I have given to my daughter Isamiah
and son Levi Hocker in this will less than I have my other children
because I have given them heretofore what I consider their full share in
my estate Lastly I nominate and appoint my daughter Margaret and
my son George to be the Executors of this my last will and testament
hereby revoking all former wills by me heretofore made In witness
whwereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this thirteenth day
of September Anno Domini Eighteen hundred and seventy
George Hocker Sr.

[page 355]

Signed sealed executed declared & pronounced
by the testator in presence of us.
George Metz
Herman Alrick } Sworn Nov. A.D. 1873 before me
Simon Duey Register


Margaret Hocker & George Hocker sworn as executors of the last will
and Testament of George Hocker sen. decd according to law
and Letters Testamentary granted to them Nov. 14th A.D. 1873
by Simon Duey Register

Recorded Nov. 14th 1873

George Hocker was my 4x great grandfather.

This post is part of an ongoing, blogging challenge entitled 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks, created by Amy Crow of No Story Too Small. Participants must write about one ancestor every week. This is my ninth 52 Ancestors post and (catching up) part of week eight, but will show up in week nine.


  1. Churchville Cemetery (Oberlin, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania), George Hocker gravestone, personally read and photographed, 2002.
  2. F. Edward Wright, Early Church Records of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania (Westminster, Maryland: Willow Bend Books, 2000), page 8.
  3. Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, Will Book 1H:353, George Hocker, 14 Nov 1873; digital images, FamilySearch, “Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994 (http://www.familysearch.org/search : accessed 19 Feb 2014); citing Dauphin County Register of Wills, Harrisburg.

Cite This Page:

, "52 Ancestors: George Hocker (1794—1873) Will," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 5 Mar 2014 (https://www.krishocker.com/52-ancestors-george-hocker-1794-1873-will/ : accessed 31 Mar 2025).

Content copyright © 2014 Kris Hocker. Please do not copy without prior permission, attribution, and link back to this page.

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